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2� 1 ��3233 <br /> �FE� �F �rRusT <br /> L�an N�; 7���789� �C�iltinue�} Page 4 <br /> Trust, this event shal� ha�e �he same ��fect as an E�en� ❑f �e#aul�, and Lender may ex�rcise any ar afl o�f its <br /> aWailable rem�dies fvr an Event o� De�ault as provided h�l�w un�ess Trus�or eifiher t�} pays the tax b��ar� it <br /> bec�mes delinquent, �r {2� cantes�s the tax �s provided abaWe in th� Taxes and Liens se�tion and depasits with <br /> Lender cash or a sufficient�orpvrat� sure�y band�r�ther securi�y satisfact�ry�v Lender. <br /> SE�URITY AGREEiV1E11iT; F�NANCING STATEMENTS, The following provisians �elating ta this ❑eed of Trust as a <br /> security agreement are a part�f this Deed a�Trust: <br /> 5ecur;ty Agreernent, �his instrument shall cvnst�tute a 5e�ur�ty �g�eement ta the ex�ent any of the Property <br /> constitutes #ixtures� and Lender shall have all of�he rights of a secur�d �ar�y under the Uniform Cvmmercial Cade <br /> as am�nded fr�m time to�ime. <br /> Security Int�rest. Upan r�quest by Lender, Trust�r shal� take whateWer actian is �equested by Lender to ��r�ect <br /> and continue Lender'� security interest in the Personal Property. 1n addi�ian �v �ecardiny this C�eed �f Trust in �he <br /> real property re�ords, Lender may, at any time and withaut further authori�atian �rom Trustor, file executed <br /> counter�arts, capies or r�produc�ians ❑f this Deed of Trus� as a #inancing stat�ment. Trusfiar shafl r�imbur�e <br /> Lenc��r fiar ail e�penses incurred in �erfect�ng ar cantinu�ng this secu�ity interest, Upon defau{t, Trus�ar sha�l not <br /> remoWe, sever ar detach the Personal Pr�perty �rar-ri the Prop�rty, L�pon ��fault, Trustor shafl ass�mbl� any <br /> Pers�nal Proper�y nat affi�ced #a �he Praper�ty in a mann�r and at a pla�� reasanably c�nWenien� ta Trust�r and <br /> Lender and mal�e it availabie ta L�nder within three �3} days af#er r�ceip� a�F wri�ten demand from Lender ta the <br /> extent permitteci by applicabl�Iaw. <br /> l�ddresses. Tl�� mai{in� addre�s�s af Trustar �debtar3 and Lender �seeured party} �r�m which infarmatian ' <br /> cancerning th� security interest granted hy this ❑eed vf Trust may b� abtained �each as required hy the [�ni�orm <br /> Commerc�ai �od�} are as stated �n th�first pa�e af this Deed af Trust. <br /> FURTHER ASSURANCE�; ATT�F�NEY-IIV-FAC�'. The #aflowing pr��isians r�lating to further assurances and <br /> attvrney-in-fact are a part of this De�d�f Trus�: � <br /> Further Assurances. At any time, and �rom tim� ta #ime, upan request af Lender, Trustor wi�l make, execute and <br /> del��er, ❑r will �ause�a be made, �xecuted �r de�ivered, to L�nder or�Q L�nder's design�e, and when requested by <br /> Lender, eause to be fiied� recarded, refiled, or �er�corded, as the case m�y be, at such times and in such c�ffices <br /> and places as Lander may deern apprap�iate, any and ail such mar�gagesr deeds o#trust. security d�eds, se�urity <br /> agreements, ��nancing sta��ments, continuatEon statements. instrumenfis vf further assurance, certi�icates. and <br /> other dvcum�nts as may, in�he so�e opinian �� Lender, he necessa�y ar desirable in order to e#fe�tuate, compfete, <br /> per�ect, can�tinue, �r presert�e 41] Trustor's olal�gat�vns under the Note, �this Qeed a� Trust, and the Related <br /> Documents, and {�} the liens and se�uri�y �n�er�sts �reated by this Deed o�F Trus� an the Property, whe�her no�nr <br /> �wned a� herea�ter acqui�ed by Trus��r, Unless prahibited by �arrv or Lender agrees t❑ the �ontrary in wri�ing, <br /> Trustar shall reimhurse Lender#or all Gos�s and expenses incurred in cannect�on with the matters referred to in this <br /> paragraph. <br /> Attarney-in-�Fact, �#Trustor fails to d� any o�the things r�terr�d ta in�he preced�ng paragraph, Lend�r may da so <br /> �or and in �he name af Trustar and at Trus�or's ex�ense. For such purposes, Trustar hereby irreWacably appaints <br /> Lend�� as Trustor's attorney-in-fact�ar�he purpase of mal�ing, executing� d�li�ering, filing, recarding, and dving ail <br /> other thin�s as may k�e necessary ❑r desira�le, in Lender's s�le �pinion, ta accomplish the ma�tter� referred ta in <br /> the pr�ceding paragraph. <br /> FLlLL PERF�RMANCE. 1� Trustvr pays al� �he lndebtedness when due, and �th�rwise perfarms ali the �b[igations <br /> imp�as�d upan Trus�a� under this Deed o� Trust, Lender sha[I �xecu�� and deli��r t❑ Trustee a requ�st fvr ful� <br /> reconveyance and shall e�e�ute and del�ver t❑ Trust�r suita�ls ��atemen�s vf�ermina�ivn o# any finaneing �tatemen�an <br /> file e�i�encing Lender's security interest in the Rents and the Persanal P�aperty. Any r�can�eyan�e fee required �y law <br /> sha�l be paid by Trustor, if permitted hy appi�cable law. <br /> EVENTS �F �EFAULT. At Lender's v�fiian, Trustar w€I1 be in de#ault under this �eed of Trust if any of the foll�wing <br /> happen; <br /> Paymen�Qe�ault. Trustor�ails�ta rnal�e any payment when�ue under th� Indebtedness. <br /> Breal� Qther Pramises. T�ustvr breaks any prvmise made �a Len�er ar #ai[s �v per�orrn prvmpt�y at the t�me and <br /> ��tric�ly in the manner provi��� in this Deed o�Trust ar in any agreement related to this Deed o�Trust. <br /> C�mpliance Defauit. Failure tv compfy `rvith any other �erm, obligatian, cavenan� a� cvn�itian can�ained in thi� <br /> �eed of Trust,the N�t� vr in any vf the Rela�ed Documenfis. <br /> U�fau1�vn�ther Payments. Failure a�Trus�ar�rvithin the tim� required by this Deed of Trust�� maE�e any payment <br /> �or taxes or insurance, ar any ather payment ne�e�sary#o preWent filing vf vr to eff�ct discharye o�any lien. <br /> De�aul� �n Favor ot Third Par#�eso Should �ran�c�r default under an� loan, �xtensi�n of credit, security a�reernent, <br /> purchase or sales agreemen�, ar any �ther agreemen�, �n favnr of any ath�r creditar vr person tha� may ma��rially <br /> af�ect any af ��an�or's pr�perty or Grantor'� ability t❑ repay th� Indehtedn�ss ar �ran��r's a�iiity fi� per�arm <br /> Cran�ar's abliga�ti�ns under this Q�ed ❑�Trust or any of the Re�a�ed Documents. <br /> False Statements. Any representati�n �r stat�ment made or furnished ta Lender by Trustor ar on Trust�r's �eha�f <br /> und�r this D�ed a�Trust ❑r the Reiated D�cuments is #alse or misleading in any mater�al �espe�t, either now or at <br /> the t�me made or�urnished. <br /> Defective Colla#era�ization. This D�ed a# Trust or any af �the R�lated I7acuments ceases �a he in fuil farce and <br /> ���ect {including �aiiure ❑f any �vl�ateral dacument t� �rea�e a �alid and perFected s�curity interest a� lien} at any <br /> time and�ar any re�san. <br /> �eath or�nsolvency. The d�ath a�Trustor, the �nso�ven�y�f Trustvr, #he appointment af a recei�er far any part a� <br /> Trust�r's prv�er�y, any ass�gnmen-t �ar the i��nefit af credit�rs, any type of creditor w�rkou�, or the <br /> �ammencement of any pro�e�ding under any bankrup��y or insalvenGy laws by�r against Trustaro <br /> Taking a# the P�'op�r�y. Any Gr�dit�r or �a��rnmental agency �ries �a take any of tl�e Pr�perty ar any �ther of <br /> Trust�r's �r�perty in which Lender has a lier�. This includes ta�ing afr garnishing o� of le�ying �n Trustar's <br /> acc�unts with Lend�r, How��e�, if Trust�r �isputes in g�ad �Faith whether the �faim ❑n ►nrhich �he taking �f the <br /> Property is based is �al�d ❑r reasanable, and i'� Trustar �ives Lender written no�ice af �he claim and furnishes <br /> L�nder with manies or a surety bond satis#actary to Lender to satisfiy the ciaim, then �his de�fault pro�ision w�ll nat <br /> apply. <br /> Brea�h af Ofiher Agreement, Any breach by TrustQr under the terms af any other agreem�nt �etw��n Trustor and <br /> Lend�r �hat is n�t remedied within any grace period pra�ided therein, includ�ng with�ut limita��on �ny agreemer�t <br /> concerning any indebtedness ar o�he�obligation of Tru�tor t� Lender, whether existing n�w ar�ater. <br /> Events A�ffe��ing Guarantor. Any of�he preced�ng events occurs with respect ta any guarantar, end�rser, surety, <br /> ar ac�ammoda�ion party af any of the Inde�t�dness ar any guarantor� endarser� surety, or accommodatian par�y <br /> di�s ❑r becomes incompe�en�, �r re�ol�es ar disputes the validity ofr or liability under, any �uaranty af th� <br /> lndebt�dness. <br /> lnsecuri�y. Lender in gvod faith beEieves i�se��insecuree <br />