� +
<br /> 2� 1 ��3�74
<br /> 5. Property Insua-ance. Borrower shall keep the improWements now exis��ng or het•e�fter erected oi� the
<br /> Property insu��ed against loss by f re, hazards included �vit��it7���e term "extex�ded co�era�e,'" a��d any othe�•ha:r�rds
<br /> includ�ng, but not li��nited to, e�rthqualces and floods, foi•which Lendet• �-er�uires insurance. This ii�sux-ance shall b�
<br /> ii�aintained in ���e amouz��s (incl�idit�� deduc�ibie le�els� and for th� periods t��at Lender r�c�uii�es. 'What Lender•
<br /> rec�uires pursuant to the precedia-tg sent���ces can cha���e du�-in;the tez•���of the Loan. rrhe insur�nce car�•i�r proWidiz�g
<br /> the insurance shall be chosen b�Bor�•ovver subject to Let�d�r's�•igh�to disappro�e Borrower's choice, vvhich right shall
<br /> not be exercised unre�soi�ably. Let�dex�may r•ec�uii-e Bo�•rowe�•�a pay, ii1 co��nect�an with th�s Laan, either: �a��.onew
<br /> time charge for flood zone deterinir�atiion, cer�ificatio�-��nd trackinb ser�ices; or�b} a one-time chat•ge for fload �one
<br /> determina�ion and certific�.tion ser�ices and subset�uent charges each tiine remapp�ngs or slmilar changes occur which
<br /> reasonabIy might affect such determination or certificati�n. Borx•ower s��a�� also be �-esp�nsible for t��e paymen� af
<br /> any fees imposed by the Federal E�r�et'b�I1Cy Mc�t7c�g�17l�1�t�getlCy lt7 C�I7I��C�1QI1 Wlth t�1� t'eV1�W nf�I1y �Q�C� Z�i��
<br /> deterrnination resulting frai�� an ab�ection by Bor�•ovver.
<br /> Yf Bor�•owe�- fails to �1�aintiaix� ���y of the co�e��ages described a�ove, Lender may obt�in ii�s��rance cov�;r-�b�, at
<br /> Lender's optiot� and Borz•owe�-'s expense. Lender is under no ❑bli��tiat7 ta p��rchase any particular �ype ar amount
<br /> af co�erage. Therefore, such co�erage shall co�er Le��der, but might or might not protec� �3orrow�x-, Borrow�;r's
<br /> ec�uity in the Property, or the cantents of the Frflper�:y, �.g�i t�st any x•isk, hazai-d or 1 iabi 1��y at�d might pravide greatet-
<br /> or lesser co�erage thati was pre�iously �n effect. Borrower a�lct7owledges that t��e cost of�he insur���ce co�erage so
<br /> obtained ir�ibht signifi�antly exceed the cost of insurance that Borro�ve��could ha�e ab�airled. Any amourlts disbursed
<br /> by Lender under this Sectian 5 shall beco�ne additional debt�f Borrower se�u�-ed by�his Secu��ity Instrument. These
<br /> amoun�s shall bear interest at the Note rate firom the date af disbursement and shall be payab�e, wit�� such interest,
<br /> upon natice fi�om Lender to Borrower reQuestitz�payl��ent.
<br /> AII it�surance poi�cies rec�uired by Lender� and ��enevvals of such paiicies sha11 be subjecf to Lender's right t�
<br /> disapp�•o�e such policies, shall it�clude a statidard��Zaz•tga�e cl�use, and shali naa�ne Let�der as a�7ox•�bagee andl����is����
<br /> addi�ional loss payee. Lender shall l�a�e the right to hald the polici�s and renew�� c��•tificates. �f Ler7d�r rec�uires,
<br /> Borrower shali promp�ly�i�c to L�nde�-all receipts of p�tid premiums and rencwal t�o�ices. I f�3orrower obtains atly
<br /> form of insur�ance co�e��abe, not otherwise rec�uiz•ed by Lender, fflr dama�e to, or d�struc�ion of, ��7e Praperty, sucl7
<br /> policy shall include a star�dard mortgage clause at�d sh�l i n�me Lende�- as z7�ortgagee andlor as at1 addi�ional l�ss
<br /> paye�.
<br /> In�he e�ent of�oss, Borrower shall�iWe proi��pt n�ti��to the ir��ui�ance carr�er and Lender. Lender may m�lce
<br /> proaf of loss if no� made prornptly by Borrower. U�71ess Lendei- ar�d Bo�•rower a�her�wise agree it� wri�in�, �ii�y
<br /> i��su��ance proceeds, whether or r�o�the underly�n� i��surance was rec�uired by Ler7dcr, sha�I be appli�d�o restor�tiot�
<br /> or repair af the Froper�y, if tl�e �•estoration or repai�� is econo�-nic�lly feasible and Lender's security is not Iessex7ed.
<br /> During such repair and t�esto���.tion period, Le�7det� shall ha�e th�right to ha�d such insurance proceeds uz7til Lendcr
<br /> has had an opportunity to ir-�spect suc}7 Pt�operty to ensure �;he worlc has been comp�eted �o Lend�r's satisfactiot7,
<br /> pro�ided that such inspecfion s��all be ut�det-taken pr�mp�:ly. Lender ���ay disburse proceeds for the repairs ai7d
<br /> restoratifln in a si��gle payment or i�� a series af probress payme���s as the vvarlc is coinpleted. �J��less an a�ree�nent
<br /> is made in wt•iting or Applicable Law rec�uires in�eres��o be paid an sucli insuratice proceeds, Lender shall not be
<br /> re�uired to pay Borrovver any interest or earninbs o��such proceeds. Fees for public adjustiers, or ather third par�ies,
<br /> retained by Borrov�er shall not be paid out of�he ir7surance proCeeds az�d shall be the sole obligation of Bor��ower.
<br /> Ift��e restora�iozl ar repair is not econo�l�ically feasible or Lerlder's secu�•i�y�rould be�ess�ned,t��e insurance proceeds
<br /> shall be app�ied to the sums secured by this Sec�:rity Instx-u���ent, whe�h��•❑r nat th�n due, with���e excess, �f any, paid
<br /> to Borrower. Such insu�•ance p�•oceeds shall be app�ied in ���e orde�� provided fo�� in Section �.
<br /> If Borrawer abandons tl�e Fraperty, Lende�� rnay fi��, negotia�e and settle at�y a�ailable it�sui•ance claim and
<br /> related matters. If Baz�rower� does no��-espond vvit��ir� 3� days to a notiee f�rom L�nder th�t�he insuranc�carrier has
<br /> flffered�❑ set�le a claim, then Lender may n�gotiaf:e at�d settle the clai�n. r�he 3�-day period will b�gin when the
<br /> no�ice is gi�en. �n eithe�� e�ent, or if Lender acc�uires th� Property ur7d�z- S�ction 2] or o�:��er�vise, Borrow�r 4�er�by
<br /> assigns to Lender �a) Bor�-ower�'s rig�lts �o any insurance praceeds i�7 �n �z��ou��t ��ot ta cxceed the at�-�out7ts ��npaid
<br /> under�he Nate or���is Security rnstruin�nt, and�b}�tt�y othe��af Borrower's ri�;�lts(o�her t��an the rigl�t ta a�zy reFut�d
<br /> af ux�earned premiu�ns pa�d by Bor�•ower} unde�- all �ns��r�nce policies Go��ri��g the P��ope�-ty, i��sofar as s��ch x•i�;hts
<br /> NEBRASKA--Single Family--UNIF�RM INSTRUIVIENT Do��►lagrc�o�,�
<br /> [Re�. �la�} Page G o� �4
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