2� 1 ��3�55
<br /> I�EED �F TF�LJ�T°
<br /> L�an 1V�: ������5�� ���r�t�nued} P��� 5
<br /> ❑�the Property, ar any part th�re�f, in its own name or.in the nam� a#Truste�, and da any ac�s which it
<br /> deer-ns n�c�s�ary�r d�sirable�❑ pr�s�rve�he �alue, marl�etability�r rentability o�the Pr�perty, or part o�
<br /> the Prop�rty ar interest in #h� Property; increase �he incame from the Prop�rty ar pratect�h� s�cur�ty af
<br /> the Prap�r�y; a.nd� �nri�h ar vtirithout tal�ing p�ss�ssivn ❑f th� Prapert�r su� �or �r atherwise c�lleGt th�
<br /> ren-�s, issues and pro�its af the Property, inc[uding t�ose ��st du� and unpaid. and appfy the same, less
<br /> �asts and e�cpens�s af operati�n and G�fl�ction a�tarney�' fees, �� any End�btedness s�cured by this �eed
<br /> ❑f Trust, ail in su�h o�d�r as Ler�d�r may determine. The entering upon and �al�ing poss�ssian af the
<br /> Praperty, the c�llecti�� of such ren�s, issu�s and pr�fits, and the appfi�atian thereaf shalf not �ure or
<br /> waiv� any default or nafiic� �#d��ault under this D�ed af Trust ar inWalidate any act don� in respanse t�
<br /> such default❑r pursuant ta such n�tice of de�Fau�t; and, natwEthstanding th� �antinuanc� in passessian of
<br /> th� Pro�erty �r the cv�i��tion, receipt and applicatifln vf ren�s, issues or prafits, Trustee or L�nder shall
<br /> b� en�itled t❑ exerGise �v�ry righ� pr��i�ed f�r in the Cr��it Agreement �r the Refa�ed Dacuments �r by
<br /> lavu upon-�he occurrenc�of any event of�efault, inciuding the right to exercise the power of sa[e;
<br /> �b� �Qmm�nce an ��tian to f�re�[ose this Deed of Trust as a mvrtgag�, appaint a receiwer or specff�ca�ly
<br /> enforce any of the c��enanfi� here�f; and
<br /> �G� �]�1i�er to Truste� � w�it�en de�[arat�an o�de�auffi and d�mand �or sa[� and a written notic� of de#ault
<br /> and efection ta �aus�Trustor`s inter�st in th� Propert���r b�soi�, vtirhich n�tice�rustee sha�l �ause�� ��
<br /> duly fifs� f�r reco�d in th�appr�priate�ffi��s vf�he �ou�ty i�wl�ich the �°raper�y is located; and
<br /> td} 1Nith respee�fio a!I ❑r any par�vf the Persvnal Property, L�nd�r shai� ha�e al� the rights and �em��ies
<br /> �f a secured �arty under the IV�braska Uni�Farm �ammerciaf God�.
<br /> ��re�l�sure by Power of��ie. if Lender elects��forecfose by exercEs� a�the Pow�r o#Sa�e here�n c�ntain�d.
<br /> L�nder sha[I notify �rustee �r�d shal! depasi� with Truste� this ❑ee� �f Trust and the Credit A�reement and
<br /> such r�:ceipts and e�idence of expenditures made and �ecure� by this Deed ❑f Trust as Trus�ee rr�ay r�quire.
<br /> {af Upon rece�p�vfi su�h notice from Lender, Trustee shall cause to be recorded, published and deli�ered
<br /> t� �rustar su�h Natice o# De�ault and [�otice ❑f Sal� as then requ�red by lav� and by this�[�eed af Trust.
<br /> Trust�e shafi, wit�aut dem�nd an Trustar, af�er such time as may th�n be required by [av�r and af�er
<br /> re��rdatian a-F su�h IVa�i�� �f Defaul� and after Natic� af Sale havfng b��n giv�n as r�quired b� lavvs seEl
<br /> the Praperty at the tim� and p�a�� �f sa�e fixed by �� in 5L]Ch IVd#lC� �f �a[e, �ither as a vtirhaler �r in
<br /> �epara�e �ats vr parcels �r i�erYts as Trust�e shafl deem �xpedien�, �nd in such ❑rder as it may determine,
<br /> a� pubii� auction �o �he highest bidder for �ash in lawfuE m�neV af th� Llnited Sfiates payab�� at th�t�me
<br /> vf sate. Tru��ee sha11 deliver t❑ such purchaser or purchasers thereaf its ga�d and suffi�ien� deed ar
<br /> deeds conWeying th� pra�erty so sold, but with�ut any cav�nant or warranty, �xpress or imp�ied. Th�
<br /> recitals in such deed ❑� any matters or '�acts shaE[ �e �onG�usive pr�ofi of �he truthfiulness fihereof. Any
<br /> p�rsan, includin�w�thvut limi�atian Trustar, Trust��, or Lenc�era may purchase a�su�h sa��.
<br /> �b� As may be p�rmitted by law, afiter deducting all cvs�s, �ees and exp�ns�s a� T�ustee and �f this
<br /> Trust, incfuding �o�ts�f e�iden�e af titl� in �onnection with sa��. Trusfi�� shall apply the pr�eeeds of sale
<br /> to payment �f tiy afl sums expended under �h� �erms of this Qeed vf Trus� �r und�r th� terrr-rs of the
<br /> �r�dit Agr�em�nt na� t[��n �epaid, incfuding but not limited to accrued in�erest and late char��s, ti�} al!
<br /> ��her sums then secured hereby, and �iii} �he remainder, i�any, to the person or persans iegally-entitled
<br /> �her�to.
<br /> �c} Trustee ma� in the nnanner provided by law postpane sale Qf ail ar any partion❑f the Praper�y.
<br /> R�medieS Not Ex�lus�►re. Trust�e and Lender, and each af th�mr shalE b� entitled to enfor�� payment and
<br /> perforrr�anc��f any indebte�ness �r��li�ations s�cured by th�s Deed vfi Trust and to exer�is� aI! rights and power�
<br /> under this ���d �� Trust, und�r fihe Credit la�r�ement, under any o� the Refated �o�ue�n�nts, vr under any other
<br /> agreement flr �ny laws nov�► ar hereafter in ��rce; no�withstanding, s�me or al! �f su�h indebtedness and
<br /> �bliga���ns secur�d by this D��d of Trust may n�w a�r herea���be ❑therwise s�cured, whether by mar�tgage, deed
<br /> ��trust, pledge, li�n, assignment�r otherwise. Neither the accep��nce of this �eed ��Trust nor its en#�rcement,
<br /> wh�th�� by Gaurt actian or pursuant ta �the po�er af sal� �r ��h�r pow�rs c�n�ain�d in thi� De�d of Trust, shalf
<br /> preJudice ar in any mann�r aff��t Trustee's or L�nder`� righ� �o reali�e up�n �r enfiarce any ather security now ar
<br /> hereaf�er held by Trustee or Lend�rd �t bein� a�reed that Trustee and Lender, and each of th�m, shall b� entitled to
<br /> enfa�Ge this �eed �f Trust �n� any other security nQ� or herea�ter he�d by Lender or Tru�te� in such arder and
<br /> rr�anner as they ar �ither of th�m may in their absofute discre��on determine. 1V� remedy canf�rred upon vr
<br /> reserUed ta Tr�rste� ar Lenc��r, is ir�t�nded ta be exclus�ve of any other remedy in this De�d �# Trust ❑r �y faw
<br /> prpWided �r permitt�d, bu� each shall b� �umuia�i�e and shall be in ad�i�tiar� �❑ �Wery other r�med� �i�en in this
<br /> ❑�ed af Trust or now ❑r her�after ex�sting at law �r in equity or by statut�. Every paw�r or remedy giuen by the
<br /> Credit �►�reement ar an� �# �th� Relat�d Docurrients to Truste� or Lender �r to which eith�r a# fhem may be
<br /> otherwfs� �ntitl��l, may b� exercEssd, con�urren�fy ar independently, �From time t� �im� and as aften as may be
<br /> deer�n�d exp�dient by Truste� or L�nder� �nd either o� them may pursue ineonsi�tent rernsdies. Nathing in �his
<br /> Deed �f Trust sha11 b� construed as pr�hibiting Lend�r firam se�king a d�ficiency judgment against the Trust4r t�
<br /> the e���r�t sucF� action �s permitt�d by fawo
<br /> Ei�c�ion af Remedies. A[� af Lender's rights and r�medies wif! be cumu�a�i�e and may b� �xer�is�d alone �r
<br /> tageth�r. I� Lend�r decides �a spend mone}1 ar ta perf�rm any o�f Trustar's ohliga�i�ns under fihis �eed o�Trust,
<br /> after Trusf�r's failure to do so, that decision E�y Lender wil� not affec� Lender's �ight ta dec�are Trus�ar in d��auit
<br /> �nd t� ex�rcis� L�nd�r's r�medieso
<br /> Request for Noti�e. Trus��r, or� l��ha[#af T�u�tar and Lender, h�r�by requests that a capy af any hlotice�#D�fau�t
<br /> an�i a ��py❑f any N�ti�e of Sa[� under this Deed ❑f Trust be mailed to them a�the address�s set�For�h in�he first
<br /> para�raph�f this Qeed�f Trus�.
<br /> Att�rr��ys' F�ss; Ex��nsesd ef L�nd�r inst�tut�s �ny suit or action tv enfar�e any vf �he terms af this D�ed �f
<br /> Trus�r Lender shal� be entit�ed t� recaver su.ch sum as the caur� m�y adjutige reasanable as attorneys` �ees at trial
<br /> and upa�a any appea�e Whether vr not any caur� act€an is in�olWed, an�! to th� extent not prohibi�e� by lav►r, all
<br /> reasanab�e expenses Lender incurs that in Lender's ❑pinian ar� necessary at an� time far the prate�tion ❑� �ts
<br /> int�r�st�r the enforcemen��f its �ights shal! became a part❑f the lnd�btedn�ss payabie on demand and sha[� bear
<br /> irat�rest a� the Credit Agreement rate fram �he da�e o� the expendi-tur� until repaid, Exp�nses cover�d by this
<br /> paragraph includ�, wi�hnut [imitat�on. hawever �ubje�t tv any [imits un��r applica�le law, Lender's attarneys' fees
<br /> an� Lender's �egal �xpenses, whether or not �here is a lawsuit, incfuding attarneys' t�es �nd e�€penses for
<br /> bankruptc� proceedings �inc[uding �ffarts t� madify �r va�a�e any automatic stay or injuncti�n�. appeals, and any
<br /> anticipatet� post-ludgment �allection services, th� �ast of sear�hing rec�rds, ab�taining titl� rep�rt$ �in�luding
<br /> fflre�lvsure reparfis�, su�vey�rs' reports, and appraisaf �ees, title insuran�e, �nd fe�s -For the Trusfie�, t� the ext�nt
<br /> permitted by applicabie �aw. Trust��also w�l� pay any court casts, in additian t� a!I ather sums proWided by laW.
<br /> REghts of Trustee. Trustee shal[ have all of th� rights and duties o�F L�nd�r as sefi#flrth in this section.
<br /> P�VIIERS ANQ D�L[GAT[�NS �F TRUSTEE. The f�llowing pravfsians relating ta the p�wers and �bfigatians ��T�usfi��
<br /> ar� �ar�❑f this Deed of Trust:
<br /> �a►nrers of Trus�e�. ln a�diti�n to al! pawers afi T�ustee arising as a matter af la�rv, Trustee sha�! haWe#he pawer ta
<br /> take the falfawing actEons with respect to the Praperty up�n the wr�tten reques�flf Lende� and Trustor; �a� �o€n in
<br />