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' 2� 1 ��3�74 <br /> lU. Assignment of Misc����neorxs Pz•aceeds; �{o�-#eit:ur�. AlI Miscellatleous Proceeds are�Zereby assi���ed�:o <br /> and shall be paid to L�nder. <br /> Ifthe Property is dama�ed, such Miscella�7eaus Praceeds s�7all be applied to x•es�oi-a�ion or repair of tl�e P�•oper-ty, <br /> if the resta�-ation or repair is econotnica��y feasible and Lender's security is t�o� lessened. Duri ng such repair and <br /> restot�atian period, Lender sha�i have the ri�h� to �ZoId such Miscellaneous Proceeds unti� Lender has had an <br /> opportuni�y to inspect such Proper�y �o ensure the wot•k has been cox��pleted to Let�der"s satisfaction, pr-ovided�ha� <br /> such�nspection shall be undertaken prnznptly. Let�der i1�ay pay for the repairs and restorati�n in a singie d;sbursetnent <br /> or i��a series of progress paytz�►en�s as the work is completed. L]n�ess an agreement is made in wri�ing or Applic�ble <br /> Law rec�uires interest to be paid on sucl� Miscel��neoL�� Proceeds, Lender s��all not be required to pay Boi-rawer any <br /> i��terest o�- earrlings ot� such Miscellaneaus Fraceeds. If the �•es�ora�ion �r repair is nat economically feasib�e flr <br /> Lender's security wau�d be l�ss�ned,the Miscellaneous�'��oceeds s��all�e applied to the sums secured by�his Security <br /> Ins�rui��er�t, whether or i1o��hen due, v►rith�he excess, if any, paid to Bor�-ower. Suc�� Miscellan�ous Proceeds sh�.11 <br /> be applied ii7 t�1e order provided fo�� it1 Se�tio�� 2. <br /> In�he event of a total taking, destruc�ion, nr 1n�s i;z vai ue of the Prflpe�-ty, t��e M iscel laneous Pi-oceeds sh�l i be <br /> applied �o the sums secured by �his 5ecuri�y 7nstr•ut�lent, vvhether or not�:�Ze�� due, witl� �he exc�ss, iC any, paid �o <br /> Borrower. <br /> In the event af a partial talcin�, des�ructian, oz• loss ir� �alue of tl�e Prope�-�y in which t�1e faix- �i��.rke#:�alue of <br /> the Praperty immediately b�fare the partial tak�ng, destruction, or loss in�alue i�e�ual to o�-gre�ter than���e amou��t <br /> of the sums secured by this 5ecuri�y Instrum�t�t immediately beforE the parti�l tal�ing, dest��uctio��, or loss it7 value, <br /> unless Barz•ower and Lender otherwise a�x-ee in��rr���ng, the su���s sec��red by�h�s Security Ir�strumet�t shall be reduced <br /> by the a�noun�of the Miscellaneaus Proceeds�nu�tip�ied b}�th�fallowing f�•actioi�: �a}the total at��o��nt af���e sums <br /> secured immed�ately before the part�al talcing, des�ructian, ar loss in�alue di�ided by�b�the fair xnarl�.e��al��e of tl�c <br /> Property ixi�inediately before�he partial��kinb, des�ruction, or�o�s in�a1ue. A:�y ba�ance shall be paid to Borrower. <br /> In the e�ent af a partial takitig, dest��uction, or loss ii� �alue�f t�1e P�-oper�y iri which the fair 1�7�rket�alue of <br /> the Property immedia�e�y before the�artial talcit�g, destruction, or loss in�alue is �ess t��an t��e amount❑f the surns <br /> secur�d immediately before the partial taking, destruciion, o�� loss in �alue, unless Borrower at�d Lend�r otherwise <br /> agree in writing, �he Miscellaneous Praceeds shall be applied to fh�sums secured by this Security I��strument whether <br /> ar na��h�sums are th�n due. � <br /> � If tfae Proper�y is abat�doned by I3orrowe�•, ar i f, after��oti�e by Lender to Borrowe�-tha��he�ppos���g Party�as <br /> defined in the �ext sentence} affers �a make a�� a�vard to settle a ciai��� far d����abes, �3o�•x-ower fails to respond ta <br /> Lender within 3� days afte�-the date�:he ZZotice is gi�e��, Lend�r is ��r���oz•ircd tfl collect and apply the Miscellaneous <br /> Proceeds eitller to restaz�ation oi- �•epair of t��e Proper•ty or to t��e su�1�s sec��red by tl7is 5�curity Ins�ru�z�ent, whe�her <br /> or t7ot thetl due. "�pposi��g Fat•ty" me�ns�he third pat•ty ti�a� owes Borro�ve�� Misce€laneo�is Praceeds or the party <br /> againsti wl�o�1-� Box-rnwer has a r��l�t of actio�� i�� reg�rd �0 1Vliscellat�eous 1'��oc�eds. <br /> Barrower shal� be in defa�rl� if any actian o�- proceedin�, whet�7�r c��il o�� crimina�, is b��uz-� �h�.�, is� Lender's <br /> judgment, cou�d res��t in forfei�:ure of the Property or other material impa�rment of L�nder's ix�tei-est it-�the Prop�rty <br /> or ribhts ut�der�his Security Instrui��en�. Barrower can cure sucl-��default an�l, if acceleratinn�-�as occur��ed, �'L1t7Sl`cl�:G' <br /> as pra�ided it� Sec�ioi� 18, by �ausing the actian or proceed�n� to be disi��issed w��h a rulin� that, in Lender's <br /> �Jlldgll��nt, precludes fo�-feiture af the Praperty o�� ot��e�- tnatez"�r�� 111��7c�ll"11'let`]�: �f L��1C��t'T S 1�t�C�S� ln t�1� Pt'Q�et•�y ar <br /> righ�s u��der�h�s Security Ins�rume�lt. The proceeds aF at�y awa�•d or clait�7 fo�- da�nages���at are attribu�ab�e to tihe <br /> impairi��ent of Lender's interest in the Pro�e���y are hereby assigt�ed a��d shall be paid �o Lender. <br /> All Misc�i�aneous Proceeds that a�•e not appli�d to �-estoration or repair of�he Property s��all be a�p�i�d i�� the <br /> order pro�id�d far in Sect�on 2. <br /> 1I. I3orrowe�•No� Rcleasid; Forbeaz•�tnc� �3y ��endcr Not�i Wai►vcr. Extension af�he�irne f�r paym�nt or <br /> modification of amortizatio�� of the sums secured by ����s Security Ins�rume��t gr�tnted by Lender ta Barrawer or ai�y <br /> Successflr in Interest of Ba�•�•ower s��all t�at ape�-ate to �•el�ase t�ze li�bility of Barrowe�• ar any Successors in Interest <br /> af Borrower. Lende�- shalt not be required to commE��cc px•oceedin�s against�ny Succ�sso�-in I���erest of Bax-ravvez- <br /> or to ���fuse to extend titne fo�� paym�nt or othex-wise inndify amortizatian QF��1� 5�i!`�1S 5�'L:LIt•ed by this S�cu�•ity <br /> It�stt•ument by reasan of any demand made by�he original �3�r�•or�ver or any Successors in Znterest of Borrower. �ny <br /> NEBRASKA-Single Fami�y-UNIF�F�M CNSTRUMENT D�c�agr"c�-o�;�,;,� <br /> MQDIFIED FaR DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS - MERS ww�v.da�magj�.carn <br /> �Re�. �IQ1} Page 8 af 14 <br />