�w�--FR D,sIMLER PAULA M IMLER - . . �] s* ', t � .,n .R R �..�...,
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<br /> ' ` 1�. Borrow�ris R�ght to Rein��`��te. Na��vi�hstand�ng ���n�er's �cce�era�ion ai��:�,e sums secured by tn�s ��ea �t
<br /> �
<br /> Trust, due �a Borrower's br�ach, Barrow�r sha�� have �he ri��� to have �ny proceec��ngs begun by Lender to enforce th�s
<br /> -� .�]�ec� c�f Trust discontinued at ar��T ��me pr��r to the earlier t� ac:cur af �i} �h� f�f�h day before �he sale af the Properry
<br /> pursuant to�he pow�r of sal.e��n�ained in�his De�d af Tr�s�ar���} entry af a judgment enfor�ing this Deed of Trus�if: (a}
<br /> Borrower pays Lend�r a11 sums which wauld be �.hen due under �his De�d of Trust ar�..d the Nate had na acc�lerati�n
<br /> occurred; �b� Barrawer cures a11 breaches of any a�her �ov�nants or agreements af Barrawer contained in �h.�s Deed af
<br /> Trust; �c) Borrower pays a�l reasonable expens�s incurred �y Lender and Trus�ee in enfarcing fihe covenants and
<br /> agreemen�s of Borr�wer c�ntained �n �h�� Deed of Trust and in enfflrcing Lender's and�Truste�'s remedies as provxded in
<br /> �:.�agraph� 17 here�f, �nc�uding, bu� �.�� l�mr�ed �a, reasana�le attorneys' fees; and �d} Borrawer takes su�h action as
<br /> Lender may reasanab�y r�quYre �o assure tha� the �x�n of th�s D�ed of Trust, Lender's interest in the Praper�y and
<br /> Borrow��'s obligation �o pay t�e sus�s s��ured Q�r this D�ed �f Trus� �hal.� con�inue urump�Lzr�d. iJpan such paymen� and
<br /> ��ai e '�� ����r,��r, �-��s �eed �f �'rus� ��d �h� �,�13gati�ns s�c;�;e� hereby sfia,�� �ema�n �n full forc� and effec� as xf rxa
<br /> ��c��era�io�ha�:-o�:;urred. �
<br /> 19. Assignment of Rents; Appo�ntment �f Re�ei�er; Lender in Possess�an. As add�tiona� secur�ty hereunder,
<br /> Barrav�rer hereby assign� ta Lender �h� ren�s af the PraperCy, provided that Borra�rer shal�, pr�or to acceXerat�on und�r
<br /> paragraph 17 hereof or abandanment of�.he Praper�y, hav��he righ���Co�Xe�t and re�a.in such ren�s as they became due and
<br /> payable.
<br /> Upon accelerat�an und�r paragraph �7 hereaf or�abandonment of the Properry, Lender, �n person, by agent ar by
<br /> jud�c�ally appoint�d receiver sha1� be ent�tled�o ent�r upon, tal.ce possession of and manage the Property and to �a��ec�the
<br /> rents af �he Prapex-�y �.nc�uding those past due. Al� ren�� cal�ec�ed by Lender or the rece�ver shal� be appl�ed first �o
<br /> payment of�he c�sts of managemen��f�he Property and �ollec�ian of ren�s, includYng, but not l�n�ted to, receiver's fees,
<br /> premiums on receiver's bonds and reas�nab�e attorneys' fees, and then to �he sums secured by this Deed of Trust. Lender
<br /> and�he receiver sha��be I�abxe to accaun�only for those rents actually recei��d.
<br /> 2�. Reconveyanc�. Upon paymen� nf all sums secured,b�� �.h�s Deed of Trus�, Lend�r shall reques� Trustee to
<br /> r��onvey the Praper�y and sha11 surrender this D�ed of Trust and all no�es evzdencing ind�btedness s�cured by�his Deed of
<br /> Trust�o Trustee. Trus�ee sha11 recanvey f.he Proper�with,ou� �a�arranfiy and w�thou�charge to �he person or persons�egalxy
<br /> en���Ied�hereto. Such persan or persons shaJ.x pay a11 costs of recorda�ion, �f any. �
<br /> �1. Subst�tute Trust�. Lender, at Lender's optian, ma� from t�.me ta �ime remov�Trustee and appoint a su�ces�ar
<br /> �rustee to any Tru�tee apgoxnted h�reunder by an ins�rument recorded xn the county in vvh�ch th�s Deed af Trus� is
<br /> recorded. Wxthou� con�eyance of �he Proper�y, the successar �rustee sha11 succ�ed �o a�.� the ti�le, power and dut�es
<br /> cnnferred upon the Trus�ee h�rein and by appx�cab���aw.
<br /> �2. R��uest for No�ices. Borrower reques�s that co�a�es af the nat�ce af defaui� and no�xce �f sale be s�nt �o
<br /> Barrower's address which is�he Property Address.
<br /> Z3. Hazard�us Su�stanc�s. Barrovver sha11 not caus�or perr�u�the pres�nce, use, d�spasal, s�ara�e, ar re�ea���f any
<br /> Haza�dous Substances on or �n �h� Praper�y. �orrower sha�l not d�, nar a��ow anyane e�se to do, anything a.f��ct�ng the
<br /> Proper�y �ha�is in vioxation of a.�� Enviranmen�al Law. The preced�ng tw� sentences sha��no�apply to the presence, use,
<br /> or s�arage on the Property of sma�,I quan�ities of Hazardous Substances �ha� are g�nera�.�y recagnized t� be appropriate to
<br /> normal residentia�us�s and to main�enance of t.�ie Properry.
<br /> Borrawer shal� pramptly gi�e Lend�r wr�tten no�ice af any investigati�n, ��aim, demand, �awsuxt ar o�her action by
<br /> any governm�n�al or regulatory agency ar priva�e party in�olv�ng �he Praperty and any Hazardous Substance ar
<br /> En�ironmen�a� Law af which Borrower has actua� knowxedge. If Barrawer �earn5, ar is no�ifi�d by a.n.y gavernmental or
<br /> regu�atary au�h�x7.ty, tha� any removal or ather remedxa�xan of any Hazardous Subs�ance affecting the Pr�per�y xs
<br /> necessary, Borrow�r sha��promptly take aI�necessary remedxa�. actions in accordanc�wi�h Environmen�a�.Law.
<br /> As used in �h�s paragraph 23, "Hazardous Subs�ances" are those substa.nces defined as tox�C or hazardaus subs�ances
<br /> by Environm�n�a1 Law and �he folxowu�.g subs�ances: gas��ine, kerosene, oth.er fla.n�mable or toxiC pe�ro�eum produc�s,
<br /> to��c pes�xcides and herbi�ides, vo�atile so�vents, materia�s conta.ining asbesta�ar formaldehyd�, and radioactive mater�a.�s.
<br /> As used in th�s paragraph 23, "Envxronmental Law" means fe�era.� �avvs and�aws af the jur�sd�ct�on where�he Property is
<br /> �ocated tha�relat��o health, saf�ty ar environmental pro�ectxan.
<br /> (Intent��nal�y Leit B�ank}
<br /> Nebraska 26876-4 I19S �riginal�Re�orded� ��py�Branch} �vpy�Cus tvm�r} Page 4 of 5
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