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2� 1 ��3�55 <br /> �FED �F TF�UST <br /> Lo�n No: �7�����84 ���ntinued} Pag� � <br /> preparing and filing a map ar p�at vf the Rea[ �roperty, including the dedicativn of s�reets or ather rights ta the <br /> publicr �b� jain in granting any easement ar cr�ating any restr�Gtian an �he R�al Prap�rty; and �c3 j�in in any <br /> �ul�vrdinatian❑r c�ther agreem�nt affe�'�ing this Deed of Trust�r the in�erest v�Lender under this Dsed af Yrust. <br /> Trust��a Trus�ee shall me�t all �ualificatians required for Trustee under applicable faw, �n additi�n tv the rights <br /> and remedies set ��rth ahave, with respect �v aIl or any part ❑f the Propertyr the Trustee sha11 ha�2 the righ� ta <br /> foreclase by notice and sale, and Lender vv�ll have��he right ta fvreclose by �udicial foreGlasu��. in eith�r case in <br /> accardance with and t�the full e�ctent prvWided by appli�able law. <br /> Succ�ssor Trustee. Lend�r, at Lend�r's aptian, may from time to t�m� app�int a su�cessar Trustee to any Trustee <br /> app�int�d under this D�ed of Trust by an instrum�nt �xecuted and acknawledged �y Lender and recarded in �he <br /> a�fice gf the recorder o� Hal! Gounty, 5ta�e o-� Nebraska. The instrument shall ��ntain, in addi�ian ta alI other <br /> matters required by state� law, the name� of the origina� Lender, T�ustee, and Trustor, the baok and page �or <br /> camputer syst�m r��eren�e� wh�re this aeed af Trus�.�s r�carded, and the name and address of the success�r <br /> trustee, and th� instrumen�shall be exe�uted and acknow�edged by a�l the bene�ficia�ies und�r this ❑eed of Trust�r <br /> thei� success�rs En in�erest. The su��essor trus�ee, withaut �onveyance Qf the Praperty, shall succe�d ta al1 �he <br /> title, pawer, and duties ct�nf�rred upon the Truste� in this De�d �f Trust and by appl��ab�e law. This prac��ure fvr <br /> substitution c�f-T�ustee shal� govern t�the��cGlusivn af ali other pravisions for substitutian. <br /> N�TICES. Any �otice �equired t� be given under this I�eed t�f Trus�, in�lu�fing v►ri�haut �imitativn any n�tic� of de�ault <br /> and any natice ❑f sal� sha�I be gi��n in �vriting, and shall be effecti�e wh�n actu�lEy deiivered, wh�n actually r�G�i�ed <br /> t�y te�e�a�simile {unles$ oth�rwise requir�d by Iaw}, when depasited wi�h a nationally recagni�ed ❑vernight caurEer, o�, i� <br /> m�i1e�, when depvsit�d in the Uni�ed States mail, �s first c�ass, c�rtifiied ar regis�ered mail p�stage prepaid, direct�d ta <br /> th� addresses shawn near the beginning ❑f this aeed of Trust. All c�pies a� notices vf foreclosur� fram �he halder o� <br /> any lien which has pri�ri�� ❑�er th;s Deed of Trust shall be sent ta Lender's address, as shown near the be�inning af <br /> this ❑eed of Trust. Any �oerson may change his �r her address for n�tices under this I]��d af Trust by giW�ng formal <br /> wr�tten natic� �o �he other person or persons. specifying that the purpose ❑f the n�tice is to change the person's <br /> a�dress. Far natice purposes,Trustvr agrees t❑ ke�p Lender info�med a�ai�times �f Trustar's curr�nt address. Unless <br /> otherwise pr��ided ar required by law, if�here is more than on� Trustar, any notice �i�en by Lender to any Trust�r i� <br /> deemed to be natice given ta all Tru�tors. �t will be Trustor's respansi�il�ty ta fell the others ��the natice�F�om Lenderd <br /> IV1IS�ELLANE�US PR�VIS��IVS. The#allowing miscellar�eaus �ro�isi�ns are a part of this Deed o�Tru��: <br /> Amen�lmen#s, What is �rvritten �n th�s Deed af Trust and in the Related Qa�uments is Trust�r's entire agreemen� <br /> with Lender conc�rning the matte�s ���ered k�y fihis D�ed of Trust. To be ef�ective, any change or amendment�v <br /> this Deed c�f Trust must be �n writ�n� and must be signed by whfle�er rnrijl b� baund �r c�bCigated by th� change or <br /> amendment. � <br /> Captian Headings. Caption headings in fihis Deed of Trust are far �vn�enience purposes ❑n�y and are nat fi� be <br /> used�� interpret ar define the �r�Wisians of this D��� a�Trust. <br /> lVlerger. There shall be no merger af th� int�rest ar�s�ate crea�ed by this Deed of Trust w��h any ather inter�st or <br /> estate in the Property at any tim� hel� by ar for�he benefit a�F Lender �n any capacity, wi#h�ut th� writ�en consent <br /> of Lende�. <br /> G�vernin� Law. This �eed a� Trust will be gvverned by federaf lavtir �j7pI1G�1�I@ �a L�nder and, t❑ tha e�tent nat <br /> preemp#ed hy federal law,�he laws of�he State of Nebraska withvut regard t�its canf��cfis Qf law pravis�ans. Th�s <br /> Deed of Trust has been acceptsd hy Lender in the��a#e vf Nebraska9 <br /> �hoice �f Venue. l# there is a lawsuit, Trust�r agrees u�on Lender's request �a submit ta �he juri�dictian Q� the <br /> courts of Hall C�unty, Sta�e of IVebrasi�a, <br /> Jc�int and 5ev�ral Liab�lity. All �bligations o� �arr�vw�r and �ru�tor under this Deed ❑f Trust sha[l be join� and <br /> se�eral, and all re�eren�es to Trus�ar shall mean each and �very Trusto�, and all references ta �arrawer shal� mean <br /> each and e�ery Barrow�r. This means tha�ea�h Trustor signing below is responsib�e for all obligati�ns �n this Deed <br /> ❑f Trust. <br /> 1Va Vllai�er by Lender. Trustor underst�nds L�nd�r will not gi�e up any of Lender's rights under�his Deed of Trust <br /> un��ss Lender dQes sv €n wri�Engo The �act that Lender delays or �mits t� exerGise any righ� w�ll nat mean that <br /> Lender has gi�en up that �-ight. lf Lender does agres in writin� ta gi�e up an� a# Lendsr's rights, that does nnt <br /> mean Trust�r v�il� na# ha�e ta cam�ly with the o�h�r proWisions of this Deed o� T�ust. Trustor alsa understands <br /> tha� if Len�er does consent tc� a request, that d�es rlot mean that Trust�r will nat ha�e ta g�t L�nder's ��nsent <br /> again if the situatian h�ppens again. Trustvr further understands that just because Lender consents ta�ne ar mare <br /> o� Trustor's requ�sts, that d�es n�t m�an L�nder w�ll be required to Gansen� tv any �f Trustvr's fu�ure requests. <br /> Trustor wai��s �res�ntment, demand far payment, pra�est, and notice�f dishonar. <br /> �everability. �� � court finds #hat any �r�Wision of this Deed �f Trust 15 nat Wa�id vr shauld nat be enfarced, that <br /> fact by i�sel�will n�t mean that the rest af this Deed o�Trust wil� not be �alid or enforced. Ther�fore, a court will <br /> enforc�the rest vf the pra�i�ions o��his Deed of T�us� even if a pravisi�n ❑#this �ee� o�f Trust may b� fvund ta be <br /> �nWal�d or unenforceable. <br /> Successars and Assigns. Subject to any �imitatians stated tn this Deed ❑f Trus� on transfer ❑f Trustar's int�resic, <br /> this Deed ❑f Trus� shall �e bind�ng upon and inur� fo the benefit a� the partie�, their su��essars and assigns. If <br /> ownershi� of th� Pr�pe�ty be�omes v�sted in a persan ❑ther�han Trustor, Lender, without na#ice to Trus��r, may <br /> deai lrvith Trustor's successa�s with reference ta�his Deed af Trust and the lnde�tedness by way❑f farbearance ar <br /> extension vtirithaut releasing Trustor fr�m#he ahligations o�this Deed vf Trus�or liability under the Indebtednessn <br /> Time is a�the ESsenGe. Time i� af the ess�nGe in the per�ormance af�his aeed o�Trusto <br /> Vllai�e Jury. A1� par�ies tc�this Deed ❑�Trust �er�hy waive the right t� any jury trial in any acti�n. p�oceediny, vr <br /> counterc�aim brought by any party a�ainst any other�art�r. <br /> Vllai�er �f Home$tead Exemptian. Trustv�- hereby releases and wa�We� a�l ��ghts and ben�fits af the h�mestead <br /> ex�mption iavtirs ❑f the State of fVebraska as to a�l lnde���dn�ss secur�d b}�this Deed af Trus�. <br /> f�EFfNITE�NS. The fallowing words shali ha�e�he follawing mean�ngs ►nrhen used in this Deed af Trusto <br /> Beneficiary, The w�rd "B�nefiGiary" means Equitabl� gan�Cr and 1�5 SLlCCBSSD�S ahd �551gC15. � <br /> Borrvwer. Th� word "B�rrawer" m�ans 1!`lesley H Jenneman and �ran�y K Jenneman and includes a11 �a-signers <br /> and co-mak�rs signing �he �redit Agreement an� a�l�heir successors and assigns. <br /> Credit Agreem�nt. The w��ds "�redit Agre�ment" m�ar� �he credi� agreement dated May �, 2�1 G, Wlth CI'ed[t <br /> I�m�t of $�3,D��.O� from Bvrrow�r ta Lender, t�gether with ali ren�vuals �f, �xtensians of, �nadificat��ns of, <br /> refinancings vf, cvnsal�dations �f, and substifiutions f�r the pramissary note �r agreement. The ma�uriJty date af <br /> this Deed �� Trust is May 6, ����. N�TICE T� TF�UST�F�; 'THE CRE�iT �►GREEIVIENT C�]NTA�NS A VARIABLE <br /> INTEREST' R►4TEe <br /> fleed of Trust. The wa�ds "De�d af Trus#" mean this aeed �� Trust among Trustor, Lender, and T�ustee, and <br /> includes withaut I�m�tation afl assignment and seGuri�y interes� pr��isians relating to th� Persanal Prap�r�y and <br /> R�n�s. <br />