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2� 1 ��3239 <br /> If Lender exer�ises t�is a�tion,I,en�I�r s�.all gi�e Borrov�er not��e of aceelerat�on.��e n�tice s�hall provi��a <br /> �eriod of not�e�s than 3�days ftQm the date th�notice is�iven ir�accordanc�vc�it�Sectifln 1�v���h��wh.�ch <br /> I3orrower must pay a��sums secured by t�.is Se�urity Instrument. If Borro�ver fai�s to pay th�se su��p�ior ta <br /> the expi�rat�an af this per�od,Lender may invoke any remedres permit�ed by this Se�urity In.s�'u�nent withaut <br /> further natice ar demand on Barrower. <br /> '!9. Borra►n►�r's Fti�ht tv Rein$tateAft�r Accelerati�n.�f Bor�a�er meets ce�rtain cond.i�io�s� Barrower <br /> shal�have the right to ha�e�nforc�ment of th�s Security Ins�rum�nt discontin.ued at an.y tir�xe pr�or�.o the <br /> ear�ie�t of: (a)five days before sale�f�he Proper�y�ursuant to any power af sale contained�n th�s Security <br /> Instrument; (b}such other periot�as Applicable La�might sp�cify for the term�nation of Barrower'�right ta <br /> reinstate;�r(c}entry of a judgnr�ent e�forcin�this Security Instrumen�. Those conditions axe that B�arro�ver: <br /> (a)pays Lender al�sums�hi�h then wau�d b�due und�r th�s Securit�Instrument and the Note as if no <br /> acce�eration ha��ccurre�;(b�cures any defau�t of any a�h�r covenants or agreements;�c�pays��i�xpenses <br /> incurred in enfor��ng this Se�urity Instrument, including,but not limited to,r�asa�.able a�tarneys'fees, <br /> prop�r�y i�spec�t�on a.�d va��ation f�es,and other fe�s incurred far th�ptupvse�f pratectin.g�ender's interes� <br /> in the Proper�y�a��rights under Secur�ty Instrument;and(d}t.akes s�ch action as�,e�.de�may <br /> r reasonably require to assur�that L�nder's interest in the�roperty and ri�hts under this�ect��ty In.str��n�, <br /> and Borrower's oblig�tiou to pay the sums secured by this Security Instrument,sha��c�nt�nue unchanged, <br /> Len�er may requite that�orrower pa�suGh rein�t�t�ment�urn�and expenses in on�or more af�he follaw�ng <br /> farrr�s,as setected by Lend�r: (a)cash;(b}money orc�er; (c)c�rtified�heck,�ank check,treasurer's chec�or <br /> cashi�r's che�k,provided an�such check is drawn upon an institution�vhose deposits are insur�d by a <br /> federal ag�ncy, instrum�n�ali�ty or enti�y;or��)�lectr�n�c Funds Transfer.Upon reinstatement by�3orr�wer, <br /> th�s SeGurity instrum�nt and abligatians secured h�reby shal�rema�n fu�ly effective as�f n.v acce�eration had <br /> oc�c�rred.. Hawever,this right to rein.s�ate sha11�.ot apply in th�case of�cceleration under Sec�tion 18. <br /> �D. �a�e of Note; Ghange vf Loan Servicer;Motic�of Grievance.T�e Note or a partia��nterest in the <br /> l��te(�agether tivi�h this Securit�Instrument�can be sald one or more times with�ut pr�ar notice to <br /> Bon�u�er.A sal�m�ght resu�t in a change in the enti�y(k�awr�as the"LQan Se�vicer")th�t co1l�c�s Periodic <br /> Pa�ments du.e ur�der�h.e No��and this Secuarity In.strum�nt and perforn�s other mortg�ge loan serv�c�ng <br /> ob�igation.s under the l�ote,th��Security�flstrument,and,Applicab�e La�.There also might be on��r mor� <br /> �hanges of the Loan Servicer unr�lated�o a sa�e of the NQte. If there is a c�ang�of the Loar�Sea�icer, <br /> Borrov��r will be g�ven written notice�f the change which�vill state the name and address af the new��a� <br /> Ser�icer,�he addr�ss to which payments should be made and any other information 1�SPA re�uires in <br /> connection vvith a natice of�ransfer of�ervicing. If the N�te is sold and thereai�er the Loan i�serv�ced by a <br /> Loan Servic�r other than the purchaser of the Note,the mortga�e loan servicin.g obligations to Borrow�r will <br /> rema�n with the Loan 5ervicer or be t�ansferred ta a succ�ssar Loan�ervicer and a,r�not assumed b�the <br /> l�ote purchaser unle�s otherwise pr�vided by the lr�vte purchaser. <br /> Ne�ther Borrower nor Lender ma�comme�nce,ja�n,or be jvined to any judicial�c�ion(as eith�r an <br /> indiv�dua�I�tigant or the member of a class}that arises�ram the other party's actions pursua.nt ta thi� <br /> Security Instrum�nt�r that a��eges that th�atl�er�ar�r has breached any provision�f,or any duty owed by <br /> reason o�,th�s���urit�Instrument,until��.ch Bon��ver or�,ender has notifie�the ather party(with such <br /> noti�e given�n��n�pliance�ith the req�ue�n�nt�of Sect�on ��}�f su�ch a��eg�d breach and�a�fa�rded th� <br /> other p�.rty�ereto a reas�nable period afte�the gi�ing�f such notice tv take�orr�ctive a�tion. If A�p�i��hl� <br /> Law provides a time periad�vhi�h must��apse bef�r�ce�ta�n acti�n can be taken,that tim�perivd wi11 be <br /> d�emed to be r�asonable for gurposes of this paragraph. The n�tice of ac�cel�ra��on and oppor�unuity to cure <br /> given ta Bono�ver pursuant to Sect�on Z2 and the notice of acce�eration given to Borro�ver p�rsuant�o <br /> Sectian 18�ha�l be de�med ta sa�isfy the n�ti�e and oppox�un.ity to take carrective action provisi4ns of th�s <br /> Se�tian��. <br /> NEBFtASKA-5ingie Family-Fannie MaefFr�eddie Mac L1MfFQRM fNSTR�MENT WITH MERS Form 3428�l�1 <br /> 11MP� VMPgA(NE}�9302).0� <br /> Walters ltluwer Finar�c�ai Servi�es 1'age 13�i 1� <br /> q 33561$�398 �23 3 1 1317 <br />