2� 1 ��3�55
<br /> �EE� �F TRUS�
<br /> L��r� l�o: S7��C�5��- {�or�t�nu�d� Pa�� 3
<br /> PR�PERT� [7A�IiAGE INSLIRANCE. Th� fallawing pravisi�ns relating to �nsuring th� Prflperty�re a part�f this ❑eed ��
<br /> Trust,
<br /> 1111a�nter�an�� �f fnsur�n��. T"rvstar shall prQcure and maintain p�li�ies o� fire insurance v►ri�h standard e�t�nded
<br /> co�erag� endorsements �n � replacement basis for the ful� insurable �alue �vverin� a11 lmpro�ements on the R�ai
<br /> Praperty ir� an arnount sufficient ta a�oid applica�ian afi any �ainsurance c[ause, and with a s#andard rnortg�gee
<br /> �iause En fiavvr�f L�nd�r, tog�ther with such ather ha�ard and liabifi�y insuranc� as Lend�r rnay reasonabfy requir�e
<br /> Pa��cies shafl �� e�vri��en in farm, amounts, caWerages and basis rea�ona�ly a�ceptab�� t❑ Lender and �ssued by a
<br /> company ar cornpanies r�asanabfy a��eptab�e ta Lender, Trustor, up�n ��quest of Lender, will d��iWer �❑ Lendec�
<br /> from time �o time the poli�ies or certific�t�s of insurance in form satis�actory tv Lender, in��u�iing stipulat��n� that
<br /> �average� �rvi�l n�t be cancel(�d �r diminished withvut at least �en {�0} da�s prior writt�n not[ce �❑ Lender. Each
<br /> ir�suran�e policy als� $h�l� includ� an endors�ment pravid�ng that�cvv�rage in faU�r af L�nder wilf n�t b� impaired
<br /> �n any uvay by any a��, �mi�sion ar d�fault o#Trustar ar any ather �per�an, Should the Real Pr�perty be located in
<br /> �n area �lesign�ted by �he Administrator ❑f th� Fe�era� Em�rg�ncy Managemen�Agency as � sp��iaE �lofld ha�ard
<br /> area, Trustor �grees �o �bta�n and main-tain Federal F1oad lnsurance, i� ��ailabfe, far the maximum �maunt af
<br /> B�rr�r�ver's credit line an� the ful� un�aid p�ineipal ba[ance of a�y privr liens �n the praperty securing the �aar�, up
<br /> t� #he max�mum paiicy limits set under the Nati�nal F�Q�d fnsuran�e Programr �r as vtherwis� requirec� by Lend�r,
<br /> �nd�� rrrainfiain su�h in�uranc��Far�he term of th� [aan.
<br /> Appli�a�tiora af F�ro��edsp Trustar �ha�l promptly no�ify Lender af an� �v�s a�damag� to the Property. Lender may
<br /> make pro�f �� loss i# Trustor fails to �o �a v�rithin fifteen {15� days of �th� cas�alty. V`lh�th�r or na� Lend�r'�
<br /> security is impair�d, Lender ma�, at Lender's electi�n, receiw� and retain the pr�ceeds afi any insuran�� and apply
<br /> the proce�ds t� the reduc�ian ��th� Indeb��dness, payment of an� li�n a�#ecting �he Property, or the r�stara�ion
<br /> and repair ❑f�he Praperty. [� Ler�d�r eleCts to apply the �r�ceeds ta rest�ratian and repair, Trustar shal! repair��
<br /> �eplac� the damaged or d�strayed frnprovemen�s in a mann�r satisfactory �fl Lend�r. Lend�r �hall, upan
<br /> sa�is�actary prQof �f such expenditure, pay ar reimburs� Trus�or from �he proceeds �ar fihe reason��le cos� af
<br /> repair or res�or�ation if Trustvr is nat in default under this Deed a� Trust. �ny �rac��ds which hav� n�t been
<br /> disburs�d �v�th�n 1�0 days after their receipt and which L�nder has na� ��mmit�ed �❑ th� repair ar restaration af
<br /> the Pr�perty sh�ll be use�l first tv pay any am�unt❑wing �o Lend�r under this Deed ❑f Trust, then to pay accrued
<br /> �nterest, and the remaind�r, �f any, sha[I be appfi�d to the principa[ balan�e �f the lndebte�ness. 1f L�nder h�ids
<br /> any pro�eeds after payment in full ❑� the lndebtedness, such pra��eds shafl be �ai� t❑ Trus��r as Trus�or'�
<br /> inter�sts r�ay app�ar.
<br /> C�m�l�an�e with E�ist�ng [nclebte��es�. Durin� th� period in v►rhi�h an}� Exis�ting [nde�t�dness descr[bed bef�w is
<br /> in ef��ct, compliance With the insuran�e �3r{7V{5iOf15 �antained in th� �nstrument e�idencing �uch Existing
<br /> lnde�tedn�ss shall ��ns�itute c�mp�iance ►,n�ith the �nsu�ance proWisEans und�r �his D��d vf Trust, t� �he �xtent
<br /> compl�ance �rith the terms a� this Deed of Trust w�u��l cvnstit�te a �1uplEcation af insuranc� requErement. I� any
<br /> prac�e�ls �rarr� the insurance became payab[e an I�ss, �he praW�s�ons in this �eed �f Trusfi for di�isian �f proceeds
<br /> shall ap�aly ani�to tha�par�i�n �f-th� pro�e�ds r�ot�ayabl�ta�h� h�lder af the Existing In�iebtedness.
<br /> LEiVDEI�'S E3�PENDIT'URESe 1# Trustar fails ��1� ta keep the Prapert� free ❑f a�f ta�ces. �i�ns, se�urity interests,
<br /> �n�ur�brances� and ❑ther claims, tB� �o prov�de any required insu�anc� vn the Praper�y, t�} tv �nake repairs �a �he
<br /> Property vr �❑ campl►� with any abligatifln to ma�n�ain E�is�ing Ind�bt�dness in gv�� �tandfng �s requir�d bel�w, ther�
<br /> L�nder rriay da sv. If any �ctian ❑r prac�edir�g is eomm�r�ced tha� woufd ma�erially affect Lender's inter�st� in the
<br /> Property, then Len�er on Trustvr`s �ehaif may, bu� is nat r�quired ta, tak� any ���iar� that Lender belie�es tfl �e
<br /> �pproprE�te t� pratect Lend�r°� int�res�s. �Il e�penses incurred or pai� b�r Lender for such purpos�s wil! th�n b�a�
<br /> °snter�st a� the rate charged ur�der the �redit Agr�em�n� from �th� dat� incurred ar paid by Len�ler to th� dat� o�
<br /> r�paym�nt b}�Trustar. Ali such ea�penses wil! becvme a part Qf the �nd�btedness and, at Lender's option, wi[I tA} be
<br /> payab�e on dernand, tB} be added to th� ba�an�e af th� �redit Agreem�nt �n�f be app�rti�n�d among �nd be �ayable
<br /> with any insta[Iment�aymen�s t� b��ame du�during ei�her ��� the t�rm �f any applicabl� insuran�e policy; ❑r t�y �he
<br /> ��maEning term of the �redit Agreementr or tCj b� treated as a balfoan payment v�rhich wifl be.du� and payabfe at the
<br /> +Credit Agreement'� rr�a�urifiy. The f�eed v�F Trus� also wil! s��ur� paym�nt o#thes� amvunts. Th� ri�hts pro�ided far in
<br /> thi� paragraph shafl b� in addit�an �a any oth�r rights or any r�medies �fl uvhich Lend�r may be entitle� an a�count �f
<br /> any defau[t, Any such aetivn b� Lender shall not be canstrued as curing the d�fault s4 as to bar Lend�r fram an�
<br /> r�medy that it atherwis��vould have had.
<br /> 1NARRAIVTY; DEFENSE �F TITLE. Th� fiolfawing proWisions relatin�t� ownership❑f the Prapert�are a part of this ❑eed
<br /> vf�rus�:
<br /> T�tle, Trustor warran�s that: {a� �"rust�r hoids go�d and marke�ab[e title of record to �he Proper�y in fee s�mpl�p
<br /> fre� and clea� a� all li�ns �nd �ncumbrance� ❑ther than th�s� se� forth in th� Rea! Property description ar in -�he
<br /> Ex�st�ng [ndebtedness s�Gt�on E�e[avv �r in any title insurance palicy, titEe report, ar finaf title apinion issued in faWor
<br /> of, and ��Gepted by, L�nd�r in cQnnectiQn with �his �eed �f Trust, and 4b� Trustor has th� fu[! righ�r power, and
<br /> au�harity to execute and�eiiv�r th�s D�ed afi Trus�tv Lender.
<br /> �efense o�Title. Subject to �he �xc�ption in th� paragraph abor�e, TrustQr warrants an� will far�ver d�fend the
<br /> ti�le �� th� P�op�rty against the lawfu� cl�ims of a�f p�rsans. In th� eWent any a��ivn ar proc�eding is cammen�ed
<br /> tha�questians Trustar's title ar the En��r�st❑�Trustee or Lender und�r this D��d �f Trusfir Trustar shall def�nd the
<br /> actian at Trus#or's expense. Trust�r may b� th� naminal party in such proceeding, but L�nd�r shali be entitl�d ta
<br /> partEcipate in the praceeding and ta be repres�nted in the p�flceeding by caunse[ �f Lender`s awn chvice, and
<br /> Trus�or wilf deli�er, ar �ause t❑ be d��i�ered, to L�nder su�h instrum�nts as Lender may reques�frvm time ��time
<br /> tfl permi�suGh par�icipat�on.
<br /> Camp�ian�s 1Ni�h La►nrs. Trustflr warrants �ha� the Prop�rfiy and Trus�ror's use o�F �he P�oper�y camp[ies w�th a11
<br /> exist�ng app[icable laws, ardinanG�s, and regula�i�ns❑f ga�ernmental auth�riti�s.
<br /> Surviva� �f Pram�se�e A[I promises, agreemen�s, �nd statem�nt� Trus�vr has r�nade in thE� Deed of Trust shafl
<br /> �urviv� �he e�ecution and ��livery af this Dee�f �fi Trust, sha�l be continu�ng in nature and sha�[ remain in �ull for�e
<br /> and effe�t until su�h t�me as Barrti�nrer's �ndebtedness is paid in�ull,
<br /> E�i1ST[NG i1VDEBTEDNESS. The follawing prvvisior�s con�erning Existing lndeb�edness are a part af this aeed❑f Trust:
<br /> Exis��ng L�en. The li�n of thi� D���! �f Trust s��uring th� �ndebt�dnes� m�y be s�con�ary and in��riar ta an
<br /> existing lien. Trustar expressly caWenants and a�rees t� pay, or see to �he paym�nt❑'f, the Exisfiing indebte�ness
<br /> ar��[ t� �revent any d�fau[t�n such ind�b�ednass, any default under the instrumenfis eviden�ing such indebtedn�ss,
<br /> ar an�d�fau[t under any securi�y dv�uments for such ind�b�edness.
<br /> I�o CV��di�i�ati�n. Trustor sha�l not �nter inta any agr�ement with the holder af any martga��, dee� of frust, ❑r
<br /> other s�curi�y agr��ment which has priar�ty ��er this Deed of Trus� by which that agreement is madifiied,
<br /> amended, �xtended, �r r�newed �v�thout the priflr writt�n consent af Lender, Trustvr sha[f neither request nar
<br /> accept any�u�ur� advances un�er any su�h s�curit�agr��ment withou�the prior written��nsent a#Lender.
<br /> C�NDEMN�4TI�N. The fo[fowing pr�visions re�ating�o candemnati�n proce�dings are a part af this ��ed a�Trust:
<br /> Proceedings. If any proceeding in candemnatian is �ile�, Trustur shai! pr�mptly notify Ler�der in wri#ing, and
<br /> Trustor sha[I promptly fiake such st�ps as may be necessary ta d��end the action and abtain the award. Trustar
<br /> may be the namina� party in such pro�e�ding, but Lender shalf be en��tied to participate En the pro��eding and to b�
<br /> represented in th� pro�e�ding by counse� �f its own choice, and Trustor wi[1 de�i�er or caus� ta be deli�ered to
<br />