2� 1 ��3233
<br /> �EEQ �F TRU�`T
<br /> Lvan ��: 7������� {��rltirlu�d} Pa�e �
<br /> Existin� [ndeb#edness� �he paym�n�af any insta[lmen� af principaE ar any in�er�st vn th� Ex�sting indebtedness is
<br /> na� m�de ►nrithin fh�time required by the pr�rnissary nate eWidencing su�h �nd�btedness, or a default�ccurs under
<br /> the instrument s�curing suGh in�ebtedn�ss and is not cured during an�r app�icable grace p�ri�d in su�h insfirument,
<br /> ❑r any�uit�r��her ac�ian Qs ��mmen�ed��farecl�se any�xisting [�en❑n the F'raperty.
<br /> R�ghfi fio Cure, If any d��ault, ❑ther�han a de�aul�in payment, is curabfe and if Trustor�,has na�be�n giWen a natic�
<br /> afi a brea�h of the same provision of this []e�d af Trust within th�prec�ding�wefve {1�} manths, it may b�cured if
<br /> Trus�or, af�er Lend�r sends wri��en natice t❑Trustar demandin� cure ❑f such de�au�t: {1� cures �th��efau�t vvithin
<br /> tv�r�nty {2�} d�ys; or {2� if �he cure requires mor� than twenty t�a� days, �mmediat�ly initia��s st�ps which
<br /> Lend�r deems in Lender`s sole discretion to tae suffi�ient to cur� the de�au�t and �thereafter continues and
<br /> �ompietes all reasanable �nd necessary steps suffici�nt to pro�uce cornpl�ar��e as so�n as ��as�nahl�pra�tical.
<br /> RIGHTS IaND REIVlEalES �N DEFA[JLT. �f an Event❑f Default vc�urs un�er this Deed o�Trust, at any time thereafters
<br /> �rustee�r Lend�r may exercis�any�ne ar mor�af th�fa�iowing rights and remedies:
<br /> Ac��lerati�n LJpon �efauifi� ,�►�Iditi�nal l��rnetl��sa if an�r E�ent of De�Fau[t a�curs as per the ��rms of the f�v�e
<br /> secured hereby, Lend��-may declare alf ln�febtedness s�cured by this [�eed af Trust�o be�ue arrd p�yab[� an�
<br /> th� s�m��hali ther�up�n bec�me due and payabl� withaut any pr�sentrrt�nt, demand, prfltest�r notice of any
<br /> [�ind. Thereafter, L�nder�nay:
<br /> ta} Either in p�rs�n or by agent, with ❑r withaut bringing any ac�fan ❑r proceedin�, flr by a rec�i��r
<br /> app��nte� by a caurt and without r�gard �� the adequ�Gy of its s�curi�y. enter upan and tak� p�ssessian
<br /> of�he Pr�per�y, or any p�rt�here�f, in its own name 4r in the name ti#Tru�te�, an�i do any ac�s lnrhich Et
<br /> d�ems necessary ar desirabl��� pr�ser�e th� va�u�, marketabili�y or re��ab�lity c��th� F�ropert�� �r part o#
<br /> the Praperty or in��rest �n �he Property; incr�as� the income �rarn the Properfiy �r pr��ec� th� s�curit� �f
<br /> th� Prflp�rfiy; and, vvith �r wi�hau� �aking p�ssessian of the Proper�yf su� far or otherwise �oll�ct fih�
<br /> r�nts, issues and prafEts a�the Property, �ncluding th�se pas�t due and unpaid, and apply the s�rm�, less
<br /> costs and exp�ns�s ���p�ratian and c�llect�an attorneys' fees. to any inc��btedness s��ured by this �e�d
<br /> �f Trus�, a�! ir� such order as Len�er may determine, The ent�ring upon and takEng p�ssession Qf th�
<br /> Property, the callectiar� c�� su�h rent�, 155LI�5 and profits, and #he application thereQf �hall nat cure �r
<br /> wai�re any d�fau�t ar natice o�F de��ult und�r this Deed �f Trust �r invalidat� any act dvn� in respons� ta
<br /> such defau[t�r purs�aant ta suGh n�ti�� af d�fauf-�; and, notwiths�anding ths eontinuanc� in pQss�ssion❑f
<br /> the Pr�per� or the �glle��ian, re���p� and appficatian of r�nts. �ssues or p�ofifis, Trusfee ❑r Lender shall
<br /> be entifiled t❑ �xercise eWery right prov�dsd for in the lV��e ❑r�he R�la�ed Documents vr by iaw up�n �he
<br /> vccurrence of any event of defauifi, including #h�right�o exerc+s�the p�wer a#sale;
<br /> {b} �ommenc� an action t� far�close�his Qeed of Trust as a rr��r�gag�, �ppain�t a recei��r or�pecifically
<br /> enforce any o#the cover�ants herea�; an�
<br /> �c� ��I[Wer tv Tr�astee a wrifit�n declara�ian ❑f d�fault and demand f�r sal� ancl a wri��en natice ❑f d��Fault
<br /> �nd ele�tion�� cause Trust�r4s inter�s#in the Proper�y to b� sald, which n�tice Trustee shall cause to be
<br /> du�y filed far re��rd �n�he apprapria�e offices�f the Caun�y in which�he �rop�rty is laca�ed; �nd
<br /> {d� With respec��o all �r any part af the Persona[ �rop�rty, L�nder sha!! hav� afl the right� and remedies
<br /> af a secured party under#he hlebraska Uniform �ammer�iai �ade.
<br /> Far�civsvre by Power of Sale. [fi L�nd�r�lects�❑fflreclas� by exer�is� of the Paw�r�f S�le herefn �on�ained,
<br /> Lender �hall nat�f�r Trustee and shai[ d�pasit with Tru�t�� �h« �eed �f Trust and the Nate and such r�ceipt�
<br /> anci evidence of expen�iitures made and �ecured by this �eed❑f Trust as Tr�s�ee may re�uire.
<br /> ta} Upon receip�of such r�otice fram L�nder, Truste� sh�[l cause ta be recordedr pLlblfS�'i�� aE'1� (��IlV�i'�C�
<br /> to Trustor �u�h Noti�� a� �efau�t and Notice of Sale as th�n required by law and ay thi� De�d ❑�F Trus�.
<br /> Trus��� shaflo withaufi dernand on Trus��r, a#ter such ti�ne as may then be requir�d by faw and after
<br /> recordation of su�h Notice �f �7e�Fault and after �Ioti�� a� Sale h�vin� faeen gi�en as requ[red by law, sel[
<br /> the Prvp�rfiy at the time and pf ac� �f sale fixed by it in such 1Va��c� of Sal�, ei�her as � whole, �r in
<br /> separa�e lots �r�a���ls or it�ms as Trust�� shail �eerr� expedient, �nd �n su�h ❑r�er as it may determine,
<br /> at public auc�ion tv the highes� bid�er fvr cash in lawful maney�f the United Stat�s payab�e a��he time
<br /> of sal�. Trustee sha[I de[iver to such pu�cha�er �r purchasers therenf its gflad and sufficient de�d or
<br /> de�ds �on�ey�ng the property s� sold, bu� witl�out any co�r�nant ar ►n�arranty, express v� impli�d. The
<br /> recita�s in such d�ed �f any matters or fa�ts shalf be c�n��usiWe pra�f af the tr�thfulness fih�r���, Any
<br /> persvn, including vvithvut l�mitatiQn Tr�sto�, Trustee, or L�nder, ma�purch�se at such sale.
<br /> tb� �►s may be permi�ted by law, after dedu�ting a�f �osts, �ees ar�d �xp�nses v� Trusfee �nd o� this
<br /> T'rust, including casts�f e�idenc� ❑f�itEe �n connection vvi�h sal�, Trustee shall app[y the pro��eds ❑f sale
<br /> �o paym�nt a� �i� al[ �ums expend�t� und�er the��rms���his De��f af Trus��r und�r�he terrns o��he Note
<br /> n�t fihen repaid, in��uding but n�fi [imi��d �o ���ru�d interest and 1afi� �harges, {ii� alI ather �ums then
<br /> secured hereby, and {iii) the remai�rder, if any, t��he p�r��n or pers�ns I�gally entitled th�r�t�e
<br /> {�} T�ustee rnay in the manner prQWided by law pastpone sale fl��IE flr any portE�n❑f th� ProRerty.
<br /> R�m�dies Not E�cclusive. Trustee and Lend�r, and �ach �f them, sha�� be �ntitl�d ta en#arce �ayrnent and
<br /> perfarrriance v�any indebtedn�ss or ok�liga�ions s�Gured by this D�ed af Trust and to �xercise aff rights an� pawers
<br /> under this Deed of Trust, under the lVvter under an� afi the ReEated Do�uments, ar und�r an� o�her agreement or
<br /> an� lav�rs na�rv or he�eafter in �orce; nattirvith�tanding, same or all o�su�h indeb�edness and oblEgafiions secured �y
<br /> this �eed of Trust may now ❑r hereaft�r be ath�rwise secu���, whether b� mortgage, de�d a�trust, ple�ge, �i�n,
<br /> assignm�n� or ❑�herv�i�e. hlei�her th� acGeptance o�F this Deed �� Trust nar ats enf�reement, vvh�ther by caurt
<br /> action ❑r pursuar�t�v the pvvtirer �f sale ar �th�r p�vtirer� containe� in this D�ed o#Trust, sha�[ pr�ju�ice or in any
<br /> manner affeG� Trus�ee's ar Lender'� right t� reaf i�� upon or enfarce any o�her se�urity nQv►r ar hereafter hefd by
<br /> Trustee or Lender, i�being agreed that Truste� and Lender, and�ach❑fi th�rn, shall be en�ifi[ed ta enfarce this [�eed
<br /> af Trust and any �ther se�uri� n�vu �r hereafter he[d by Lend�r ar Trust�� in su�h �rder and manner as th�y vr
<br /> �ei-�her ❑� �hern ma}1 in their abs�lute discretian determine. N❑ r�medy �anferred upan ❑r r�serv�d �o Truste� or
<br /> Lend�r, is intende�f ta be ea€clusive �f an�oth�r r�medy �n this Q��d af Trus� ar by law pro�i�fed vr p�rmi�ted, �ut
<br /> each �hall be cumulatiwe and shall h� in additian ta e�ery other remedy �iWen in �his �eed Qf Trust or naw ar
<br /> hereaftsr�a€isting at law�r�n �quity�� by statu�e. E�ery pawer�r rer�nedy gi�en b�the IVot�or any a�the Related
<br /> ��cum�nts �� Truste� or L�r�der or �Q which either af them may b� �therwise entit[ed, may b� exerc�sed�
<br /> con�urrently or indep�nd�ntly, frorr� time to time and as �ften as may be d�emed ��pedient by Trus��e ar L�n�er,
<br /> and either of th�m may pursu� inconsistent �em�dies. IVothing in �h�s Deed of Trust shall be cans�ru�d as
<br /> prohibiting Lender fram ��eking a defici�ncy�udgment a�ains�the Trustor t�the extent such action is permitted �y
<br /> I a�n►.
<br /> ElecfiiQn o� R�medi�s. Al! of L�nd��-'s rights and remedies wil! be cumu�ati�e and ma� be ��ercised alone ❑�
<br /> -�ogether. !f Lender de�ides tc� spend maney or ta perform any vf Trust�r`s vbligatitins under �his Deed 4f Trust,
<br /> af�er Trustor's �a�lur� to do sa, that decision by Lender wilf not affec� Lender`s right tv d�clar� Trustor in de�au[fi
<br /> and�a exercise Len�ler's remedies. �
<br /> F�ec�ues�fvr Notice. Trustar, an behalf�f Trustar and L�nder, hereby request�that a copy ot any IV�tice�f D�fault
<br /> and a capy o�any Na�i�e of Sa�e under�his D��d vf Trus� be mai€ed ��them a��he address�s set farth in the firs�
<br /> paragraph of�his Deed af Trust.
<br />