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r <br /> � 2� 1 ��3�74 <br /> forbearance by Lender in exercising any ri�ht or ret�ledy inc�ud�nb, w�thout Iimitation, Lender's acceptance of <br /> payinents fro����hird persons, entities flz• Successors in Inte�-est of Bnrrower or ii�atnou�-�ts Iess than the atnount th�n <br /> due, shall not be a wai��r of or preclude the exe��cise of�«y righ�or remedy. <br /> ��. Joint and Se�e�-al Liabilxfy; Co-signers; Successors and Assigns�3aund. Borrower co�enan�s�nd agrees <br /> tha�Borrawer's abligations and Iiab�li�y shall l��joi��t a��d severaI. �-�owe�er,any Borrowe�•who cQ-sig�-�s th�s Security <br /> �ilstrument but does not execute the N ate�a"co-s i�z�e�-"}: ��}i s co-s ign i��g t��i s Secur ity I ns�t�u ment ot11y�o iilar�gage, <br /> gran� and con�ey tihe c�-SI�t1�i"�S i nteres� in �he Property uilder tl�e terms of this Security It�strumen�; �b} is not <br /> persona��y obligated ta �ay the sums secured by this Secu�-�fiy Instruine��t; and �c} a�rees that Lender and any othex� <br /> Borrower can agree to extiend, modify, farbear or make at�y acco���madations wit��regard t�the terms of this Secu�•itiy <br /> rt�strumet�t or the Note wi�hout tl�e co�signer"s cotzsent. <br /> Subject to the pro�isions af 5ection �7, ax7y Successor ia� Ii7terest of Borr�wer w��o assum�s Bor•rowei-'s <br /> ob�igatio�7s under�his Security���s��•ume��t in writ�ng, and is�����ov�d!�y Lender, s��all obtain al l of Borrowex-'s right;s <br /> az�d be�7efits u��der this Security �nstrut�len�. Barrower�hall not be i•el�as�d f'rot��Bor-rawer"s obliga�ions and��ability <br /> uizder this Securi�y�ns�ru���ent u��less Lender agrees tn s�ic�z rele�se in w��i�inb. The co�enants at�d�breet��ents of this <br /> Securi�y Ins�ru���ent shall bind (except as pro�ided in Sec��on I�} �.��d �enert tl�e successors and assigns of Lend�r. <br /> 13. Laan �����•ges. Letlder t��ay c��arge Barrowe�• fees fo�• serWices pex•fo�-��ed in conz�ectian with Borrower's <br /> default, for the purpose of px�atec�ing Lender's ����erest i�� the Proper�y ai�d rigllts �znde�• this Security Instrume�zt, <br /> including, but nat�iir�ited�a, attat'I1�ySf fees, property i�lspectiot�and�aluation fees. �n regard ta any o�he�fees, the <br /> abset�ce of express au�hority in this Security Iz�strume���to cha�-ge a specific fee�a Ba�•rovver shall tlat be�ons�rued <br /> as a proh�bi�ion on the charging of such fee. Ler�der may��o�charge fees�ha�at��expressly prahib�ted by this Se�urity <br /> Instrument or by Applicable Law. <br /> If��7e Loan is subject to a law wl�ich sEts maxit��uz�-� lo�.n charges, and���at law is f nally intcrpreted s�t��at the <br /> interest or atl�er loat7 ch�.�-ges collected or to b� co�lected in con��ection with �he Loan exceed the p��•initted lit�7its, <br /> then: (a}any such laan char�e shall be reduced by t��e ai��ount necessa��y to reduce t��e charg�to the peri�lit�ed I��ni�:; <br /> and �b} any sums al�-eady co�Iected from Bar�-or�vez•vv��ic�� ea�ceeded permitted limits will be refundcd �a Bor�-avver. <br /> Le��de�-t�tiay choose�o make�his refut�d by z-educin�the principal o�red under the Note ar by ma�cing a dir�ct payment <br /> to Borrower. If a ref�.�nd reduces �rincipal, the reduction will be treat�d as a partia� pt�epaymet�t witha�it any <br /> prepayme���charg���vh�ther ar not a prepayment char�;e is pro�ided far under�he Na�e}. Borrower's acceptance of <br /> any such refund n�ad�by direct payx-ne�-�t ta Borrovver wfll cons�i�ute a wai�er of at�y right of acCion Barrovv�r�ni��1t <br /> l�ave aris�ng oLr�of such o�ercl�arge. <br /> 14. Notice5. All notices gi�en by Bo�•i-ower or Lender in cont�ection with this Security �t�strument m�rst be in <br /> w��iti��g. Any notice�o Borrowet' lI7 C�t1I1eC�:1QI1 Wltl7��115 S�CLIx•ity Iiistruizlent s��all be dee���ed to ha�e be��� �ive�z�o <br /> Borrower w�1en maiied by first class �77ai1 or w��en actLrally deli�et•ed to �3a��ro�nrer"s ��atice address if s�;nt by otl�er• <br /> me�ns. Notice to any a��e Borrower•shall cons�itute tlotice�:o all Bor�•otivers u��less Applicab�e Law expi•essly rec�uires <br /> otherwise. The nntice address shall be the Property Address ux7less Borrawer has desigr�a�ed a subs�itLite ��otice <br /> address by natice to Let�der. Borrower shaI� promptly t�o�i fy Lende�- of Borrawer's change of add�-ess. I f Lende�- <br /> specifies a pracedure for repa�-ting B�rrower's chaF�be of add��ess,�hen Borrawe�•sl��ll only rEpo�•�a change af address <br /> th�•oug��that spec�fied p��ocedure. There tnay be oi�Iy ot�e designated natice add��ess under this Securi�y Ins�.��um�nt <br /> at aily ane time. Any notice to Lender shall be gi�er� by deli�erix7g it�r by mailing it by frs�class tn�il to Lender's <br /> address s�a�ed herein unless Lender has designated ano�he��address by notice�o Borro�nrer. �lny notice in co�znect�on <br /> r�rith �his 5ecu�-ity Instrume��t shall n�t be de����ed ta ha�e beer� giWe� to Ler�der until �.ctL�ally r�cel�ed by Lender, <br /> Zf any natice re�uired by this Security Iilstruinej�t is alsa rec�u�r•ed ��nder Applicabl� Law, the A�plicable Law <br /> requirement vv��l satisfy t�1e correspond�n�require:��e��t under this Security Instrume���.. <br /> 15. Govc�-ning L�w; Se�e�-ab��ity; �Zules of Cons��-uc#�on. This Sec��ri�y Instrument shall be goWerned by <br /> federal law alzd the law of the jut'15{�1C�1Qi1 lI`1 Wh1C�1��1e YI'Q�7�1-ty is lacated. �1,.11 ri�hts and obli�;atiot�s con�ai�zed f�� <br /> this Security I�zs�rument are s��bject to any ��ec�uiremer��s and lirl�itatiol7s �f Applic�bl� Law. Applic�ble Law mibl�t <br /> explicitly or implicitly allow the pa�•t�es to a�re� by contract or it might be siien�, buti such silence shall not be <br /> construed as a prohibit�an a�ai��st agx•ee���ei�t by co��tt�•act. Zt�t��e GW�nt t�aat �ny pro�ision a�- clause of�t�7is Secu�-�ty <br /> NESRASKA-Single Family-UN�FC7RM fNSTR�MENT po��a,�lC����;� <br /> M�DIFIED F�R DEPARTMENT C]F VETERANS AFFAIRS - MERS <br /> (Rev. 110�} Pag e 9 ot �4 <br />