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2� 1 ��3155 <br /> �n�er�s� fram the date af disbursement a� �he same ra�e assessed on advances under �he �an�rac� and shall be <br /> payab�e,vvzth�nterest,upon natzce fram Lender to Borrower request�ng payment. <br /> Inspe�t�on. Lender �r �ts agent may ma�e reasonable en�rze� up�n and ins�ectzons of�he Praper�y. Le�.der sha�1 <br /> g�ve Borro�ver nati�ce at the�ime of or pr�or to an�nspec�ian spe��fying reasonable cause f�r�he inspectiori. <br /> Cvndemnat�on. The proceeds of any av�rard ar�laim far damages, d�rec�or consequen�ia�, zn connec�ion wi�h az�y <br /> condemna�ian or oth�r tak�ng of any par�of the Pr�perty, or for conveyar�Ce zxz�zeu of candemnatzon, are hereby <br /> assigned and shaXx be pa�d to Lender. <br /> �n �he even� af a�ota1 �ak�ng of the Property, the proceeds shall be appiied �o the sums secured by this Security <br /> �ns�rumen�, �r�ether or nat �hen due, vv��h any excess pa�d �a Borrovver. In �he event af a par�za� takjing af�he <br /> Proper�y �n v�rh�ch the fair marke�value of the Praper�y zmmed�a�ely bef�re �he ta�ing is equa� to or g�reater�han <br /> �he amoun� �f the � secured by �his 5e�uri�y �ns�.-ument immediately before the ta.king, unless Barr�wer and <br /> Lender a�herwise agree�wrztz�g,the sums secur�d by�h�s Security Ins�rumen�sha1�be reduced by the amoun�of <br /> �he proceeds mu���p��ed by the fo��avv�ng fracti�n: �a��he�o�a1 amount of the sums secured zmmedia�ely befare the <br /> �aking, d��ided by �b} �he fair market value of the Proper�y immed�ate�y b�fore th� �akzng. Any balance sha��be <br /> paid �� Borrovtrer. �n the event of a par�zal �aking of the Property in vvh�ch �he fa�r market va�ue of�he Prflpez-�y <br /> �mmed�ate�y before �he �s �ess than �he amaun�of the sums secured imm���a�ely before the �aking, un.�ess <br /> Bo�-rawer and Lender atherw�se agree ��.wr�t�ng or u��ess App�zcable Law��herw�se prov�d�s, th�pra�eeds sha�� <br /> be appl�ed�a�he sums secured by th�s Security�nstrumen�Whe�her or not the sums are then due. <br /> Tf�he Proper�y is abandaned by Bnrrower, ar if, after nat�ce by Lender�a Borrativer that�he car�dem�aor affers �o <br /> make an ativard or se�le a c�aim for damages, F3orravver fa�Is�o resp�r�d to Lender wi�hin the minimum number of <br /> days es�ab��sh�d by Applicable Law after the da�e the no�ice is gzven,Lender is auth�ri�ed�o collect and apply�ie <br /> pro�eeds, at �ts optian, either �� res�ara��on or repair of�he Pr�perty or �o the sums secured by �his Secur�ty <br /> �ns�rumen�.,�vhe�her or not then due. <br /> Un�ess Lender and Borrower�therv��se agree �n wr�t�ng, any applicatian of pr�ceed�to przncz�a� shaX�r�o�ex�end <br /> or postpone�he due date of�he paymen�s due under the C�ntrac��r change the amoun�of such paymen�s. <br /> Borrower Nat Re�eased; F�r�earance By Lender No� a �Vaiver. �xtensi�n af �he ��me f�r paymen� or <br />�fica�ian of amortizatzon vf�he sums secured by this 5e�urity Ins�rument granted by Lender �o Borr�v►rer ar <br /> an� �uccessor in �n�eres� of Borrovaer shall no� operate to release �he liabi���y of the origir�al Borr�,wer or <br /> Barr�vver's successors in in�erest. Lender sha11 not be r�qu�red to commence pro�eedzngs agaznst any successor�n <br /> in�eres�Qr refuse�o extend time fflr paymen�or a�herwzse mad�fy amor��zation of th�sums se�ured by�h�s Securzty <br /> �nstrument by reasan vf any demand made by the flrzg�na� Barrower or Barrower's succe�sors in interes�. Any <br /> f�rbearance by Lender in exerciszng any righ�or rem�dy shal�not be a wa�ver of or prec�ude �he exerczse of any <br /> rzght ar remedy. <br /> Success�rs and Ass�gns Bound; J�int and Severa� L�abili�y; Accommodation Signers. The c�venan�s and <br /> agreemen�s af�h�s Secur�fiy�nstrumen� shal�bind and henef�the successars and assig�.s of Lender and Borrower, <br /> sub�ec� to the pravisivns of section ti�Ied Transfer af the Property �r a Beneficial In�eresf �n Barrower. <br /> Barrovver's covenants and agreernents shal�he j oin�and severa�. Any perso�.�vha ca-signs�hzs Securi�y�nstr�ument <br /> bu� has no pers�na� liabil��y under �the �oritrac� �"Accammodation S�g�aer"}: (a} is co-sign�ng �his Security <br /> �n�trument anly �� mor�gage, gran� and convey �ha� Accammodat�on S�gner's zn�eres� in �he Proper�y under the <br /> terms �f the 5ecurxty Ins�rumen�; �b} is not pers�na��y ob�zgated to pay the sums secured by this Securi�y <br /> Instruznen�; and�c} agree�tha�Lender and any other Borrower may agree ta ex�end, m�dify, forbear ar make any <br /> accommoda��ans v�i�h regard to the terms af�his Secur�ty Ins�rument ar the Contract vvithnut�ha�Acc�mmadat�on <br /> Signer's car��ent. <br /> I��an Charges. �f�h.e Iaan se�ured by this 5ecurity Instrument is sub�ec� ta a la�w which se�s max�mum �oan <br /> charges, and tha��avv is fina��y in�erpre�ed so that the �n�erest or�ther I�an charges collected or�a�be c�l�ec�ed in <br /> c�nnec�i�n u�i�h the lnan exceed the permi�ted limz�s, then: �a} ar�y such toar� charge sha�� b� reduced b� �he <br /> amount neces�ary��reduce the charge�a the perma€�ted limits and �b} any sums already col�ec�ed from Borrawer <br /> which exce�ded pernni��ed l�m�ts �will be refunded �a B�rrovver. Lender may choose ta make th�s refund by <br /> reducir�g �he principal ow�d under�h.� Can�ra�t�r by mak�ng a direct payment t� Barrower. If a refux�.d reduces <br /> princ�pal,�he reduc�ion vv�l�be�reated as a partzal prepaymen�under�he Contrac�. <br /> Nat�ces. Azay no�ice �o $orra�rer prov�ded for in th�s Secur�ty �nstrume�.� sha1l �be gi�en by delivering i� or by <br /> mailzng��by firs�c�ass mail unless App�z�able Law requires use of ar�a�her methad. The n�ti�e sha11 be d�rect�d�v <br /> the Property Address or any o�her address B vrrower designa�e� by no��ce �o Lender. B arrovver agrees �n pravide <br /> Lender�wi�h Borrower's m�s�currenti mailing address, as �t may change from�ixne-�o-t�me. Any nat�ce to Lender <br /> shall be g�ven by f rst class ma��t�Lender's address s�ated herein or any a�her address Lender designa�es by not�ce <br /> �o Borrawer.Any notice prov�ded for�n�his 5ecurity Instrumen�sha��be deem.ed��have b�en given�� Barrower <br /> or Lender when g�ven as provzded in�his paragraph. . <br /> �-� Law; Severai�ii�ity.This 5ectu ity Instruamen�sha�I be ga�erx�ed by federal�avv and the�a,ws of the s�a�� <br /> of N'ebras�a. �z� �he evexat tha� any provisia� or ciause af�his Secur��y �ns�rume�t vr th� �on�ract conflicts with <br /> .�,pp�icab�e Lav�r, such conflic� sha�I no�affect other provisions of this 5�curi�y��s�rument ar�he �on�rac�Which <br /> can be g�ven effe��vvi�hau��he c�nfli���ng prov�szQn. To�his end�he provzsi�ns of�his Secur��y Ins�rument and�he <br /> Contract are d�clared ta be severable. <br /> Borrower's Copy.B�rrav�er sha�l be given one c�py af�his Se�urity�ns�rument. <br /> C�2D04-2�15 Compliance Systems,Inc.SC54-EAOA-2415,t 1.3.1098 <br /> Coz�sumer Real Estate-Security Instrument I7L�436 Page 3 of 5 www.c�m� <br />