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2� 1 ��3972 <br /> sen��nces shal� nat app�y to the presence� 115Ey or storage an th�Proper�y�f sma�� quantit�es af Hazardous <br /> Substances �hat ar��eneraliy recognized to be appr�pr�ate to nor�ma� resxdential uses and�a maxn��nance of <br /> �he Proper�y �includ�ng, but nat limited to, hazardaus substan�es zn Consumer produ��s}. <br /> Barrower sha11 pramptly g�ve Lender v�ri�te�not�ce of�a} any investiga�inn, claim, demand, �avvsuzt or o�her <br /> ac�ion by any ga�ernm�ntal or r�gulatory ag�ncy�r pri�rat�par�y involving�he Prop�rty and any Hazard�us <br /> �ubs�ance or En�iranm�nta� Law of whi�h B�rrower has actual kn�wledge, �b} any En�ironmental <br /> �ondi�ion, �ncluding but not��mited ta, any spz���ng, l�aking, discharge, release or thr�at of re�ease flf any <br /> �azardous Substanc�, and �c} any co�di�ion�aus�d by the presence, use or release of a Hazardous Substance <br /> whzch advers��y affects th�va�ue of the Pr�per�y. �f BorrQwer�earns, or is notif�ed by any ga�ern�rzen�al or <br /> regu�at�ry authority, �r any pr�va�e par�y, tha�a�a.y removal or o�her remediat��n�f any Hazardous Substance <br /> affect�ng the Pr�per�y is necessary, Borr�vver sha��prompt�y�ake a�� necessary remedial aG�ians �n <br /> accordance with Env�ronmen�a� Law. No�h�ng h�re�n sha�� cr�ate any ab�zgatian on Lender fnr an <br /> E�a��ronmen�al ��eanup. <br /> NonwUnifvrm ��►►enants. Borra�ver and Lender cavenant and agree as fall�ws: <br /> 2Z. Acceleratian; Remedies. Lender sha��g���n��ice to Sorrower prior�o acce�era��on fo��owing <br /> Borra�ver's breach oF any covenan� or agrQement in this Security Instrumen� �but not pr�or ta <br /> acc�Iera�i�n under Section 1S un�ess App��cab�e La�v pro�ides atherwi�e}. The no��ce sha�i specify: �a} <br /> �he defaul�; ��} �he ac�ion required�o�ure�h�defau��; �c} a da�e, no�les��han 3U days from the da�e <br /> the n�tice is���en�o Borrawer, by whi�h th�defau�t must be cured; and �d� ��at fa��ure�o cure�he <br /> defau�t an or�efore the date speciF�ed in�he no��ce may resu�t�n acce�eration af�he sums s�cured�y <br /> this Secur�ty Instrurnent and sale of the Proper�y. The natice shali fur�her�nform Barrawer nf the <br /> r�ght�o re�ns�ate aft�r acceZerat�on and the right �o bring a court act�on to assert the n�n�existence of a <br /> defaul�or any oxher d�fense of Borrower to acce�eratian and s��e. If the defau���s no��ured on or <br /> before�he date specif�ed in the not�ce, Lender a� i�s aption may require immediate payment in full of <br /> all sums secured by th�s Se�uri��Instrument wi�hou�further demand and may invoke�he pawer�f sale <br /> and any a�her remediQs permitted by App�icab�e Law. Lender shall be entit�ed to call�ct all expenses <br /> �ncurred�n pursuing the remed�es pr��ided in th�s Sect��n�2, �nc�ud�ng, but no��im�ted�o, reasonab�e <br /> a��orneys' fees and cos�s af����e ev�dence. <br /> IF the pow�r of�ale is in��ked, Trus�ee sha��record a notice af default in each county in which any <br /> par�af the Pr�perty���ocated and shal�mai� copies af such no�ice�n�he manner prescribed�y <br /> App��cab�e Law to Bvrrower and ta the other persons prescr�bed by Applicable Law. Af�er�he��me <br /> requ�red by Applicable Law, Trustee shall g�ve pubi�c not�ce vF sa�e to the persons and in�he manner <br /> prescribed by App�icable Law. T�u���e, without demand on Borrower, shal�sel��he Pr�perty a�pub��c <br /> auc�ion�o�he h�ghe�t�idder a�the t�nae and place an�und�r�he ternns desxgna�ed in�he not�ce of sa�e <br /> in�ne or more parcels and in any arder Trustee de�ermines, Trus��e may postpone sa�e of a�� or an� <br /> parce� �f the Proper�y by public announee�rnen�at�he time and p�ace�f any pre��ous�y scheduled 5a�e. <br /> Lender or its des�gnee xnay purchase�he Prapert�at any sa�e. <br /> Upon receipt of payment�f the�rice bid, Trustee shal� del��er to�he purchaser Tru�tee's deed <br /> c�n�eying�he Property. The recitials in the Trus�ee's d�ed sha��be prima facie evidence oF�he�ru�h of <br /> �he sta�ements made there�n. Trus�ee sha�l app�y the proceeds of the sa�e in�he fal�owing order: �a} �o <br /> a�� cvs�s and expenses of exercising tihe power af sa�e, and�he sa�e, �nclud�ng the paymen�of�he <br /> Trus�ee's fees ac�ual�y�n�urred and reasana��e attorneys' feQs as perm���ed by App�ica�le Law; 4b} to <br /> a��sums secured by�h��Security Ins�rument; and �c� any excess�o the persan or persons l�ga��y <br /> en����ed�to it. <br /> NEBRASKA-5inyle Farnily-Fannie MaelFr�ddie Mac UNIFOAM iNSTRl1MENT Form 3428 11�1 <br /> VMP a VMPfitNEf t13�2} <br /> Woffers K3�twer�inan�ial Ser�ices Page 14❑f 17 <br />
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