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2� 1 ��3155 <br /> Tra�sfer of the Pr�per�y or a Benef�c�a�Ir�t�rest�n Barrower.I_E al� ar any part af'�he Prflperty or any in��erest <br /> in i� is sold or �ransferr�� (or if a beneficial in�er�st in B�rroWer �s sa�d or �ransferred an� Borr�wer is ��o� a <br /> na�ura� pers�ri} vv��hou� Lender's priar tivritten cansent, LLnder mayr, at �ts opt�on, res�u�re �mmedia�e paymen� in <br /> fu�� of aX� sums secured by �h�s 5ecurit� �n.�t�u.ment. Ho�xrever, this aptzon shal� no�� be e�erci��d by Lender if <br /> exerc�se is prohibited by federal lau�as of the da�e of this Secur��tryy�ns�rument. <br /> If Lender exercises this �ptifln, Lender sha�I g��e B�rro�rer notxc� of acc��era��on. The no�i�e shail provide a <br /> � periad �f not less �han�he minimu.m numbe�• �f days estab�ished b�y App�ica�le Law� from the date �he na��ce is <br /> de���ered or mailed wi�hin which Borro�i�er �mus� pay a�I sums secured by�his Secu��ity �ns�rument. If�3arrower <br /> fails to pay these sums priar to the expira�io:� ❑f�his per��d, Lend�r m.ay inv�ke an�r remedies permi�ted b� this <br /> 5ecur�ty Instrument�wi�.auti fur�her notice ar s3emand on Bor�o,wer. <br /> Bflr�tivver�s Ri.ght �o R.einstate. If Borro,w,�r �meets conditi��ns, B�rrower s�ha�� have the r�g�t to have <br /> enforc�rnent af�his Secu.rity�ns�ru�men� d�.s�tantinued a� an�r time pri�r to th� ear�ier c�f: (a� 5 days �ar su�h other <br /> perxQd as Applicable Law may specify far re�ns�atement}befare sal��f the Property pursuan��n any pa�ver of sale <br /> can�ained in this Securifiy Ins�rurnent; or (��} �n�ry af � judgmen� enf�rcing th�s Security rnstrument. Those <br /> conditiaras are �hat Borra�rer: �a� p�.ys Len�F�r �.1� sum� �.en�vfluld be due un�der�his Securi�y Ins�rumen� <br /> and�he�ontrac�as if no accel�ra��on had�cc�urr�d;���cur�s a.n�de�ault❑f any o�her rn��nants or agreern.en�s; �c} <br /> pays al�expenses incurred in enforcing this Sc�curity�nstrurnen�, inc�uding,bu�not lim:�ted to,reasonab�e att�rneys' <br /> fees to the ex�en�pernrut�ed by lavv; and�d} �4�kes such ac��on as L�nder rr�ay reasona�aly require �� assure�hat the <br /> ��en of�h�s Security Instrument,Lender's rights in the Property and�orro,wer's �bligat:��n�fl pay�he sums secured <br /> by this 5ecurity Ins�rument shall c�ntinue unchanged. Upan reinsta�ement�y Borr�v��er, this Security Ir�.�trument <br /> and �he abliga�ians secured hereby sha�� remain fu11y effe�ti�e as if no acc�ieration��ad oc�urred. Ho�vever, th�� <br /> right t�reinstate sha�l nat apply in the case o�`acceleratifln under the sect��n ti�led Tr��nsfer vf the Pro�erty or a <br /> Benefi��al Inter�st�n Borrower. <br /> Hazardous 5ubstanc��.Borrov�er shal�n�t��ause or perrni��he presence,use, dispas�.1, st�rage, or re��ase a:f any <br /> Ha2ardaus Subs�ances on ar zn the Property.�3flrrower sha.11 n��do;nar al�o�v anyone��Ise to do,anything affect�ng <br /> the Property �hat zs in vialation of any E�vi��or�nen�l Law. The preced�ng two sen���nces sha�I na� apply �v the <br /> presence,use,or s�orage�n the Proper�y of srr�a��quanti�ies of Hazardous Substances�hat are g�nerally recogni�ed <br /> to be appropriate�o narma�residential use�ar.�d�fl maintenance af�h�Prop�rl.y. <br /> Borrower sha11 promp��y give Lender wr���en:not�ce of any inv�stiiga��on,claim, demand, lawsuit ar o�her a��ion by <br /> any governmen�al or regu�atory agency ar private party ��.va��ring the Pr�per�y and a.ny Ha�ardous 5ubs�an�e ar <br /> Environm�nta� Lavv af v�rhich Borro�er hs�s actua� knowl�dge. �f �orrower �ea�-ns, or �s notifie� by any <br /> gov�rnrnenta� or regula�ory au�h�rity, �hat any�removal or other remediati�n of any Hazardous Subs�ance affec�zng <br /> �he Property is neces�axy, Borrovver shal� -promp��y tak� a1� necessary r�medial ��ctions in accordance vv�th <br /> Env�ronmen�al Law, <br /> As used in t�is paragraph, "�-Iazardous 5ubst�lnc�s" are �hc�se subs�arnces d�f�ned as toxic �r ha�ardous subs��nces <br /> by Envzronmen�a� La�w and the fol���ving s��bs�ances: ga�olxne, ker�sene, ��her fla�nmable or �axzc p�traleum <br /> products, tox�c pes�icides and herbi�zdes, va�atile s��ven�s, materzaXs containing asbes��s or forma�dehyde, and <br /> radioactive ma�erials. As us�d in this paragraph, "Environmenta�Law" means federal Ia�rs and IauTs of�he state�f <br /> Nebraska tha�r��ate to hea�th,safe�y or env�ronn-�en�al protection. <br /> Ac�elerati�n; Remed�e�. Lender sha�� gxve n��i�e to Borra�ver �r�or to ac�e�erati�n fo�Iflvving B�rr�vver's <br /> brea�h�f any covenant flr agreement�n thiis�ecuri�ty I�strumen�or the�antrac��.nder wh��h ac�e�er��xon <br /> �s permit�ed �but no��rior to acceleratron u��er �h� se�ti�r� titled Tr�nsfer of the Property or a�3enefi�xa� <br /> Interest�n Borrower, unie5s App�icab�e L�lvv provaides ath��vv�se�. The no��ce sh��ll s�ec�fy: �a} th� defEaul�; <br /> tb� �he action requ�rQd t� cure the defau�t; �c} a date, not Iess than the m�in�mum number vf �3ays <br /> e5tablished by�pplicable Law from the date�he n�txce is gi�en�to Borrflw�r,by�which the default�u5�be <br /> cured; and �d) �hat fa��ur� to cure the defau�t on or befor� th� date s�ecif�ed �z� �he not�ce may r�suxt �n <br /> acc�Ieratxon of �hQ sur�s se�ured b� t�xs Se�urxty Instrument �nd �a�e flf �he Property. Ta the e�ten� <br /> p�rmit��d �y�a�v, the n�tice �ha��furth�r�nfflrm Bvrrowe� vf t�he rig�t to refnsta�e af�er a�celer�t�on and <br /> �he right to br�ng a�ourt a�ti�n to a��er�t�le non-�xxsten���f a�[efault flr any ot��er defense�f Borr�w�r to <br /> a�ce�.era�ion and 5ale, If the defau�t is nvt c;ured ��. or before �h� date spe�xfied i:a �he not�c�,Lender mt its <br /> vpt�on may re��x�.re �mrned�ate payment i�� fi�ll Qf a�l. �um� se�ured by th�s Security InstrumQnt w�t�hout <br /> further demand and may invoke �he pawe:r of�a�e and any oth��remedies permit�ed by Applicabl.e La�v. <br /> To t�e e�tent p�rmitted by law, i,ender sl.a�al� be entitled t� c�Il�ct ai�. �x�enses in�urred in pursuing �he <br /> remedies provided in this Sect�on,�ncludin;;,but na���mited tv,�reasonabx� a�tflrr.�ey5' fees and�osts of ti��� <br /> ev�dence. <br /> If th�p��ver�f saZe zs��vQked, Trustee 5hall r°e�ord a noti�� of c�efau��in each cou�.ty�n wh�ch any pa�rt of <br /> �he Property is�ncated and sha��mail c�pies of such n�tice�n the manner prescri�bed�y Applicab�e Lasw to <br /> Borrower and to the other persons �� by Ap�a�xcable La�v, After the tirr.�� re�u�red by Applicabl.e <br /> Lav�, Trustee shal� g��e pub��c nflt�ee flf sal�e to �he persons and in th.e mann�r prescr�ib�d by Applic�.�Ie <br /> Lavvo Trustee,without demand on Eorrovv��r, sha��se�I�he Prop�r°ty a�pub��� au�:t��n �o the h�ghest bidder <br /> at the t�me and pia�e and under the terms ales�gna�ed�n th�n��i��of sal�in one�r�rnore par�e�s and in an� <br /> order Trustee determines. Trustee may ��o5�pone sale o� all or an�r parcel. of' the Praperty by pu�bl�C <br /> ann�un�ement a�the time and p�a�e of any prev�ious�y schedu�ed�a�e.�end�r or i:t�desi.gnee may purchase <br /> the Prop�r�y at any s�le. <br /> Upon receipt of payme�t of the pr�ce ��d, �C'rus�ee shall de�iver �� the purchaser Trustee's deed cvn�e;y�ng <br /> the Property. ThQ recita�s xn the Trustee'� ��.eed shall be pr�rna f�cie ev�idence of tihe�ru�h of the statemen�s <br /> C�2004-2415 Cvmpliance Systems,Inc,8C54-EAOA-2Q15.�1.3.1498 <br /> Cansumer Real Estate-Security Ir�strument DL2fl36 Pa�e 4 oF5 www.c� <br />