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2� 1 ��3972 <br /> designa�ed a substitute notxc� addre�s b�nfltice t� L�nder. B�rrower sha��prflmpt�y notify Lender of <br /> Borrawer's change of address. �f L�nder spec�f�es a proc�dure for repor�ing Bflrr�wer's change of address, <br /> then Borraw�r shail on�y repor�a Change af address �hrough tha��pecifzed procedure. <br /> There may be�n�y one designated notice address under this S�curity �nstrument a� any one t�rne. Any na�ice <br /> to Lender shall be g��en by d��iv�ring it or by mai�ing it by first class ma�1 to Lender's address sta�ed here�n <br /> unless L�nd�r has designated another address b�n�tice to Borrower. Any no�ice in connectxo�a with this <br /> 5e�urity Instrumen�shali not be deemed to have�een given to Lender un�i� actua�ly received b�Lender. If <br /> any notice required b�r this SeCurity �ns�rumen� is a�so required under Applicable Law, the App��cable Lavv <br /> requ�r�ment wil� satzsfy�he c�rrespand�ng requ�rement under�his Se�urity�ns�rument. <br /> '1�. �oWerning Law; Serr�rabil�ty; Rules vf �anstructivn, Thz� S�cur�ty �nstrument shalX be gaverned by <br /> federa� Iaw and th��aw af�h��ur�sd�ctz�n �n wh�ch �he Pr�p�r�y �s ��ca��d. A1� r�gh�s and abligat�ons <br /> contained in�his Securi�y �ns�rumen�ar�sub��c�to any requ�rements and lzmi�at�ans of App�icable Law. <br /> Applicable Law migh�explicit�y ar��n.p��citly all�vv the par�i��ta agree by cantract�r i�migh�be silen�, i�u� <br /> such silence sha11 nat be construed as a prohibi�ian against agre�ment�y contra��. In the�ven� tha�any <br /> provision or c�ause of th�s S�curity�ns�rument or the Note canfiic�s vvith Appiicable Law, such conflict sha�l <br /> not affect other pro�isians of�hi� Security Instrument or the Note vvhich can be given�ffe��withou� the <br /> conf�ic��ng pro�ision. <br /> As.used in this Security In�trument: �a}words of�he mascuiine g�nd�r shall m�an and in�lude correspanding <br /> neuter words or wards of the ferninine gend�r; �b} v��rds in the singular�ha�i mean and xnc�ude the plural <br /> and vice�ersa; and �c} �h�ward "may" gi�es so�e d�screti�n wzthau�ar��nb��gatian to�ake any ac�ian. <br /> '17. Bvrrower's Copy. Borr�wer shal� be g��ren one copy of the Note and�f this Security Instrum�n�. <br /> 7$. Transfer of the Property �r a Ben�ficia� �nter�st in Bo�rnwer. As used �n�his Section 1 S, "�nterest in <br /> th�Propert�" means any legal or beneficia� inter�st in�he Property, including, but not limited to, th.ose <br /> ��nef�cia� in�eres�s transferred �n a bond far deed, c�ntract for deed, ins�a�lment sa�es contract or es�raw <br /> agr��ment, the�nt�n�of which is the�ransfer of t�tle by Barrower a�a future dat��a a purchaser. <br /> �f a�l or any par�of the Proper�y�r any �nterest in the Praper�y�� �o�d or transferred �ar if Borr�wer is n��a <br /> natura�persnn and a�ene�cia� interes�in Borrawer is sold or transferred} withou�Lender's prior wr��ten <br /> consent, Lender may r�quire immediate paymen� �n fu�� of aI� sums secured by this Security �nstrumen�. <br /> However, this opt�on shall not�e exercised by Lender if such��ercise is prohz�it�d�y Applicable Law. <br /> If L�nder�xercises this a�t��n, Len�.�r sha��g���B�rrow�r notic��f acceleratian. The notice sha�1 provide a <br /> peri�d of not l�ss than 3�days from th�date the nat�ce�s g�ven in ac�ordance v�ith Sec�ion 15 wi�hin wh�ch <br /> Borrovver must pay a11 sums secur�d by this Securi�y �ns�rument. �f Barrawer fails�o pay these sums pr�ar t� <br /> �he exp�ra��on of this period, Lender may invoke any remedies per�m�tted�y�his Security Ins�rument withaut <br /> further no��ce or d�ma.r�d on Borr�wer. <br /> 7 9. Barr�wer`s Right to Reinstate After Accelerat��n. If Borrov��r rn�e�s cer�ain cond���ans, Borrower <br /> shall have the righ� to ha�re�nforc�ment of�his S�Gurity Instrument disc�nt�nued a�any t�me pr�ar�o�he <br /> earlies�of: �a} fi�e days before sa1�af�he Pr�per�y pursuant t� any po�r�r of sa�e con�a�ned in�his S�curi��r <br /> �ns�rument; �b} such o�her per�od as Appl�cab�e Law migh��pe��f�far the�erm�nation of Borrower's righ��a <br /> reinsta��; or�c} entry of a judgm�n�enfnr��ng th�s Secur�ty�nstrument. Those canditians are that Barrawer. <br /> �a} pays L�nder a�l sums which then vvou�d�e due un�er�h�s Secur�ty Zns�rument and the N�te as if no <br /> acc�leration had occurred; �b}cures any defau�t�f any oth�r c�v�nants ar agreements; �c} pays a11 expenses <br /> �ncurred in enforc�ng�hxs Securi�y �nstrurn�nt, znc�ud�ng, bu�not l�mited to, reasonable attarneys' fees, <br /> pr�pert� insp�ctian and Wa�uation fe�s, and other fees ir�curr�d f�r the purpose of protecting Lender's interest <br /> NEBRASKA-Sinc�ie�amily-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac L1NI�nFtM INSTRUM�NT Farm 3028�l�l <br /> VMP� VMP6�N�f�i 3��) <br /> Walters Kluwer Financial 5ervices Page 12 of 17 <br />