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2� 1 ��3239 <br /> If the Laan is�ubj ect ta a law whi�h S�ts maximum�aan charges,an�l that iaw is finall�in�t�rpret�d so t�at <br /> the inteiest or�ther loan charg�s colle�ted or to be c���ected in c�nnecti�n tivith the L�an ex�e�d th� <br /> perm�t�ed��mits,then: �a�any such loan�harge shall b�reduced by t�.e amount nec��sa�y ta reduce the <br /> charge to the p��tted Iimit;and(b)any sums alr�ady collected from Borrower which�xceed�d p�rmitt�d <br /> limits�vill be refunded t�Borrower. Lend�r may chc�ose ta mal�e th�s refund b�reducing the principai o,wed <br /> und�r�he Nate or�y making a direct payment ta Barro�ver. If a refund reduces princ�pa�,the reduct�on�v��� <br /> b�tr�ated�s a part�al prepayment vvithout an�prepay�ment charge(whether or not a p�ep�yment�harge i� <br /> pro�ided.for u�nd�r the l�o�e�.�3ono�er's acc�ptanc�of any such refund made by direct payment to <br /> Borro�er wvil�co�.stitute a waiver af a��r�ght of action Borro�er n3ight have arisi�g o�t of such over��iarge. <br /> �I�. Il�vt��es.AII�otices�iven by�3arro�ver or Lend�r in�annectian with Security Instrument must be in <br /> �r�ting.Any notice to Barrowe�r in.connec��on�i�h this Secur�ty�ns�rument sha11 be deemed to ha�re�een <br /> given to Borrawer�hen mailed��fust class ma�1 Qr when ac�ual�y d��i�rered to F3orrovver's notice addre�s <br /> ��se�t by ath�r n3�an�.l�o�ice to any one Barrower sha��constitu�e notice�o a��l�arrowers unless <br /> Ap�plica�le La�v e�pressly requires other�i�e. The n�tice address sha�I be the Property Add�ress u�less <br /> �orrower has des�gnated a s�bstitute notice address�by notice�v Lender.Barrawer sha��prvmptl�natify <br /> Lender�f�orrower's change of address.If Lend�r specifies a procedure for r�porting Borro�er's change <br /> of address,then Borrower sha��only report a change of addr�ss t�raugh that specified procedure. <br /> There may be only one designated nvt��e addr�ss und�r this Security In�trum�nt at an�on�tirn�.�.A�1�I14t1G� <br /> to L�nder shal�be given by deliver�ng it or by mai�xng it by f�.rst class mail to I�ender'�address stated herein <br /> unle�s Lender�as designated another address by nat�ee t�Barro�ver.An�notic�in connection with�his <br /> Secur�t�r Instrument shal�not be deemed to have been given to Lender unt�l actua�I�received by L�nd�r. If <br /> any notice requireci by this 5ecurity Instrument is alsa required under Appli�able Law,the Applicable Law <br /> requirement w���satisfy the corre�pond�n�;requuement under th�s Security Instrument. <br /> 'f�. Go�ern i n g La�v; Se�era b i I ity;Ru les af��n�trueti an.This Security Instrument shall be�av�rned by <br /> fed�ral law and the�a�v of the jurisd�ction in�vhich the Prop�r��s located.A11 righ��and ob�igat�o�.s <br /> con�a�ned in this Security In.strum��t are subj e�t to any requirements an���rni�at�ons of Appl�cable Law. <br /> Applicable La�v might expli�it�y or implic�t�y al�o�v the par��es to agree by contract or it rri�ght be silent,but <br /> such silence sha�l not be construed as a pr�hibi��on against agre�ment by cantract. Tn the event tha�any <br /> pravision or clause of t�.is Security Instrum�nt or th��nte canfl�c�s w�th Applx�able La�r, such con�ict sha�l <br /> �ot a#�'�c�other provisio�s of this Securxty Instrument o�the Note�vhich can be given effeet w�thout the <br /> conflicting provrsion, <br /> As us�d in this Security Instrument; (a�words of the masculine gender shal�mean and include corresponciing <br /> n�uter wards or�r�rd�of the f�minin.�gen�er; �b��v�rcis in the s�ngulax shall mean and inclu�.e the p�urai <br /> and v�ce��rsa.;and tc}the�rard"may"�i�res sole discretion wi�thout a�.y obligatian to ta�e any action. <br /> 7 7. Borrower`s�opy.Borrawer sha11 be g��en one copy of the l�+�ote and of this Security Instrume�.t. <br /> �l 8. Transfer of the Prvpertyflr a 8�eneficiallnter�st in Bvrr�o�er.As used in this Section�8, "In�erest in <br /> the Property"means any�ega1 or bene#"icial interest in the I�roperty,includin.�,but not�imite�to,th�se <br /> benefici�l interests transferred in a bond for deed,contract far deed,installmen.t sa�es�ontract or escrow <br /> agreement,the intent of�vhich�s th�transfer of tit�e by Barrower at a futur�date ta a purchas�r. <br /> If a�I or any part of the Praperty or any Interest�n the Property is sold or transferr�d�or if Borrawer is not a <br /> natura�pers�n and a ben.eficial interest in Barrower is sold or transferred}�rithout L�en.der's prior�vr�tten <br /> cons�nt�Lender m��requ�re immediate payment in ful�af a11 sums secured by this Secur�ty Instrument. <br /> H�wever,this option shall not be exercised by Lender if such exercise is prahib�ted by Appli�ab��Law. <br /> NEBR►45KA-5ir�gle Family-Fannie MaeiFreddle Mac UNIF�RM INSTRUMENT Vl��TH MERS Form 3028 11�� <br /> VMP g VI�APBA{NE]�93Q2).44 <br /> Wolters�{Ir�wer F(nancial Servl�s Page 12 of 1? <br /> q� 35G182398 � 3 371 1217 <br />