2� 1 ��3155
<br /> Pa��nent�f Princ�pa�a�.d In�er�st; �th�r�vharges.Barrovver shall prorn.�t�y pay w�hen due the princip�.I of and
<br /> interes�on�he debt�wed under�he�Con�rac���nd late charges or any other fe�s and cha.rges due under th�C�ntrac�.
<br /> Applicable Lav�. As used in �his Secur�ty �n�trumen�, the �erm °'App�icable Lav�r" sha�� mean a�I ��n�rolling
<br /> applicah�e federal, s�a�e and l�cal ��a�utes, r�,gu�ati�ns, ord�n�nces and adm�n�stra�ive: ru�es and �rders �that have
<br /> �he effe�t of�aw�as�vell as aIl applica��e f na.l,r�on-appea�ab�e judicia�opini�ns.
<br /> �harges; Liens. B�rrovver shal� �ay aIl �a��es, assessmen�s, charges, �ne� ar�d im���sit�ons attr�but�ble t� the
<br /> Pr�per�Which may attain priority t�ver�his ��ecur�ty�nstrument, a�.d �eas�ho�d payments or gr�und re�xts, i�'any.
<br /> At the reque�t of Lender,Barrotiver sha�l pramp��y furn�sh to Lender re�eipts evidencin�g the payments.
<br /> Bflrrower sha1l prompt�y d�scharge any li�n�vhi�h has priorit�r over�h�s Securxty�ns��rument un�ess Bo�rower: �a}
<br /> agrees in wr�ting to �he paymen� �f the ob�igation secured by �he Iien in a manner acceptable to Lender; �b}
<br /> c�ntests �n good faz�h �he I�en by, or defend�a against enforcement �of the li�n zn, Iegal praceedings �vhieh in �he
<br /> Lender's opinion operate to pre�en� the enfc�re�men� of the i�en; or ��} se�ures frfl�n �ie h��der of�he lzen an
<br /> agreement sa�isfac�ory�� Lend�r subordina��rig the I�en to �h�s Secu.r��r�nstrument. If�ender de�ermines�hat ar�y
<br /> part of the Praperty is subj ect�o a��en v�r�icl�.may at�ain priority ��er th�s Securzty T�.strumen�, Lender may gi�e
<br /> Barro,wer a n��zce identifying the li�n. Bflrra�wer sha�l sat�sfy the �ien or�a��ane tir more of the ac��ons set farth
<br /> above wi�hin ��days�f the giving of na�ice.
<br /> Hazard or Property Insur�n�e. �3or-ra�v�r shall k�ep the improver�en�s no�v e�is�in�;or here�f�er erec�ed�n the
<br /> Pr�per�y insured against loss by fzre, hazards included wxthzn th��erm"ext�nded coverage" and any oth�r hazards,
<br /> including floods ar flooding, for ��vhich Le��der requires �nsuranc�. This insurance sha�l be rn.�intai�ed i�1 the
<br /> amounts and for the periods�hat Lender requires. The i.nsurance carrier praviding the i.nsurance shal�be chosen by
<br /> Bflrrower sub�ect t� Lender's approva� Whzc�� shal� na� be u�.reasonably �vithheld. If'Barraw�r fails �o ma���ain
<br /> caverage described aboue, Lender may, a� L�nder's op�ian, �b�ain caverage to pr{atec� Lender's r�gh�s �n �ie
<br /> Property in a�c�rdance v�r��h sectian tit�ed Pro��e��fon of Lend�r's l�ghfs in�he Prop+L�r�y.
<br /> A�l insurance po��czes and renevva�s sha�i be a�ceptable �o Lender �nd shall include ��. standard mortgage cl,ause.
<br /> Lender sha�l have�the right to hold the palici�,s and renewa�s. �f Lender requzres,Borr��wer shall promptly gi�ve to
<br /> Lender a��receip�s af pazd prem�un�s and rern�Wal notiCeS. In the e��n�of�ass, Borro��ver sha��gxve promp�n�t��e
<br /> ta the insurance carrier and Lender.Lender may�na�e praaf af Ioss if nat made promp��ly by Borrower.
<br /> Unl�ss Lender and BorrQtiver o�herwise agre:e in �ritxng, insuranc� pr�ceeds shall �3e app�ied t� res�ora�ion or
<br /> repair of�he Pr�perty d�maged, if, �n Lende:r's sale d�scre�ion, �he rest�ra�i�n ❑r repa�r �s ec�nomical�y feas�ble
<br /> and Lender's securi�y zs not lessene�. �f, in Le�ader'� sale discret�an, �he res�oration o:r repa�r is n�� ec�nom�ca�ly
<br /> feasible or Lender's secur�ty wauid b��essene+3,the�nsuran�e procee�s sha�1 be appl�e��t�the sums secu�ed b�this
<br /> Securi�y Ins�rumen�, whe�her �r not �hen d��e, v�rith any excess p�id to �orro�vver. �f Borrovver abandons the
<br /> Property, or does no�ansvver wi�hin the numb��r of days prescribed b�y App�icable La�v as se�farth�n a no�ice from
<br /> Lender tfl Borro�rer that the �nsurance �arr�er has offered�a set�xe a claim, �hen Lendf�r may c�I�ect�he insur�anc�
<br /> pro��eds. Lender may use �he praceeds �o re:pair or restore �h� Pr��er�y or�.a pay sums secured�y�h�s Security
<br /> Instrumen�,vvhe�her or n�t then due.The p erit�d of time for B orrau�er�o answer as set f:or�h in the na�ice Wxl�b eg�n .
<br /> tivhen#he na�ice is g�ven.
<br /> Unless Lender ar�d Borravver o�herw�se agree in wri��n.g, any applic��ion�f proceeds#:a princ�pa�shali no�e�tend
<br /> or postpone�he due da�e of�he paymen�ts due ur�der�he �on�r�.�t or change the amou��t of�he payments. If under
<br /> �he sec�ion tit�ed Ac�eierativn; Remedies, �he �r�perty is acquired by Le�c�er, B�rrower's r�gh��� any irisurance
<br /> palicies and pr�ceeds resul�ing from damage �� the Prope�-ty pr�or �o the acquisi�ian shal� pass ta Lender ta the
<br /> exten�of the sums secured by this Security Instru�nen�immedia�ely p�-iar to�he acquisi�ian.
<br /> Preservat��n, T�ainten�mce and Protect�o�i �f the Pro�erty; ��rrovve�'s Laan .A�ppli�a�ion; Lea�eh��ds.
<br /> Borr��er sha�I not destroy, damage or impair th�Fraperty, a�low th�Praper�y�� deter�orate, or commit uraste an
<br /> the Pr�perry. Borro�wer shal�be in default if ar�y forfexture actian or praceeding,�he�h��r civi�ar cr�rn�nal,is begun
<br /> �ha� in Lender's gaod fai�h judgmen� could resu�t in forfe�ture of�h� Properfiy or��he:�-vvzse ma�eria��y�mpai:r�he
<br /> �ien crea�ed by �his Security Instrument or �Lender's secur�ty inter�s�. B�r�av�rer m�yy cure su�h a defau�� and
<br /> reins�ate, as provided in section tztled�orraYver�s Right t� R��nst�.te, by causing the: a�t�on�r proceeding�o be
<br /> dism�ssed W�th a rulua.g tha�,��Lend�r's good fa�t�de�ernn�nati�n,prec�udes f�rfeiture��f the Borr��ver's�n�er�st in
<br /> �he Proper�y or other material �mpairmen� o:E the lien crea�ed by �h�s Security Ins�rument or Lender`s sec�zrity
<br /> interes�.Borravver sha��aTso be in default if Bc�rr�vver, during�he�oa�1 app��ca�ion proc{�ss,gave m�teria��y fal�e or
<br /> inaccurate informa�ion or s�atemen�s to LenC�er �or failed to pr�v�de Ler�der With a��y ma�erial �nforma�xan} in
<br /> connectian vvi�h the �oan ev��enced b� �he ���n�rac�. If�his Se�ur�ty Ins�rumen�is an ��.Ieaseh���, Borrour�r �hall
<br /> comp�y tivi�h a���he prov�sions of the lease. If�8��-rav�er acquires fee�itl�to�he Praperty, �he�ease�old a�ad�he fee
<br /> ti�le shall not merge un�ess Lender agr�es�o�he merger�n wri�ing.
<br /> Prot�cfion of L�nder'� Rights in the Propker�y. Zf Borravv�r fails t� perftirm �he c�venants a�.d agreem:ents
<br /> con�ained in this Security Instrumen�, ar there is �.lega� proceeding�;hat may s�gnif can}tIy affect Lender's righ�s in
<br /> the Praper�y �such as a proceed�ng in bankru,�tc�, proba�e, for c�n�emnat�a� ar forfe�iture or to enforce �a�w�s �r
<br /> regulati�ns}, then Lender xnay do and pay fc�r �vha�ever is n��essary to pra�ec� the value of�he Proper�y and
<br /> Lender's rights in the Property. Lender's ac�iar.�s ma�include pay�ng a�y sums secured��y a�ien vvhich has priority
<br /> aver th�s �ecur�ty Instrumen�, appearing in coi�rt,pay�ng reasanab�e���orneys4 fees and em�ering�n the Froper��y�o
<br /> make repa�rs.A�though Lender may take actiio��u�der th�s sect�o�,Lender�.oes no�hav+��o d�so.
<br /> Any arnounts d�sbursed by Lender under this se��ion shall become addxtional debt o�^Borro,wer secured by this
<br /> Secu.r�ty Instrument. Un�ess B�rr�Uver and Lender agree to ather �erms �f paymen�, �iese amoun�s sha�� �bear
<br /> Q 2Q44-2Q I 5 Comptiance Systems,Inc.8�54-EA�A-24 t a98
<br /> Cansumer Reat Estate-Sec�rity Instntment T]L2�36 Pa��2 of 5 www.campliancesystems.carn
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