2� 1 ��3233
<br /> aEEi] [�F TRUST
<br /> Loan Na: ���'I 789� �CD11tlr1u�d} �'a�� �
<br /> �ttorneys' Fees: Expenses. �f Lender ins�i�utes any su�t vr acti�n ta enforce any o�-the terms a# this Deed o�F
<br /> Trust, Lender shall be entitled �o re�over such sum as the court may adjudge reas�nable as attorneys' ���s a#trial
<br /> and upan any appea�. Whether ar not any caurt acti�n is in�ol�ed, and to the extent nat prohihited by law, a�!
<br /> reasonab[e �xpenses Lender incurs that in Lender's �pini�n are n�cessary at any time for the pra�ec�ion o# its
<br /> interest or�he enfvrcem�nt af its rights sha�l be�ome a part of�he lndeb-tedness payab�� an �emanci and sha�I bear
<br /> inter�st at the Nvt� rate from the date of the ��penditure until repaid. Expenses �ov�red by this pa�-agraph inciu�e,
<br /> w�thaut l�mitation, hawe�er subject t❑ any limits under applicable la�►v, Lend�r's att�rney�' �ees and Lender's legal
<br /> expenses, whether or nat there i$ a lawsuft, including attorneys' fees and expenses for bankrup�cy proceedings
<br /> {including effarts ta madi#y ar vacate any automatic stay or inaun��ion}, app�als, and any anticipated p�sfi-judgm�nf
<br /> coli�ctian ser�ices; the cast of s�arching records. ohtaining tit[e repar�s (in��uding toreclosure reports}, surWeyvrs'
<br /> rep�rts, and appraisa� �r�es, title insuran��, and �e�s fa� �he Trus�ee, to the extent pe�rnitted by applicaiale lavv.
<br /> Trust�r al�a w�11 pa�any caurt�asts, �n addition to all other sums prc�vided by lavir.
<br /> Rights.af Trustee. Trusfiee shali har�e al�of the right$ and duties a� L�nder as set�a�th in this secti�n.
<br /> P�WERS �4iVa aBL1GAT[�N5 �F TRUSTEE. The fal[awing pra�isians r�lating �� the pawers and ob�igations a�Trustee
<br /> ars part of this De�d of Trust:
<br /> Pawers of.Trustee. ln additic�n�a all �awers of Trustee arisin� as a ma�te�af law, Trus�ee shall ha��the power to
<br /> �ake �he fal��winc� a�tians WItI� f�5p�Ct t4�h� Proper�y upan �he�rvrEtten request of Lender and Trustor; �a} �ain in
<br /> preparing and fi�ing a map �r pla�c of th� Real Pr�per�y, �nc�udin� the dedicatian vf s#r�ets ar ather ri�hts to �the
<br /> publi�, �b} jain in granting any easernent�or creating any restri�tion an �he Real Praperty� and (c} join in any
<br /> subardination�r�ther agr�emen�affecting this Deed of Trust�r the interest a�Lend�r under this De�d �f Trus�.
<br /> Truste�. Trus�ee shal� rneet alf qualif��atians r�quired fvr Trustee under appi�Gable law. ln_addition �a the rights
<br /> and remedies set farth aba�e, with r�spe�t to a�l �r any part t�f ��e Prap�rty, the Trus�ee shalf have the righ� ta
<br /> fare�Case ay notice and sale, �nd Lender wil� ha�e the ri�h# t� �vreclase iay �udi�Ea� fvrec�osure, in ei�her case in
<br /> acc�rdance with and ta the full exten��r�Wided by applicable law.
<br /> Successor Trustee. Lender, a� Lender's optian, may fr�m time ta time appaint a successor Truste� to any T�ustee
<br /> appoin�ed under this Qeed of Trusfi by an ins�rumen� exe�uted and acl�no�rv�edged hy Lender and recvrd�d in the
<br /> �ffice of the r�co�d�r ❑f Halt Caunty, S�a�e af Nebraska, The inst�umen� shall cantain, in add�tion ta a�� a�her
<br /> matters required by s�ate law, �he nam�s af the ariginal Lender, Truste�, and Trustor, the b�ak and page ��r
<br /> camputer system ref�rence} ►rvhere �his Deed of Tru�� is reGorded, and the name and address of tl�e successar
<br /> trusfiee, and the instrum�nt shall b�executed and acknnwledged b� a��the henefiiciaries under this Deed of Trust❑r
<br /> their suc�essflrs in interest. The successvr trustee, without �anveyance vf�he Prvperty, shall succee� to alI the
<br /> ��tle, pawer, and duties confe�red upan�he Trustee in this D�ed a�Trus�and by appi�cab�e law. This pr�cedure��r
<br /> subs�i�u�ian af Trustee shall gavern to the exclusi�n o�ail ather proWisians for substitution,
<br /> NOTICES. Any n�tice required to be gi�era under this Deed vf Trust, in�luding without limitatian any n�tic� ofi default
<br /> an� any natic� af saie shal� be given in wri�ing, and shaEl be effecti�e when �ctua�ly delivered, when a��ually re�eiWed
<br /> by telefacsimile �un�e$s otherwise required by lav�ry, when depasited with a nationally re�ognize� ouernight c�urier, �r, if
<br /> mailed, when depasit�d in th� United ��tates mail, as first class, cer#ified �r registered mail postage prepaidr �iree�ed t�
<br /> the addresses shown near the beginning �f this Deed o�Trust. A1� Gopies vf natices of fareclosure �r�m the hQl�er of
<br /> any �ien which has priority t��er th�� ae�d �� Trust shall be s�nt t� L�nder's address, as sh�Uvn near fhe beginning ❑f
<br /> this Deed a# Tru$t. Any persan may change his or her address �or n�ti�es under this �eed of Trust by gi�ing �armal
<br /> w�itten n�tice '�o the other persQn �r �ers�ns, speCifying �hat the purpase vf th� n�tic� is �ta chang� #he persan's
<br /> addres�. F�r natic�purpas�s, Trustor agrees '�o [ceep Lender inf�rmed at alf tEmes v�Trus��r's current address. Unless
<br /> atherwise provided or required by lawr i�there is mare than one T�us�orr any noti�� giWen by Lender t� any Trustor is
<br /> d�emed ta b� notic�given t� all Trus#ors, lt wilE �e Trustar's respansibili�y t�tel�the vthers❑f�he notice�rvm Lender.
<br /> �IIiISCELLANE�VS PR�VI���N�. The�oll�wing miscellaneous proW€sions are a par�of this Qeed of Trust:
<br /> i4mendments. Vllhat is writt�n in this Deed �f Trust and in �he Related Documents �s Trustor's entire agre�ment
<br /> with Lender Gvncerning the mat�ers caWered by this Deec� a�Trus�. To be eftec�ive, any change or amendmen�ta
<br /> this ❑eed o#Tru�t must b� in writing and must b� signe� �y whve�er will be b�un� or�b�i�ate� hy the change ❑r
<br /> amendment.
<br /> Gaption Fleadings. Captian headings in this Deed �f Trust are for �on�enience purposes only and are na�t to he
<br /> used to interpret�r define t�e praWisians of this Deed a�Trust.
<br /> Nierger. Ther� shall i�e na merg�r a�th� int�rest or�state created hy this Deed v�Trust with any vther int�rest or
<br /> estate in the Praperty at any time hefd by�r for the �enef�t of Lender in any capacity, without the v►rritten consent
<br /> of L�nder,
<br /> Gv�rern�n� Lawa �his Deed �f Trust ►rvill ba go��rned by federal I�w app�i�a�le to Lender and, tv the extent nvt
<br /> preempted by federa[1aw,the lavtirs Q�th�State of lVebraska wathout regard to�ts conflicts �f law�aro�is�ons. This
<br /> D�ed�f Trus#has hsen accepte�by Lender in th�5tate ❑f Nebraska.
<br /> Chv.iGa v#V�nue. I# th�re is a lawsuit� Trus��r agrees upon L�nder's requ�st �o submi� t� the ju�isdiction o� th�
<br /> courts of D�uglas County� 5tate of Nebrasl�aa
<br /> Nv Vllaiver by Lender. Trust�r understands Lender wifl na��ive up any ❑f Lender's rights under this �eed of Trust
<br /> unless-Lender �ves so in writin�. The fact th�t Lend�r delays or ami-ts to exerc�se any right wil� na� m�an that
<br /> Lender has giuen up that right. If Lender does agree in writEng t� gi�e up vne o� Lender`s righ�s, that daes no�
<br /> mean Tru�t�r will nvt ha�e �� comply with the a�her provisians o�this Deed o� Trust. Trustar a�sa understands
<br /> that if Lender daes cansent to a req�aestr that ��es not mean �ha� Trustar wil� nat ha�� ta get Lender's CC]n5�n$
<br /> again if the s��uativn happen� again. Trus�or fur�her unders�ands�hat just be�ause L�n�er cvnsents tv one or mc�re
<br /> o#Trustar's requests, that d�es nat mean Lender will be �equired ta cansent t❑ any af Trustar's �uture re�uests.
<br /> Trustor wa��es presentment, d�mand for paym�nt, protes�, and no�tice af dish�nar.
<br /> Serrer��i�ity, If a ��urt #inds that an}� provision �f this ❑eed af Tru�t is nat valid �r should nat be en#orced, that
<br /> fiacfi by itsel�vUill n�� m�an that the rest o�this Qeed o#Trus#will nvt be valid ar enforced. Th�r�f�re, a court will
<br /> en#orc�the rest of the pravisions o�this D�ed of Trust even if a pr���sion af this Deed o�Trust may be�aund ta be
<br /> EnWalid�r un�n�orceab�e.
<br /> 5u�c�ssars and Assigns. Suk�j��t t� an� fimitativns stated in this Deed o�Trus# �n trans�Fer of Trustvr's �nteres�,
<br /> this Deed af Trus� shali be binding up�n and inure t� �he �enefi� af�he p�rties, their successars and assigns. If
<br /> ownership ❑f the Praparty bscvm�s Wested in a pers�n �ther than Trust�r, Lender, without natice to Trust�r, may
<br /> d�al with T�ustor's succ�ssars with reference to this Qeed of Trust and'the lndebtedness �y Way�f�farbearance ar
<br /> extensivn without r�leasing Trustar fr�m�he�bligatians of this Deed�f Trust vr liahility under th� fndebtedness,
<br /> Time is o#the Essence. Time is o�the essence in the perf�rmance o�this �]eed of Tru$t.
<br /> VtTai�e Jury. All parti�s to this �eed of Trust her�by waive th� right to any jury firial in �ny ac�ian, pruce�ding, ar
<br /> caunt�rclaim brought by any par��a�ains�any athe�partye
<br /> Waiver of Har�es#ead Exemptian. Trustor her�by releas�s and waiv�s �I1 rights and b�nefit� of �h� hamestead
<br /> exemption laws of the Sta�e vf Nebraska as to a�l lndebtedness s�Gured by this Deed of T�-ust.
<br />