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2� 1 ��3�55 <br /> DEED �F TRIJST <br /> Lvan 1Vo; 87�t���5�� {��ntinued� �a�e � <br /> Lender �u�h instruments and documentati�n as may be requested by Lender frflm tim� ta time ta permi� such <br /> participatian. <br /> Appl�Gatian �f IVet F'roce�ds. If al1 or any part a#the Property is c�ndernned �y �minent domain prv�eedings ❑� by <br /> any praceedin� ar pu�chase in lieu af con�emnatian, Lender may at�ts electian requ�re that all ❑r any portian�f�he <br /> net p�a�eeds of the award be applied ta the lndebtedness ar the repa�r or rest�rativn �f th� Property. The net <br /> proceeds a�F the �war� shall mean the a�vard after paym�nt a� a�l reasor�ahle costsr e�pen��s, and attorneys' fees <br /> incurr�d by Trustee ar Lender in conne�tion with the c�ndemnation, <br /> IMPUSIT��N �F TA�iESa FEES AND CHARGES B1� ��VERNMENTAL AUTH�R�TiES, The f�llawing pravisians relat�ng <br /> tQ gv�ernmen�al taxes, fees and char�es ar� a part❑f�his Deed af Trust: <br /> Curr�nt Ta�esr Fees and Char9es. Upan requ�st by Lender, Trustvr shall exe�ut� such d��uments in addition tv <br /> this ❑�ed o�Trust and take wh��ever�ther action is r�quested by Lend�r t❑ perfect and con�inue Lender`s l�en ❑n <br /> the R�al Praperty. Trustar sha�! reimburs� Lender #�r a�l taxes, as describ�d b�law, ��gether v►rith all expenses <br /> incurred in recording, p�rfect�ng or continuing this �e�d �� Trust, �ncluding wi�hout {imitatiQn all taxes, fees, <br /> dacum�ntary stamps, and o�her�harg��f�r r�G�rding c�r registering this Deed af Trus�, <br /> Taxes. The fallawing shali constitu�s ta�es ta �vhich this section applies: t�} a specific tax upon th�s type af <br /> �eed o# Trus# ar up�n all or an� par� �f the Indebtedness secured by this Deed a� Trust; t�� a specifiG �kax on <br /> Barrawer which Barrvwer is authoriz�d ar �equired to deduc� fram payments an the Indebtedness secured by this <br /> type vf De�� n�Trus�; {3� a tax❑n this type of a�ed ❑f Trust chargeab�e ag�inst the Lender o�the halder vf the <br /> �redit A�reement; and {�} a speci�ic tax on all�r any por�ion of the lndebtedness ❑r❑n payments a� pr�nc�pal and <br /> int�r�st made k�y Borrower. <br /> Suhsequent Ta�ces. If any tax to which �his �ectivn applies is enacted su�sequ�nt to #he dat� af this Deed o� <br /> Trust, this event shal� ha�e �he same effec� as an Event of [�efau�t, and Lender may e�c�rci�e any or a!I of i'�s <br /> ava�[abie remedies �ar an Event af De�ault as pravided �elaw unless Trus�or eithe� f�} pays the tax hefvre i� <br /> becomes delinqu�nt, or t�� Gontests �he tax as proWided abv�e in �he Taxes and Liens secti�n and deposi�s with <br /> Lender cash❑r a suff�ci�nt carporate surety band or❑ther se�urity satisfactory to L�nd�r. <br /> �ECUR�TY AGREEMENT: FINANC�NG STATEMENTS, The fol�owing �ra�isions relating ta this Deed a� Trusfi as a <br /> s�curity agreemen�are a part of this Deed af Trust: <br /> 5ecurity Agr�ement. This �nstrument shall c�nstitute a SecurEty �►greement to the ex�ent any o# the Pr�perty <br /> constitutes fixtures, and Lender shalf ha�e all o�the rights of a �ecured party under the Uniform Cvmmerciai C�de <br /> as amended fr�m time to time. <br /> Security �nterest. Upan requ�st by Lender, Trust�r shal� take whate�er action is �equested by Lender to perfe�t <br /> and continue Lender's security int�rest in the Personal Property. �n addition t❑ recording �his a�ed ❑�Trus# in the <br /> rea� �Oroperty rec�rds, Lender may, at any t�me and wi�hau� further autharization fram Trustor, file execut�d <br /> counterparts, cop�es ❑r repraductions €�# this Deed ��f Trust as a financing statement. Trustar sha�l re�mbu�se <br /> L�nder �or all expens�s in�urred in perfeGting or �ontinu�ng this security interest. Up�n detau�t, Trust�r shal� n�t <br /> remo�e, se�er or detach the Personal Praperty fram the Praperty. Upan de�Fault, Trus�or shall assem�le any <br /> Persanal Pr�pe�#y ncrt affi�€ed to �he Praperty in a manner and a�.a pla�e reas�na�ly �on�enient tQ Trust�r and <br /> Lender and ma[€e it avaif�ble ta Lender within three {3� days a�ter rec�ipt af written demand �rom Lend�r to the <br /> extent pe�mitt�d hy applicahle �a►nr. <br /> Address�s. The mailing addresses �f Trustor {debtor} and Lender {seGured party} from which informatian <br /> cancerning the security in��rest granted hy this Dsed a�f Trust may h� abtained �each as requ�red by th� Uniform <br /> C�mrn�r�iai Cad�} ar� as stated �n�n�first pag�of this D�ed af Trust, <br /> FURTHER A��UR�4NGES� ATT�RNEY-IN-FAGT. Th� #allawing proWisians re�ating tv #urther assuranc�s and <br /> a�t�rn�y-in-�act are a �ar�af th�s Q�e�of Trus�: <br /> Further AssuranGes. At any �ime, and fram ��me ta time, upon reques� vf Lender, Trustor�rvill make. execute and <br /> deli�er, or will �ause to be made, �xecuted �r de�i�er�d, ta Lender ar t❑ Lender's designee, and when requested by <br /> Lender, cause to be �iled, reGard�d, refile�, or rerecorde�, as �he case may b�, at such times an� in such off��es <br /> and places as Lender may deem apprapriat�, any and a�l �uch mart�ages, deeds Qf trust, security deeds, s��urity <br /> a��e�me�ts, #inancing statemen�s, continuation statemen�s, �nstrurnents of further assurance, cer�ificat�s, and <br /> o�her d�cumen#s as may, in�he so�� apini�n o� Lender, b� necessary �r desirab�e in ��der�v eff�ctua�e� complete, <br /> perfec�� G��1�1�1LI�r ar pres�rve {1� �orrawer's and Trus�ar'� �bliga�ians under the Credit Agreement, this Deed af <br /> Trus�, and �he Related Qocuments, and ��} the liens and security in�e�es�s crea�ed by this D�ed o�Trust vn th� <br /> Prvp�rty, wheth�r now ovuned ❑r hereafter acquired by Tru��ar. Unless prohibited by law �r Lender a�rees to the <br /> �ontrary in writing, Trustor shal! re�mburse Lender for alf ��sts and ��€penses incurred in cannection uvith th� <br /> matter� ref�rred ta in this paragraph. <br /> lattorney-in-Fact. I�Trus�o�faiis to do any af th� things referred to in the preceding paragra�h' Lender may d� so <br /> far and in the name af Trustor and at Trust�r'� exp�nse, Far such purpases, Trustor h�reby irrevacably appoints <br /> Lender as Trust�r's attvrney-in-#act far�he purpase af�-naking, execu�ing, deliWering, tiling, recordin�, an�# daing a1l <br /> other �hings as may b� nec�ssary or desiral�l�, in L�nder's sole �pinian, to a��omplish the matters re�erred ta in <br /> the preceding paragraph. <br /> FULL PERF�RMAfVCE, l�r Barrower and TruStar pay a11 the �nde�tedness rivhen due� t�rmina��� th� credit �ine accaunt, <br /> and Trustor o�her►rvise per�orrns �1� �he abligations impased upan Trustvr under th�s ❑eed o#T�ust� Lende�shall execute <br /> and de[iver ta Trustee a requesfi fiar fuil recon�eyance and shall e�e�ute and deliWer to Trustor suEtable sta�ements of <br /> �erminatian ❑f any financing statemer�# an file evEdencing Lender's security int�rest �n the R�nts and t�re Pers�nal <br /> Proper�y, Any recanveyance fee r�quired l�y law shal� be paid by Trustor, if pe�mitted by applical�le law. <br /> EVENTS aF DEFe4t]LT. Trustor will be in default und��this a�ed a�Trust if any af the �o�lowin� happ�n; �A} Trus�or <br /> commits fraud ar makes a material misrepresentation at any tirr�e in conne�t�an with fhe Gred�� Agreement. Thi� can <br /> €nclude, �vr exam�l�, a f�ise �tatement abou� S�rrawer's �r Trust�r's incame, as�ets, liabi�ities, nr any��her aspe��s of <br /> Borrower's or Trustar's financiai �onditian. {B} Borrower daes not meet the repayment terms af�he Credi�Agreemente <br /> tC� Trustor's ac�ion ar inactian ad�ersely affe�ts th� �allatera� ❑r Lender's rights �n ths collateral. This �an inc�ude, for <br /> �xample, failure fio mainta�n required Ensurance, waste ar destru�tiv� use �f the �welling, failure to pay taxes, death a� <br /> a�l persons liable on the account, transfer a# tit�e or sale o'� the dtirvelling, creati�n �f a Senior lien an th� dw�l�ing <br /> with�ut Lender's perm�ssion, foreclosure by the halder of anather li�n, o�the u$e ❑f funds �r th� dwelling f�r prohibited <br /> purposes. <br /> R1GH�S AN� F�EMEDIES �N DEFAULT. If an Event of De�ault accurs unde�this Deed ❑f T�ust, at any time thereafter, <br /> Trustee ar Lender may ex�rcis� any ane or mo�e af the fo�lowing rights and remedies: <br /> Acceierati�n Up�n Default;Additionai Remedies e i� any Event❑� D�fault accurs as per the terms �f the Credit <br /> Agre�ment s�cured here�y, Lender may de�lare ail Inde�tedness secured by thi� Deed o�Trust t�s be due and <br /> payable and the sam� sha�l thereupan become due and payable without any presentment, demand, prat�st or <br /> nQtice af any kind. Thereaft�r, Lender may� <br /> �a} Either in person ar by ag�n�, with �r without br�nging any a�tion o� pr��eeding, vr by a receiWer <br /> appainted by a c�urt and with�ut regard t� th� adequacy of its securi�y, ente� upon and take passes�Evn <br />