' 2� 1 ��3�74
<br /> are applicable to the co�e�•age of�he Propert�. L�nder ma�use the insur�t�ce proceeds e�ther to repair ar restore�he
<br /> Property or to pay a�nounts unpaid under the No�e ar this Security Instrutn�nt, whether or not therl due.
<br /> G. �ccupancy. Borrovver shall accupy, establish, and use t��e k'rope��ty as Barrower's principal residence
<br /> w�thin G�da}�s after the execution of�his Secu�'t���I1Stl�ument and shall contirlue to occupy t��e Pr�perty as B�rr�wer's
<br /> pr�ncipal residence fox•at least o��e yeat•after the date af occ��pancy, uniess Lende�•othe��wise abrees in w�-iting, wi�ich
<br /> consent shall �o�be unr�asonably withheld, o�-u���ess ex#:et�uating circums�ances exist r�vhich are beyond �3ot-rawer's
<br /> cat�tral.
<br /> 7. Prese�•Watiar�, M�xn��n�ncc�nd �'r-otcction oT f��e �'�-ope��ty; �nspcctir�n�. �3orrow�z- shall nat d�stroy,
<br /> damage or impait•�he Proper�y, a��aw t�ze Pi•op�rty to deteriorate or caminit waste on the Pro�ae�•ty. �]Vhet��er or-tlot
<br /> Borrower is residing ��7 �he P�-ope�•�y, Barrower• sha�i m�it�tain the Ft•aperty ir� order ta pre�ent the �'rop�rty fro�n
<br /> de�eriarating or decreasit-�g in�alue due to i�s canditior�. Unless it is determined pursuant�o Sectio3� 5 that repair�r
<br /> restaratior� is not econom�caI�y feasible, Borrower shaII pramp�ly repair the Property if dar��ag�d t� avoid further
<br /> deterioratian ar damage. If i��surance or cor�demna�ion proceeds are paid in conne�tion vvith damabe to, or the taking
<br /> of, the Property, Borrovver sl�a�l be responsible for repafrrrl� or restorinb tl�e Proper�y only if Lender has released
<br /> praceeds for suc�� purposes. Ler�der tzlay disburse proceeds for the repairs and restoration in a single pay�-nent ar�t�
<br /> a s�ries of pragress payments as t�1e warl�is cam��eted. If the insur�nce ar carldei����atiotl proceeds are not sufficient
<br /> to repair a��restore the Property, Barrower is not�•elie�ed of Boz•r�ower's oblig�tion For the completian of such repair
<br /> or restoratio��.
<br /> Lendex-or its abent may t���lce reasonable er�tri�s L��an�r�d it�sp�ctions flf th��'raperty. �f it has reasonable cause,
<br /> Lender may inspect t��e interi�r af the improvements o��the�'ro�erty. Lender shall gi�e Borrower no�ice�t the time
<br /> of or prior ta such an in�e�-ior ii7spec�ion spec�fyin�sucl� reasonable cause.
<br /> S. Borr�wer's Lo�n Applica�:ion. Bo�•rower sha�I be in defau�� if, during the Loa�� applica�ian process,
<br /> Barrflwer ar any persons or entzties ac��ng a��he dix�ection af Borrovver or wi�h Baz-rower's lcnowledge or cansent g��e
<br /> ina�erially false, �nisleadin�, or �naccura�e i17f�rmation or sta�e����iz�s to Lender �or failed �a proWide Lender with
<br /> ii�a�erial infor���ation� in connectiot� with the Loan. ll�aterial a-epx•esentations it�ciud�, but are nat 1i�nited to,
<br /> represei�tations concerning Barrowei-'s occupaz�cy of t��e Proper�y as �3o��rower's p�•incipal residei�ce.
<br /> 9. Yr-otcction of I�ender'S Ynte�-est �n #;h� N�-opc�•ty anr� �Zi��ats Unde�� tlxxs Secu�•zf:y xnsf:rument. If�a}
<br /> Borrowe�� fails to perform tihe co�enants and agreements contained in �h�s Security Instrumenf:, �b� there is a leg�l
<br /> p�-oceedin�that might signiftcantly affect Let7der's interest in the Property andlor r�ghts under this Security Ins�rut-�-�en�
<br /> �such as a p�-oceedin� in bankruptcy, prabate, fo�- condemnation or forfeiture, f'or e��fa��cement of a Iien which�n�y
<br /> attain priority over this Security Instru�nent or �o ez�fa�-ce �aws or r•ebulation�}, ar �c} �3o��ro�ver �1as abat�doned th�
<br /> Property, �heii Lender �nay do at�d pay far whateWer is reasanable or app�•opriate�o protect Ilender's it�teres� ii�the
<br /> Property and rights under this Security Instrument, includi��g protecting andlor assessit�g the�alue of��7e Proper�y,
<br /> and securing andlor repairin�the Property. Leizder's actiflns can include, but are��ot litni�ed to: �a}paying al�y sums
<br /> secured by a lien w}��ch has priori�y a�e�-this Secui-ity Iilstrumenf:; �b} appearitl�in court; at�d�c}paying reasan�ble
<br /> atto�-neys' f�es to pratect its intez•est in the Property atldlor r•ig��ts uiider this Se�ur•ity Ins�ruinet7�, including its secured
<br /> positioi� in a bankrup�cy proceedii�g. Securing the Property incl��des, but is nat limi�ed ta, et�����it�g the Praperty to
<br /> malce repairs, change �ocics, replace oz� board up doors and windows, drain vvatex� f'rom pipes, elir�t�it�ate buildinb or
<br /> ather code vioIa�ions or dan�e�-ous cax�ditio��s, and��aWe u�i��ties tur��ed an ar off Although Lct�der rn�y talce actian
<br /> under this Sectian 9, Let�der does i-�o�have ta do so and is not ur�der any duty or obli�ation to do sa. I�is abr�ed that
<br /> Lender it�curs no liab�lity f�r not�alcinb az�y or all actiat�s aut�lorized ��ndet• this 5e�tion 9.
<br /> Any a���ounts disburs�d by Lender ut�der t���s S�ction 9 sl�a�# become addit�ana� debt of�3orrar�v��-sec��red by tl�i�
<br /> Securi�y Ins�rumen�. These amout7ts shal� bear interes� at the Nat��•at�from the date of disbu�-sement ai�d shall b�
<br /> payable, with such �nte�•est, upor� t�otice froin Lei�det• ta �3orr•ovvei- rcq��es�inb pay����nt.
<br /> �f this Security Instru��nent is on a �easehold, �3orrow�r shall comp�y with all th� pra�isiot�s af t��e lease,
<br /> Bat�rQwer shall not surrender tl�e leasehold estate and int�r��ts h�rein con�eyed o�•ter�ni��ate or cancel��-�e g�•a��nd lease.
<br /> Ba��ro'wer shall no�, wit��out the express written consen� of I�etlder, altez� or ax-nend the bround lease. If Bori-ower•
<br /> acquires fee title�o the Prapet�ty, t��e �easehold and the fee ti�le shall no�merge un�ess Lender agrces tio the mer�er
<br /> in vv��iting.
<br /> NEBRASKA-5ingfe Family-IJNIF�RM lNSTRUMENT ,Dac1Vla,gr"c�`?�P�,r�,,�
<br /> �Rev. �ID1} Page 7 of 14
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