2� 1 ��3�55
<br /> DEEa �F TRL�S�
<br /> Lo�n Na: �7�a����4 ���t�tinu�d} ��ge �
<br /> Environm�n�a1 Law�. Th� �v�rds "Environmental Laws" mean any and all sta��, �ed�rai and CQca[ s�a�utes,
<br /> regulation� and vrdinan��s rel�ting ta the pra�tectian �f human h�alth �r the en�ironmenfi, including withaut
<br /> limitation the Gamprehensiv� Environmental F�esponse, Compensa�ian, and Lsabil�ty Act of �98�� �� am�nded, �2
<br /> . �.S.C, Sec�ian �5��r ef seq. {"�E�CL�"}, the Superfund Amendments and R�auth�riza�i�n �4��t�f 198Sr Pub. L.
<br /> IVae ��--�J� �"SARA"�, the Ha�ardous Ma��rials Transpartation Acfi, 49 tJ.S.C. S�ctE�n 1$��, ��t seq., the F��s�urc�
<br /> Conserwati�n and RecoWery ��t, �� �1.5.�. Se�tio� �901, et sec�., �r ath�r �pplicabl� sta�e ❑� fieder�l [a�rs, ru�es,
<br /> ❑r r�gu�ations adapted pursuan�the�eta.
<br /> Ever�t of D�fauEt. Th�wards "Ev�nt of Qe�auft" r��a� �ny of the events of defau��set f�rth in�his �e�d af Trust in
<br /> �he�vents�f default seeti�nn��rrhis �eed o�Trust.
<br /> Exis�ing In�iebtedness, The vvards "Existing Ind�btedness" mean the End�btedness d�scr�bed in �he Exist�ng Liens
<br /> proWisian of�his De�d��F Trust.
<br /> Hazardous Subs�anc�s. The wards "Hazar��aus Su�sfianGes" mean material� that, becaUse �f their quanti�y,
<br /> cflncentrativn or �hys�caf, �hemical �r �nfectious chara�te�istics, may caus� �r pase a present or �otent�al ha�ard
<br /> t� hum�n heatth �r the �nW�ronmenfi when impr�p�riy us�d, �r�a�ed, stvred, �lispased of, �e�erated, rr�ar�u�ac�ur�d,
<br /> transported vr atherwis� handled. �he words "Ha�ardous Substan�es" are used in th�ir uery broad�st sense and
<br /> in�lu�e v►rithaut IEmitatian any and �!f h��a��vus �r taxic subs�ances, materia[s a� �nraste �s defined by or liste�
<br /> under�h� Enviranmenta! Lavv�. The term "Ha�ardaus Subs�ance�" als� includes, rrv�th�ut�imitation, p��r�feum an�
<br /> pefiro[eurn by-produ�ts ar any�ra�tian�hefeaf an� a���stos. . .. .
<br /> lmprav�ments. Th� vvorai "�mp�av�ments" means a[1 ex�s�ing anc� fufiure-impr��em�nts; bui�dings, structures,
<br /> mobE[� hom�s affix�d an the Real PrQp�rty. facilitiesr �C��1�101�5� repfacements and flther �vns�ruction an �he Real
<br /> Prop�rtY• . ..
<br /> ,�.
<br /> Indeb#ednesse The ►nr�rd "ln�ebtedness" means a[I prin�ipal, interes�, and afih�r �moun�s, Go�ts and expenses
<br /> payable under the C�-e�it Ag���ment ar Related Da�umen�s. fi�ge�her vtirith a�l renewals a�� �xtensivns ��,
<br /> m�di#ica�ians of, ��nsolidations of and substitutians far �he �redi� Agr��m�nt ar Related D�cum�nts ar�d any
<br /> arr��u��s e�€per��ied or ad�ance� by Lender to discharge Trustor`s Qbligati�n� a� �xp�ns�s incurred by Trus��e or
<br /> Lender tv �nforce Trust�r's obligatians under this [7eed a� Trusfi, �oge�her with int�rest an such �p-na+�nts a�
<br /> pro�rid�d in this Deed❑f T�us�k.
<br /> Lender. �h� word "Lender" rr�eans Equitabl� �ankr lt5 SLfC��55D�5 and assignse The wards "succ��s�rs �r
<br /> �ssigr�s" rn�ar� any person�r carr�pany that a�quires an�ir�terest 1n the Credit I�gre�ment.
<br /> Persanal �rop�rty. Th� vUords °'Personal Property" mean al! equi{ament� �I�C�L�C�Sr and ather artie�es �f p�rso�al
<br /> property naw or hereafter �wned by Trustar, �nd nc�riv nr herea�fier attached or �ffi�€�� ta �he �eai Prop��yd
<br /> �ageth�r v►ri�h all a��essions, part�, and addit�ons ��, a[I r�p[acem�nt� �f, �nd a![ su�sfi�tu�i�ns far� �ny af such
<br /> prvp�rty; and �ogether with aCl praceeds �inc�uding �vithaut lirni�a�i�r� a![ insuran�� pro�eeds and r��unds o� '
<br /> premiums} from any sale �r othe�disposifi��n�f the Pra�erty.
<br /> Pro�erty. Th�warc� "Prap�rty" rneans ca[[eetiv�ly the Rea! Pr�perty and th� Persanal Prap�rty,
<br /> Rea� Pra�erty. TF�e words "Real Pr�perty" mean the rea! praperty, �n�erests and rights, as furfiher desGribed in this
<br /> D�ed❑�Trust. �
<br /> R�late�! ��cuments, The w�rds "Rela�ed Do�uments" mean a�l prvmissary no�es, cr�di� agreemen�s� loan
<br /> agreements, enWir�nmental agreements, guaranti�s, s���rity a�reem�nts, �-nartgag�s, deeds �� trusts secur�t�r
<br /> �e�ds, �ollat�ra! mar��a�e�, and all ather �r�strumen#s, agreements and clacum�n�s, vvh�ther nflv� �r he�eafter
<br /> existing, �xe�ut�d in �onne�tior��nri�h the Indebtednesse
<br /> �g17�5. The WOC(� ��Rents" means all pres�nt and future rents, reWenuesa iCiC4CY1@. ISSu�S, f��1���1�5� �r��[�5, a�1C�
<br /> �ther ben��its�erived f�om�he �rap�rt}�.
<br /> Trvst�e. The vtir�rd "Trustee'° ime�ns Equitabl� Banl� tGrand fsland Regivn}, whase addr�ss is ���-�1�r N L��u�t
<br /> St; P{� �ax '�60� �rand lsiand, h�E �88D�-(����and an�substitu�e or su��essor trus�ees.
<br /> Trustor. �he vvard "T'rustor" means Wesfey H Jenneman and �ran�i�Jennernan.
<br /> TRCJST�R A�REES T� IT�TEFt�Vl�.
<br /> �RLJS1"�R�
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