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R�'�ER D +IMLER PAULA M IML�R . . � r, �,.� .,. `,�� � 1 '� �� <br /> �. � . � ��3� <br /> , r , <br /> �� � <br /> �: <br /> 4 UN�F�RM��VENANTS. Barrower and Lend�r cav�na.n.�and agree as fol�ou s: ` . <br /> � <br /> 1. Payment �f Prxn�Ypa� and Ir�teres�. Borrower s:�t�I promptly pay v�h�n due �e prin��pal and in��r�st <br /> r�.nde�te'�ness evidenced by�he Note and late charge�as prQv ided in��e No�e. <br /> �. �n�s for Taxes and Insurance. Sub�ect�o app�z�able��.w or a�vr�tten u�aiv�r by Lender, Borrower`sha11 pa��o . <br /> Lender on�h� day man�hiy payments af princ�pal and intere�t are payable under�he Na�e, un�i� the No�e �s paid�rn fux�, a <br /> sum �hereua. "Funds"� equa� �a one-twelfth of the �early taxes an�i ass��sments �i.n��uding candominium an.d p�anned uni� <br /> deve��pmen� ass�ssmen�s, if any} wh�ch may a�ta.i�n priority over this Deed of Trus�, and ground rents on the Property, xf <br /> any, p�us one-twe�fth of year�y premium�nsta.l.lmen�s for hazard insurance,plus ane-twe�fth of yearly pr�mzum installments <br /> for mortgage �nsurance, �f any, a11 as reasanab�y est�mated ini�ia�ly and fram �im� �a time by Lender on �he bas�s of <br /> assessmen�s and bi11s and reasonable estirnates �hereaf. Borr�v�er shal� no� be ab�iga�ed�a make such payments of Funds <br /> ta Lende�to��exte�t t1��t Bc�:rourPr ma��s s�scr ��.�me�t��::���.¢holdur a:��.r����mo�ga,�e�r�.�e�n�t�us��f such ho��er <br /> �s an instxtutianal xender. <br /> If Borrower pays Funds ta Lender, the Fur.�ds shall be ne�d in an �ns�i�u�xon the depos�ts or a�counts of which are <br /> insured ar guaran�e�d by a Federal ar state agency �including Lender if Lender xs such an�nstitutian}. Lender shall app�y <br /> the Funds to pa� sa.�d taxes, assessments, �nsurance prern�ums and ground rents. Lender may nat charge for so ho�d�ng and <br /> app�ying the Funds, ana.�yzing saud account or verifying and �ompi�ing said assessments and bi11s, un�ess Lend�r pays <br /> Borrower interes�an the Funds and appxicab�e�aw perm.x�s Lender�o make such a charge. Borrawer and Lender may agree <br /> Yn writ�ng at txie �ime af executian of� Deed of Trus� that Yntere�t an the Funds sha11 be pa�d�o Borrower, and unless <br /> such agreement is made or app�icab�e �aw requires such znterest�o be paid, Lender sha.11 not be required�a pay Borrower <br /> any interes� flr earnings nn �he Funds. Lend�r sha11 gi�� to Barrow�r, wi�h�ut charge, an annuaJ. accounting of the Funds <br /> shavv�ng cr�d�ts and debzts to �he Funds and the purpose far wh�ch each d�b�t to the Funds vvas made. The Funds ar� <br /> p�edged as add��ional se�urity far�he sums secured by�hxs Deed af Trus�. <br /> If the amaunt of the Funds he�d by Ler�der, w�th the future m�nthly znstaJ.lments of Funds paya�le prior�o <br /> th� du� dates af taxes, assessments, rnsuran�e premiums and ground ren�s, sha11 e�ceed the am�unt requ�r�d to pay said <br /> �a.xes, assessments, insuran,�e premiums and ground rents as they fal.l due, such e�cess shall be, at Borrower's op�ian, <br /> ei�her prampt�y to B�rrower ar credi�ed to Barrower on mon�hl.y ins�allments of Funds. If the amount af the Funds <br /> he�d by Lender sha�l not be suff'icien� �o pay �axes, assessments, insuranee premiums and ground rents as they fall due, <br /> Borrower shall pa� to Lend�r any amaunt n�cessary �o make up the def�ciency in one ar more paymen�s as Lender may <br /> r�quire. <br /> Upan paymen�in fuXX af a.�� sums s�cur�d by th�s Deed of Trust, Lender shall promptxy refund�o Borrower any Funds <br /> he�d by Lender. If under paragraph 17 hereof�he Praper�y is so�d or the Praper�y�s a�herwzse acqu�red by Lender, Lender <br /> shal� apply, no �a�er than immedia���y pri�r �a th� �a.�e of the Property or x�s acqu�sitian by Lender, any Funds held by <br /> Len�.er at�he�im��f appl��atxon as a credxt against the sums s�cured by this Deed af Trus�. <br /> 3. App��cati�n of Payments. Un��ss appl�cab�� �aw prvv�d�s atherwise, a11 payments recexved by Lender under the <br /> i����i��:.i�i�t��.�i r.`��u3 i �:�,��,'x'iL�Lv���uz�V����,����v�'�u��?"x�.�a�-,rt..::.��.����'��'���?�*�n�,�yni-�r�-��.��,r����t� �P�+s�P��+,�,r�t�rr�►����pr <br /> und�r paragraph 2 her�of, then to in�eres�payal�le on�he Not�, and then ta�he princ�pal of the Note. <br /> 4. Pr��r Mortgage� and Deeds of Trust; Charges; Liens. Barrower sha11 perform all of B�rrower's obl�gatians <br /> und�r any mortgage, deed af �rust or o�her se�ur�ty agreem�n� wxth a �ien wh�ch has priarity o�er this Deed of Trus�, <br /> inc�uding Borrawer's co�enants �o mak�paymen�s vvhen due. Barrower sha��pay or cause to be pa�.d al1 taxes, assessmen�s <br /> and oth�r charges, fines and �m.positions at�ributab�e t� txie Property urhxGh may attain a priori�y over thzs D�ed of Trust, <br /> and�easehaid pa�ments or ground rents, if any. <br /> 5. Hazard Insurance, Borrower shall keep the �mprovem�nts now existing ar her�aft�r erected an �he Praperty <br /> insured agains� loss by �re, hazards included vvithin the term "ext�nded cc��erage", and such other hazard� as Lender may <br /> require and in such amoun�s and for such per�ods as Lender may require. <br /> 'I'he insurance carrxer prov�c��ng �.b.e insurance sha11 be chasen by Borra�ver subj ec� �� appra�a.� by Lender; provided, <br /> tha� s�ich appro�ral shal� nat be unreasonab�y withheld. AI.� xnsurance p�l�cies and renewa�s thereof s�a11 be in a form <br /> ac�ep�able ta L�nder and sha11 �nclud� a standard mor�gage c�ause in fa��r�f and i�n a f�rm acceptab�e to Lend�r. Lender <br /> shall have the rYght to ha�d the pal�czes ar�d rene�va�s thereaf, sub,�ec�t� the terms �f any�ortgage, deed af trust ar other <br /> secur��y agreem�nt with a�ien urh�ch has prior�ty over txi�s Deed of Trus�. <br /> �n �he event of loss, Borrow�r sha.11 �ive vromnt n�t�c� �o th� �sura�z�� earrier ar�� Lender. L�n�e?-�a� m���ra�f <br /> �f loss if not made promp��y by Barraw�r. � <br /> If�he Property is abandoned b�r Barrower, or if Borrower fai�s �o respond to Lender wzth�n 3� da�rs fram t�a.e da�e <br /> not�ce �s mailed by L�nder �o Barra�c�rer tha�the xnsurance carr��r affers ta se��Ie a c1a�m for insurance benefi�s, Lender is � <br /> authoriz�d ta co��ect and app��� �he insuran�e proceeds at Le�der's opt�on either t� restorat�on or repair of�he Prnper�y or <br /> to the sums 5ecured by�his I]eed of Trus�. <br /> �. Preservatiun and Maint�nance vf Prvperty,i Lea5eh��ds; �ondam�n�ums; Planned Unit Develnpments, <br /> Borrower sha11 keep the Proper�y in go�d repa.�r and 5halx nat commit waste�ar p�rm�t impa.rrment �r deterxoration of the <br /> �r���r�� and sn�.if �c���.�i� w��u����ra��s�o�s u�ai�� ���� ���x�����:^��'�����s��.�.x��;�h���. ���r����P����Tr���t��� <br /> on a uni�in a condomin�um or a p�anned uni�development, Borrawer sha�I perform a11�f Borrower's obliga�ians under�h.e <br /> dec�ara�xan ar covenants creat�ng or the c�ndomuuum or planned unit dev��opmen�, the by-1a�vs and regulat�ons <br /> of the condomi�.n�um or planned unit develapment, and constituent dacumen�s. <br /> 7. Pr�tection of L�nder's S�curity. If Borr�wer fai��s to perform �h.e �ovenants and agreemen�s contain.ed in this <br /> I]eed of�Trust, ar zf any act�an or praceeding is comrnenced wh�ch materially aff�cts Lender's interest�n the Prap�x�y, �hen <br /> Lender, at Lender's option, up�n natxce ta Barr��ver, may make such appearances, disburse such sums, �ncludxng <br /> reas�nabl� attarne�s' fe�s, and take such action as �s necessary to protect Lender's in�eres�. �f Lender required martgage <br /> xnsurance as a cond��xon af making the laan. s�cured by th�s Deed af Trust, Borrower shall pay the pr�miums requ�red�� <br /> ma.Yn�a�n such insuranc� in �ff�ct until such time as �he requirement for such �nsuran�e termina��s �n acc�rdan�e wi�h <br /> Barrov�er's and Lend�r's vsrr�t�en agreement or app�i�a�Ie 1avv. <br /> An�r am�unts dxsbursed by Lender pursuant ta this paragraph 7, �cr��h xn�erest thereon, at txie Note rate, sha.�.�became <br /> add��ional �ndebtedness of Borrower secured b� �his Deed �f Trust. Un�ess ]Borrower and L�ender agree �a ather terms of <br /> paymen�, such amounts sha�� be payab�e upan no�ice from ��nder to B�rrower requesting payment tl�ereof. No�hxng <br /> con�a�ned�n�his paragraph 7 shal�r�qu�re Lender�o incur any expense�r take any ac��on her�under. <br /> S, Inspect�on. Lender may make or cause �a be made reas�nable entries upon and inspectxons af �h.e Praperry, <br /> prov�ded that Lender sha11 give Borrov�rer natice prior to any su�h inspect�on specifying r�asanable caus��herefor related ta <br /> Lend�r's xntere�t in�he Praper�y. <br /> Nebraska�5876-4 1198 �riginal t Recarded} Copy�Bran�h} �opy�Cus tom�r} Page 2 af 5 <br />