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2� 1 ��3239 <br /> �9. Hazard�usSu�star�ces.As used�n this Secti�n 21: �a} "�Iazar��u�� �u�i.rtar�c�.�"are thase s�bsta�.c�s <br /> defined as taxic or ha�zardous subs�ance�,po��uta�nts, or�vastes by Environmentai Law and the foll�wing <br /> substances: gasoline,kerosene,ather flam�mab�e�r taxic p�tr��eum groducts,tvxic pestic�des ar�d herbicides, <br /> volati�e solvents, ma�erials cvntain�ng asb��tos or fc�rmaldehyde, and rad�oactive m�.terialsa �b} <br /> "��aviror�►��r�tal�a-w"means fed�ral�a�vs and laws�f the jur�5dict�an wh�re the Pr�perty �s�ocated that <br /> relate t�healt�, safety�r�n�irvnmenta�pratectian; (c) "Er�vir�►��ne�atal Clear�up"incxudes any response <br /> a�tion,remedial act�on., or remo�a�action, a$define�i�.Environmental Law; and�d}an "�r�virnr�rrae►�t�l <br /> Cvrcditio�a"x�e�ns a�t�ndition that�se, cantribute to, or oth�rvvi�e tx��,gger a�.Envuonmenta.l�leanup, <br /> �orrower s�.a�l not cause or permit the presence,use,disposal,st�rage,or release pf any Hazardous <br /> Sub�tances,or threaten to releas�any Ha�ardous��bstances,on or in the Property. Borrower�ha��nat do, <br /> nor a��ovv anyvne�lse ta dfl,anything affec��ng the Fraper�y�a�that is in�iolation af any Environrnental <br /> Lav�,(b�which creates a�Environm�ntal��n�ition, or�c)wl��ch,due tv�he pres�nce,use,or release of a <br /> I�azard�us Substa�ce,creat�s�conc�i�t��n th�.t ad�e�sely a�f�cts the va�ue o��he Property.�'�e preceding two <br /> sentences sha�l nat apply tv the pres�nce,use,vr storage on the�roperty of`sr�a11 quantities o�Ha��ard�us <br /> Substa.n.ces�hat are generally r�cogn.iz�d to be a�p�rapriate ta normal resid�ntia�uses and to tnaintenan�e of <br /> the 1'roperty(includin�,but not limited to,hazar�ous subs�a.nces in consum�r product��. <br /> �vrrower�ha��pro�npt�y give L��der v�ritten not�ce of�a}an�in�estigati�n�claim,demand,la�vsuit or other <br /> ac��on by any governm�n�al or r�gulator��.gen�y or��ivate par�y invol�ing th�P�opert�r and any�Iazardaus <br /> Substan�e or En�ironmental Law of which Barrower has a�tual knowledge,(b}an,y Envirvn�enta� <br /> Condition, including but na�timited to,any�p�lling, lea.�ing,dischar�e,release or threat of release of any <br /> Hazardaus Substance,and(c)any condition caused by the presence,u�e or re�ease af a Ha�ardous Substance <br /> whieh adverse�y affects th�va���of the Property. If I�orro�er tearn.s,or�s no�ified by any governmental or <br /> regulat�ry authar�t�,or any pri�rate party,that any removal or oth�r remediat�an of any Ha2ardous Su�stance <br /> affecting th�Pr�perty�s�.ecessary,Borrawer shall pramptl�take a�l necessar�remedial actions�n <br /> ac�ord��.ce v�ith En��ranmental La�v.l�othing her�ir�shall cr�ate any abl�gatian o�Lender for an <br /> En���#�a.l�leanup. <br /> 1V�n-Un�form Cavenant�.Barrower and Lender covenant and agree as follows: <br /> ��. Acceleration;Remedies.Lender shal�give notice t��vrrvvWer pr�or tv acGelerat�on fvll�wing <br /> Borrow�er's br�ach of any covenant flr agreement in th�s Security Instrument�but nat pr�ar ta <br /> acce�erati�n under Sect�on 18 unless Appli�cable Law provide�o�herv�se).The notice�hall specify: �a} <br /> the defau�t; �b�the acti�n required tv cure�he default; �c}a d�te,not l�ss than 3Q days from�he date <br /> tl��n�#�c�i�given t�Barrawer,by which the default must be cured; �nd�d�tha�failure ta cure the <br /> default�n or�►efare the dat�spec�f ed in th�noti�e may result in a�celeration of the sums se�ured by <br /> this Se�.urity Instrument and sa��e a�the Pro��r�y,The�a���e sl�al�f�.rther inf�rm Barrvv�er of t�e <br /> right t�reinstate after�.cceleratian and.the rig�t t�bri�.g a�vurt act�on t�as��r#th���n-existence Qf a <br /> default vr�ny other defense of Borrawer to a�celera�ion and s�.ie,If the de�au�t is no�t�ur�d on�� <br /> ��fQre the dat�spe��fed in the n�ti�e,Lender a#its aption rnay require�mmediate paym�nt in ful�of <br /> all sums se�ured by this Security Instrumen#without further dem�nd and may invok�the p�wer of sa�e <br /> and any other remed�es perm�tted by Appl�cable Law.Lender sha��be entitled�o co�iect all expen�es <br /> incurrerl in pursu�ng the remedies pro�ided in this S��t�on�2,�nc�uding,but not l�mited tv,re�.svn�ble <br /> attorne�s'fees and�osts of title e�idenc�. <br /> q4335618�398 fl�33 371 1417 <br /> NEBRAS�A-5ingle Family-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNlFdaM INSTRIJMENT WITH MERS Form 3U28 1141 <br /> VMP� vMPSA(NE}(13�2}.44 <br /> Wo�fers Kfuw�r Flnanciaf Services Page 94 of 17 <br />