R�GER D ,IMLER PATJLA M IMLER �'�� � ^^ ■� ^ '����
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<br /> �. C�nd�mnati�n. The prace���-��if any award ar cla�m for damages, direct or c�-��5equent�al, in caan�a.ect��n�rxtn.an�
<br /> cond�mna�ion or other taking af the Praperty, or par� thereaf, or for ��nveyance in li�u of condemna�ion, are hereby
<br /> �' S ass��ed and shal�be�aid�o Lendery sub�ect�o th��erms of any mor�gage, �eed af trus�or o�her s�cur�ty agreement v�ith a
<br /> �ien wh�ch has priority ov�r�his Deed af Trus�. .
<br /> 1�. Sorrower Not Re�eased; F�rbearance By LQnder Not a �'Vaxver. Ex�ens�on of th� �ime far paymen� or
<br /> modificat�on of amortizat�an of�he sums secured 1vy th.xs Deed af Trust granted by Lender to any successar in�.nteres� flf
<br /> B�rraw�r �hal� no� operate to release, in any man.n.er, �i.e l�ability Qf the or�giusal Borrow�r and Barrawer's succ�ssors in
<br /> interes�. Lender shali no�be r�qu�red to commence proceedings aga�nst such successor or refuse to ex�end tune for paym�nt
<br /> nr otherwise modify am�r�ization of the sunas secured by this Deed of Trus�by reas�n af any demand made by�,he ar�gulal
<br /> Borrower and Borrower's succe�sors �n interes�. Any farbearance by Lender i.n exercxsing any right or remedy hereunder,
<br /> or atherwise affarded by applicable la�v, sha11 na�be a wa.iver af flr preclude the exercise of any su�h right or remedy.
<br /> ��. �7�CCeSJ��S[���t!iS,S�b.i���'�'��y �o�nt��d 5�����a����������; �a;-s��ne��. T�i�u��r�uar��s and a�r�emen�s n.�r��n
<br /> conta.ined shai.i bind, and�h�.xx,ghts h�reunder sha�x inure�o, the respec�rve successars and assigns of Lender and Borrow�r,
<br /> sub�ec� t� the provxsions of paragraph 16 hereof. A1i covenants and agreements of Barrower shall be j oint and severa�.
<br /> Any B�rrawer who��-s�gns th�s De�d af Trust, bu�does no�ex�cute the No�e, �a� is cv-signing thYs Deed of Trust anly�o
<br /> grant and con�ey �hat Borrawer's in��res� in the ProperCy �� Trustee under t,h.e terms of this Deed af Trust, tb} �s not
<br /> p�r�anally �iable on the No�e or under �his Deed of Trust, and �c} agrees that Lender and any other Borrower hereunder
<br /> may agree�o extend, mod�fy, farbear, or mak�any other acc�mmoda�ians wi�.h regard ta the�erms of this Deed af Trust or
<br /> �ie Nate, wx�hout tha�Borrower`s �ansen� and wi�hout re�easing tha� Borrower ar madifyxng �hi5 Deed of Trus� as tv that
<br /> Borrow�r's int�rest�aa�he Property.
<br /> 12. Not��e. Excep� for any not�ce required under appl�ca��e law �� �be g�ven in ano�her mann.er, �a} any �o�ice �o
<br /> �3arravver provid�d fvr in �his I]eed af Trus� sha11 b� �x�en by del��ex�i.n.g it or by ma.iling such noti�e by certxf�ed mai�
<br /> addressed ta Borrawer at�.he Property Address or at such �ther address as Borrovcrer may designate by not�ce to Lender as
<br /> prov�ded herein, and �b� any natice to Lender sha.l.l be given by cer�i�ed maii to Lender's address sta�ed h�re�n or�� such
<br /> ather addr�ss as Lender may designate b�r n��ice to Borrower as provided here�n.. Any no�ic�pro�ided for in th�s Deed af
<br /> Trus�shall be deemed�o have been gxven�o Borrawer�r Lender when gi�en in the manner des�gnated her�in.
<br /> 13. Go�erning La�v; S�verability, The s�ate and loca.� �aws app�xcal�le to �his Deed�f Trust sha11 b��he �aws af�he
<br /> �ur�sd�ctian�n which the Proper�y is�oca�ed. The f�rego�ng sen�ence shaJ.l nat�imi�the appl�cab�lity of Federal law t�th�s
<br /> Deed af Trus�. �n the event that any provision or c�ause af thxs Deed of Trust or�1ie Note cnnfl�c�s �vith app�icable lavv,
<br /> such canf�ict sha�� no� affect ather provis�ons af th�s Deed af TruSt or the Na�� wh�ch can b� gxven �ffec� wrthaut the
<br /> �onflictang provxsian, and to �h.�s end the provisions af this Deed of Trust and the Not� ar� declared to be se�erab�e. As
<br /> used herein, "casts", "expenses" and "attorneys' fees" include a�� sums ta �he extent no�proh�b��ed by applicab�� �aw or
<br /> ��imited herein.
<br /> 14. Sorrower's �upy. Borrower sha�.� b� furnish�d a conf�rmed copy af the No�e and of�his Deed of Trus� a� th�
<br /> �ime af executran or af�er recardatxan hereof.
<br /> 15. RehabilYtation Loan Agreement. Barrvwer. shal� fulf�ll alI of Borrower's obli.gatians un�er any home
<br /> rehabi�itat�an, unprovem�n�, repaYr or other�oan agreement �hich B�rrower e�ters in�o w�f.h L�nder. Lender, at Lender's
<br /> opt�on, may require Borrawer to ex�cu�e and deliv�r ta Lend�r, ;n a farm a�cep�able to Lender, an assxgnment of any
<br /> righ�s, claims ar d�f�nses which Borrow�r may have aga�ns�part�e� �ho supp�y Iabor, mater�als or serv�ces in connection
<br /> w�th impro�emen�s made to�he Prop er�y.
<br /> 16. Tran�fer of the Property or a Benefic�a�Interest in Borrovver. If al�or any part of the Property ar any interes�
<br /> in it �s so�d �r �ransferred �ar if a benef�c�a1 in�erest �n B�rro�rer is soxd or transferred and Borrower �s no� a natura.l.
<br /> person} wx�haut Lender's pr�or written consent, Lender may} at i�s aption, r�quire immedxa�e payment in fu�� of a1� sums
<br /> secured by �hYs Deed of Trust. However, th�s option sha,�� not be exerc�sed by L�nder if exercise is prnh�b�ted by f�d�ral.
<br /> Ia�v as of the date af�his Deed of Trust.
<br /> �f Lender exercises this optYon, Lender sha.11 g��e Barrawer no���� of accelerat��n. The notice shall pra�xde a period
<br /> af not�ess than 3� days from the date the na�ice �s delivered ar maxx�d wi�.hin which Barrower mus�pay a1x sums secur�d
<br /> by �his De�d �f Trus�. If Borrawer fai�ls ta pay these sums prior to the expira�ion of this period, L�nder may invoke any
<br /> remedxes permitted by this Deed of Trus��x�hout furth�r notice or demand on Borrower.
<br /> N�N-UNIF�RM C�VENANTS. Borrow�r and L�nder fur�her covenant and agree as follows:
<br /> 17. Acce�erat�on; Remedies. Exc�pt as prov�ided Yn paragraph 1G hereof, up�n Rorrower's breach of any
<br /> c��enar�t ar a;re��n��t of �S�rrow�r �� #��s ��d� �f '�C��s�, Y�Li���.�a ���-����,���'� �����,��-a �� ���y �J �hp ��� vi� ��
<br /> ca�endar days after they are due, any sums secured �y thYs Deed of Trust, Lender pr�or to acce�eration shal� g�ve
<br /> not�ce to Borrower as pro�ided in paragraph 12 hereof specify�ng: �1} the breach; �2} the action requir�d tv cure
<br /> such brea�h; �3) a dat�, not��ss than�U days from the date the not�ce�s ma�led tv�vrrower, by wh�ich such breach
<br /> must be cured; and �4} that fai�ure to cure su�h breach on or before the date speci�ed in the not�ce may result i.n
<br /> accei�ratxon of the �ums secured by this Deed of Trust and sale of the Property. The naticQ shal� further inform
<br /> Borrower of the r�ght to rQinstate after acc��eratYon and the r�ght to br�ng a�ourt act�on to assert the n�nex�stence of
<br /> a defau�t or any other defens�of Borrower to acce�erat�on and sale. If the breach is n�t cured on or before the date
<br /> speciii�c� �n the nv�ic�, i1�n�.�r, at�e���r'� ����or�, ar�ay �ie�x���a�� �i������s s�c�r���y�.���� ��s��f x����`� ��
<br /> �mm�diate�y due and payabl� �v�ithout furth�r demand and may invake t1h� power of sale and any other remed�es
<br /> permitted by appl�cable �aw. Len�er shali be �ntitled to co�lect aII reasonable c�sts and exp�ns�s incurred in
<br /> pursuing the remed�es provaided Yn this paragraph 17, inc�udxng, but nvt limi�ted to, reasvnable attorneys' fees.
<br /> If the power of sal.�is invok�d, Trust�e shall record a not�ice of�efau�t i�n each county in whi�ch th�Pr�p�rty vr
<br /> some part thereof xs Iocated and shall maii copies of such not�ce in the manner pres�r��ed by applicabxe �aw tn
<br /> Barr�wer and to th�other p�rsons prescr�bed by agp��cable law. Aft�r the�apse of such t�me as may be required�y
<br /> applicable law, Trustee sha�� gYve pub��c notYce of sa�e tQ the persons and in the manner prescribe� by a�plicable
<br /> Iaw. Trustee, without demand un Snrrower, sha��se��the Property at pub�Yc auct�on t�the highest bidder at the time
<br /> and p�ace and under the terms desxgnated in the nntxce of sale in one or more�arcels and�n such arder as Trustee
<br /> may determine. Trustee may postpane sa��of ai� ar any parce� �f the Prvperty by publ�c announ�ement at the txme
<br /> and place of any pr�vYous�y schedu��d sa�e. L�nder or Lender's des�gnee may purchas�the Property at any sa�e.
<br /> ilpan rece�pt of paymen� �f the price ��d, Trustee shall del�ver to the pu�chaser Trustee's deed conveying the
<br /> Property sold. The r�cital.s �n the Trustee's deed shall be prima fac�e evid�nce of the truth of the statements made
<br /> ther�in. Trustee shal,�apply th�prQ�eeds of the sale in the follow�ng order: �a3 to all reasonabie costs and expenses of
<br /> the sale, includYng, but not limited to, Trustee's f�s a�tualiy incurred of nvt more than 5 %n of the gross saie p�-�ice,
<br /> reasonab�� attarneys' f�es�and casts of tit�e evxden�e; �} to all sums secur�d by this Deed of Trust; and �c) the
<br /> excess, if any, tfl the person or persons lega���entxt�ed ther�to.
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