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'�� � � 2� 1 ��291 1 <br /> '�A.�NTIES. Grantor, for i�self, �ts he�rs, persona� representati�res, su�ces�ors, and assigns, represent.s, <br /> �arrants,c�venan�s and agrees wi�h Lender,�ts su�cess�rs and assigns,as fo�Io�rs: . <br /> performanc� of �b�igat�ons. �ran�or pro�nises ta perform a�I terms, condi�i�ns, and c��enants of fi.�is <br /> Securi�y Instt ument and Rela�ed Documents in a�cordance�i�h�he t�rms c�nta�ned�h.ere�n. <br /> Defense and Titl�to Property.At the t�me�f exeGu�ion and de�i�rery�f this instrumenf,Grantor is�a�fully <br /> seised �f the es�a�e hereby cvnveyed and has the ��clusiv�r�ght ta mor�gage, grant, can�ey and assign the <br /> Property.Gran�or cflvenan�s that the Pr�per�is unencumbered and free of all liens,except far encumhr�nces <br /> of r�cor�. accep�able tv L�nder. Fur�her, �rantor covenants �hat Gran��r w�li v�rarrant and defend generally <br /> �he t�t1e to the Pr�per�y agains� any and al� c�aims and demands whats�ever, subj ect �a �he easements, <br /> restric�.ons, or other encumbran�es of record a�cep�abi� t� Lender, as may be �is�ed in the schedule of <br /> e�cep�i�ns �o coverage_ Yn an� abs�ra�t af t��le ar tit�e �nsurance p��icy insuring Lender's interest in the <br /> Prop er�y. <br /> Condition �f Pragerty. Grantor promuises at ali times ta preserve and to ma�.n.�a�n�he Praper�y and e�ver� <br /> par�thereof in govd repai.r, �v�rk�ng order; and condition and v�rill from time to t�me, make a1�needfui and <br /> prop�r rep airs s o that the va�ue vf�he Pr�p erty sha1�not�n any�ay b e�mp a�re d. <br /> Remova� of any Part of th�Property. �rantor pr�xnxses not ta remvve any part �f�he Pr�per�y fram its <br /> present�ocati�n,e�cept for rep�a�ement,maintenance and r�lacat�an 7n the ardinary c�urse of bus�ness. <br /> A�t�rations to the Propert�. Grantor promises �� a�s�au� from the commiss��n �f any �vaste on or in <br /> cannection v�ri�h�he Proper-�y.Fur�her-, Grantor sha��make no ma�erial alterat�ons,addxt�vns or impr�vements <br /> �f any type v�rhatsoe�rer to the Proper�y, regardless� of Vvhether such alteratians; add�tions �r i.mprovements <br /> v�ould increase �he value of the Property, nor permit anyane to da so e�cept for tenant unprovements and <br /> comp�et�an of i�e�ns pursuant to approved plans and speci�.cati�ns, withaut Lender's pr�or writ�en consent, <br /> �hich �onsent may be withheld by Lender �n its s��e discret�on. Grantor v�il� comply vvith aIl Iavt�s and <br /> regulatiuns �f al�pub�ic au�horit�es having jurasd�c�ion over the Properry in��uding,wi�hout limrtat�an,those <br /> r�Iat�n�ta the use, occupanc}� and main�enance thereaf and shall upvn request promp�l� submit t� Lender <br /> evidence of such comp��ance. <br /> Due❑n Sa�e--�ender'�Consent. Grantor shall nv�se�I,fur�her encumber�r atherv�rise dispose�f,except as <br /> herein prvvided, any or all flf i�s interest �n any par� of or al1 of the PrvperCy �i�hout firs� �b�aining the <br /> �rritten cvnsent �f Lender. If an� encu.mbranc�, 1ren, transfer or sale or agr�einent f�r �.hese �s created, <br /> Lender may declare im�nedxatel�due and payab�e,�he entire balance�f�he Ind�b�edness. <br /> Insurance. Gran�or pramises to keep the Propert�insured aga�nst such risks and in such form as may vsrith�n <br /> �he so�e discre��an of Lender be acceptab�e, �ausYng Lender to be named as �oss payee �r i.f reques�ed by <br /> Lend�r, as mor�gagee. �The �nsurance compan� sha�x he ch�sen b� Grantor suhj ect t� Lender's approvai, <br /> wh�ch sha�� n�� be unreasanably �v��hh�id. A�1 insurance p�Iicies must provide �ha� Lender v�ill get a <br /> rninimum of 1U days no�ice pr��r to cancella�ion.At Lender's discretion,�ran�or ma�be requ�red��produce <br /> rece��ts af paid premiums and renevsral pol�c�es.If Grant�r fails t�u�ta�n the requ�red ca�rerage,Lender may <br /> du so a�Grantor's expense.Gran�or hereby direc�s ea�h and every insurer�f the Praper�y ta make payment vf <br /> loss�o L�x�der wi�h the pr�ceeds t�be applied, only a�Lender's op�ian,t�the repair and replacement of the <br /> damage or loss�r to be applied�a�he Indebtedness with the su.�plus,if any,tv be pa�d�y Lender���rantor: <br /> Payment af Taxes and �ther Appl�cable Charges. Grant�r promxses t� pa� and to d�scharge liens, <br /> encurnbrances,faxes,assessmen�s,lease payments and any o�her charges rela�ng t��he ProperCy�hen levied <br /> or assessed agains�Grant�r or�he Pr�per�. <br /> Enviranmental Laws and Hazardaus �r Toxic Materia�s. Gran�or and e�rery tenant ha�e been, are <br /> presently and shal� c�n�inue t� be �n stric� c�mplian�e v�ith any applicable �oca1, s�ate and federa� <br /> envirarunenta�laws and�regula�ions.Fur�her,neither Grant�r nor any tenant shal�manufacture,stare,handle, <br /> discharge nr dispose �f hazardous or tox�c ma�er�a�s as may be define�.by any s�a�e or federa� lavv on�he <br /> Prope�-ty, ex�ep� �� �he extent �he existence �f such maferials has been presen��y d�s��osed �n v�r�ting t� <br /> Lender. Grantor v�r�l�unmedia�el�r n��Yfy Lend�r in�rriting�f any assez-tion or c��aim made by any par�y as�a <br /> the pussible �i�la�zon �f applicable sta�e and federal en�i.ranmenta�. laws �nc�uding the Iocation Qf any <br /> hazard�us or��xic materials an or abou�the Prapex�y. �rantor indemn��es and holds Lender harmless from, <br /> �v�thou�limY�a�ion, any liabi�Ii� �r expense af�rha�s�e�er natu�•e incurred dire��ly or indirectly out �f�r in <br /> connection v�ri�h: �a}any eaiv�r�nmen�a�Iaws affecting a��or any part of the Pr�per�y or�rantar;(b}the past, <br /> present or future e�is�enc� �f any I�azard�us materials in, �n, under, a�ou�, �r emanating from �r passing <br /> �hrough the Pr�per�y or any par�t�Yereaf�r any propert� adj a�ent thereto; �c� any past, present or future <br /> hazard�us aGt���ty at or in conne�ti�n wi�h the Proper�y�r an�part fhereof; and (d}the noncamplYan�e by <br /> Grantor or Gran��r's fa�Tur�to comply fu�Iy and tune�y�ith env�runmenta�laws. <br /> Financial Information.Grant�r agrees to supp��Lender such financial and a�her information concernix�g��s <br /> . affairs and the s�atus of any of its assets as Lender, from t�rne �o time, ma� reasonabiy request. Grantor <br /> fiu-�her agrees tv p�rmi� Lender to verify acc�unts as �e1� as ta inspect, copy and t� �xam�ne the baok�, <br /> records and�i�es of Grantor. <br /> Lender's Right to Enter.Lender�r Lender's agents shali have the right and access�o inspect�he Praperty at <br /> a�i reasanable ti.mes in �rder �o at�end to Lender'� int�rests and ensure ��mpliance v�rith the terms af�his <br /> Security Insixument. If�he Proper�y, or an� par� ther�of, shail require inspection, r�pair �r ma�ntenance <br /> wh�ch Grant�r has faxled t�prav�de, L�nder, after reasflnable not�ce, may enter upon the Praperty fa effec� <br /> �240�-'�O1S Cnmpiiance Systems,In�.68F9-4DAE-�� <br /> Commercial Rea�Estate 5ecurity Instrument-n�ao7 Page 2 of 5 w�vw.cvmglianc.esystern�.com <br />