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2� 1 ��3233 <br /> aEED �F TRU�T <br /> Lvan N�: 7��1�89� ���tltinu�d� P��e 3 <br /> replace th� darr�aged or destrayed lmpro�ements in a manner sa�isfactory �o Lender. L�nder sha��, upan <br /> �atisfa�tvey proof a� such ex�encii�ur�, pay Qr reimburs� Tt�ustor frorn �h� prQc�eds for th� reasanable cas� ❑f <br /> repair Qr restoratian if Trus�or �s n�t in default under this De�d �f Tru��e �4r�� praceeds �rhich ha�e no� beer� <br /> disburse� wEth�n °!$� days after the�r reeeipt and which Lender has not c�r-nmitted ta the repair or rest�ration Qf <br /> the �raperty shalf be us�d first t� pay any am�unt owing ta Lender und�r-�his Qeed Q�F Trus�, then �� pay a��ru�d <br /> interest, and �he remaind�r, if any, shal� he app�i�d ta fihe principa[ ba�ance �f the (ndebt�dn€ss. i� Lender holds <br /> any proc�eds after payment in full �f the �nd�btedness, su�h proceeds shal[ be paid t❑ Trustor as TruStar�S <br /> in#erests rnay app�ar. <br /> ��r�np�iance w�th Existing [ncleb�edr�ess. During the psrifld in which any E�cisting lndebtedness des�ri�ed bel4w is <br /> in eff�ctr comp�iance with �he insuranc� pro�isians contain�d in the instr�m�n� evid�ncing such Existin� <br /> Ind�b�edness shall cansti�u�e compfiance �rvith the insuran�e p�ovisi�r�s un�er this Deed of �rus�t, to th� extent <br /> c�mpfiance `rvith the terms o� this Qeed o� Trust wauld cons��tut� � duplicatian af in�urance requ�r�rnent. !f any <br /> pr����d� fram the insurance became payable on I�ss, the pro�isians in this Deed of�rust�ar division of prvc�eds <br /> �hal[ appl�r❑nl�ta tha�portivn of the praceeds not payable to�he hc��der❑��he Exi�ting lndebtedn�ss. <br /> LENQEF�'S E�PENDITLJRES. If Tr�st�r �ails �A) t� keep the Praper�y �r�� of al[ tax�sr �iensF securi#y interests, <br /> �ncumbrance�r and other claims, �B} �� provide any ��quired insuran�� an �h� Pr4p�rty, �Cy ta make �epairs �� the <br /> Pr�per#y or t� comply with any ab�i�a�ion �o main�ain Ex�s�ing Ind�btedness in �o�d s�an�ing as re�uired be[ow, th�n <br /> L�nde� m�y �a sa. If any ���ian or proG�eding is �ommenced that vvould rnat�rially affect Lender's interes�s in �he <br /> P�oper�y, the� L�nder on Trustar°s beha[� rr�ay, �u� is n�� requi��d �a, �tal�e �ny action that Lender b�fiev�s to be <br /> �pp�apr�a�e ta protec� L�nder's in��r�sts, A[I �xpense� �n�urred ❑r paEd by L�nder f�r such purposes will then bear <br /> Ent�rest at the rate Gharged under ths l�ote from th� dafie incurred or paid �y Lend�r t� the date of repayrnent by <br /> Trus�or, A[! such e�e��nses `nrill be�vm� a parfi �f th� lndebtedness �nd, at Lend�r's �pti�n, will �A� be paya�le an <br /> dernand; {�) be �dded t❑ �he balance �f the N4te and b� app4rtioned among and h� payab�e wi�h any installmen� <br /> paym�nts to �e�vm� �ue dur�ng eith�r �1� the term ❑� any appiicable insuran�e poli�ya or ��} th� remaining �erm �f <br /> the Not�; �r �C} be trea�ed as a bal[aon payrn�nt which wifl be due and �ayabf� at �he Nat�'s maturity. The Deed af <br /> Trus� a[so will secure payment�f these amaunts. The rights pravid�d for �n this paragraph shali be in additi�n to any <br /> other ri�h�s or any r�medies �� which Lender may be enti�l�d an accaunt �f any d�fau[t. Any such �ctian by Lender <br /> shali not be construed as curEng�he default sfl as to bar Lender fr�m any r�medy�hafi it otherwise would have had. <br /> VI�ARRANTY; QEFENSE QF TtTLE. Ths fiol�ow�ng pr��isions rela�ing to ownersh�p❑f the Praperty are a part o-F this De�� <br /> �f Trust: <br /> Titl�. Trustar warrant� that: {a� Trustor holds gaod and marl�efable title �f r�cord to �he Prap�rty in fe� s+mple, <br /> fr�� and clear of a!I �iens and encumbrances ❑�her than thos� set #arth in th� Rea� Prape��y d�scriptiara or in th� <br /> Exis��ng Ind�b�ednes� section below ❑r in any ti�l� insurance pol�cy, �i�le c�ep�rt, �r fina! ti�le flp�nion issued in �a�or <br /> af, �nd �ccept�:d by, L�nder in c�nn�c�i�n wEth this Deed o�Trus�f and �b] Tru�tor has th� �Ful� righ�, pawer, and <br /> autho�ity ta exe�ute and deli�er this I�e�d�f Trus��o Lendere <br /> ��fense vf Title. Subject �Q the ex�ep�ivn in the para�raph ab�We. Trust�r �nrarr�nts an� uvi11 for���� defend th� <br /> tit[� ta �h� Proper#y agains�tn� lainrful claims o�a!! persons� �n the e�ent any action or �r�ceeding is �ammen�ed <br /> tha��u�st�ans Tr-ustor's tit�e Qr the interest ❑f Trustee �r Lender under thi� Deed of Trus�, Trus��r sh�[I d�fend the <br /> activn at Trusfiflr's expense. Trustor may be the nominai par�y in such proee�ding, but Lender sha�i be entitle�i t� <br /> par�icip�t� in th� proceeding and t❑ b� represent�d in th� pro���ding �y counsel �� Lende�'� nwn c�oic�, and <br /> Trusto�uU�ll deliver, �r caus�t� b� deliver�d, to L�nder su�h instrum�nts as Lender �-nay r�qu�st fr�.m tirne to time <br /> t❑ p�rmi��uch part�Gi�ativn. . <br /> �ompiiar�c� VLli�h Lawse Trustar �rvarrants that th� Praperty and Trust�r's use �f the Prop�rty compli�s with ail <br /> exist�ng app[icable favvs, �rdinances, and regulations af g���rnrn�ntal authorities, <br /> Sur�i�al of Promises. AI� promEsss, agr�ements, and statemen�s Trustor has made �n �his �eed �f Trust shaf! <br /> surWiWe the �xecufiian and d�li�ery a��his ❑eed flf Trus�. shal! b� �ontinuing in nature and shall r�rr�ain in ful� for�e <br /> and effec�unti[su�h time a�Trust�r's lndebt�dness is paid in fuil. <br /> E�CfSTtNG INDEBTEDNESS. The fol[�wing pr�Wisions conce�ning E�isting [nd�bfiedness are a part o�this Q��d of Trust: <br /> Existing Liene Th� I�en of this D�ed ❑f Trus� securing �he lndebtedness may b� secondary and inf�rior �v an <br /> ex�sting li�n. Trusfi�r e�press�y ���enants and agrses �o pay, or see ta th� paymen�❑f, the Exist�ng Indebt�dnes� <br /> and to prev�nt any�e�au[t on sucF� in�ebtedness. any d�fault under the �ns��-um�r�ts e�idencing such ind�btednes�, <br /> or any d�faul��n�er any seGurity da�urnents fiar su�h �ndebtedn�sse <br /> �1Ia 1Vlvdi�ica$ifln. Trus��r sha11 n�t en��r in�a any agreement with the h�lder og �r�y mor�gage, deed ❑f trust, or <br /> ather securi�y �gr�ement rivhich has prEority ov�r th�s IDe�� �f Trust �y which tha� agr��m�nt is m�difi�d, <br /> amend�d, extended, or renewed wi�hou� the pr�or vvritten c�nsent vf Lend�r. Trustor �hall neither �equ�st nor <br /> accep�any futur� ad�an�es �n�ler any such sec�rit�r agreer��n�w�thout th� priar vvri��en cansent�f Lend�r. <br /> �aN[]E�If�NAT1�Na Th� fo[[awing pr�visions relating to cond�mna�ion prvicee�ings ar�� p�r�af this Deed��Trust: <br /> �roc���lin�s. If any pr�ceed�n� in �ondemnativn is �i�ed, T�us�ar shall pramp�ly natify Lend�r in writing, and <br /> Trustar shall pramptly ta[�� suGh steps as may be necessary t❑ defend the acti�� �nd Qhtain �he awa�d. Trustar <br /> may b�the �flminal party in such pr�ceedin�� but Lender sha[1 be�nti�led�o participate in the praGeedin� and�Q b� <br /> repres�r�ted in the pr��eeding by couns�l �f its ❑wn �hoic�, and Trus�ar wi[� deliver vr Gause t� be ���iWered 't� <br /> Lende� such instruments and documen�a�ion as may be r�qu�sted by Lender �rvm time t� ��rrse �o permi� such <br /> participatian. <br /> ►4ppli�atiar� af Net Proce�ds. I� �l[ ar any part❑f th� Pr�perty is �andemne� by+erninen#d�main pr�c��dings or by <br /> any pra�e��ing ar purchas� in lieu❑��ondem�ation, Lend�r may a� its electian re�uir�that ail �r any po�tian❑f the <br /> n�t pro��eds af the award b� �pplied t� the indeb�edness ar the rspair ❑� restorat��n of th� Property� The net <br /> pr�ceeds �f th� award sha[I rriean �he av�rard after payment �f a[I reasonabf� ��5�5r expenses, and attarneys' fees <br /> incurred by Trustee❑r Lende�in c�nnectivn with�he �andemnati�n. <br /> IMP�Sf�i��! �F TA3�ES, FEES ANL7 �HAR�ES �Y ��VERNMENT►4L ►4U�'H�Fi1TlE5. The �alla�rv�ng pra�isians re��ting <br /> ta ga�ernrnental taxe�, f�es and �har�es a�� a part❑fi tF�i� Deed❑f Trust: <br /> �urrent Ta�es, �ees and �haa�ges. f�pon request b� Lender, Trustar shaf[ e�ecut� such d�cuments in addition �o <br /> this Deed of Trust and tak� �nrhaterr�r ather a�tior� is requested k�y Lender to per�Fe�t and �ontinue Lender's [ien ❑n <br /> �he R�al �ra�er��. Trusta� shail r�imburs� Len�ler for ail taxes, as t�escribed �eEow, tagether with ali �xpenses <br /> incurred in r��ardin�, perf�ctir�g o� cantinuing this Deed Qf Trust, in�luding vtirithout limitativn all taxes, �Fe�s, <br /> dv�u�nen�ary s�amps� and�th��-�harges f�r recarding�r registering this Qeed ot Trust, <br /> Taxes. The falfawing shall cvnstitute taxes tv wh�ch this �ectian app�ies: �1] a spe�ifiG tax upan this fVpe flf <br /> ❑e�d ��F Trus� Qr upon a�l nr ar�y par-� o� the [ndebtednes� secured by this De�d of Trust; {�� a specific tax an <br /> T'rust�r wh�ch �i rus�tar is autharEzed or required ta deduct�ram payments on th� Ind�btedn�ss se�ur�d by this �ype <br /> af Deed of Trus�; t3} a ta�c o�thi� type af ❑�e�f ot Trust�hargeabfe agains�the Lender or the halder of the Nate; <br /> and {�-� a sp�cific tax vn a[f �r �ny portian of the Indeb�tedness ❑r an pay�en�s of prin�ipal and in�erest rnad� by <br /> Trustar. <br /> Su�sec�uent Taxes. �f any ta�c ta whieh �his section applies �s enacte�i subs�quent #❑ the date af this Deed �� <br />