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<br /> I�ome Federax Sa�xngs&L�a�i Assac�ation af I�ome�ederal Sav�ngs&Loan A,ssacxation of
<br /> Grand Xsla�nd �ran�Island .
<br /> Z21 South Lo�ust Street �Z�.South�ocust Str���
<br /> �Space Abave This Line Far Recording I�ata�
<br /> Th�s��MMER�IA..L I�.EAL�STAT'E I�E�D C]F TR�ST�"Secur�ty Itlstxurr�ent")�s�x�.ade an-March�8,�U1G by
<br /> �he gran�or�s} Michael T. an� �VIei�ss� I]. .�akubowski, husband and vv�fe, whase address is 351U Sou�h
<br /> B�axne 5�.� �RAND ISLAND, Ne�raska �8841 �"�ran�or"�. �he tr�as�e� is Arend �t. Baa���, A�torney ��vh�se
<br /> add.ress is P.Q. Bo� 79�, Grand Is�and, Nebraska 588U� �"Trustee"�. The benefi�ia�y i.s Hv�me Federa�
<br /> Savin�s � I,,.,oan Assv��atinn of Grand �s�and whnse ac�dress xs �21 Svuth �acust S�ree�, �ran� I�la��d,
<br /> N�braska 588D1 �"Lender"�, �h��h is orga�aiz�d and existing under �he laws a�tl�e Unxted S�ates of America.
<br /> Grantor in considera���n af l�ans extend�d by Le��de�•up �o a nnaxiumum prinGipa�amount af S�x Hundi-ed Forty
<br /> '�htiusa�d and O�1�U4 Dal�ar5 �U.S. $�4U,UUQ.�4} �"Max'vnum Princ�paX �ndebtedness"�, and for other�aluabie
<br /> cvns�dera�xon,the rec��pt a�f,whxc�i� ackno�v��dged, irrevacab�y gz-an�s, canve�� and assigns t� Trustee, in trust,
<br /> wx�h p��ver af�a�e,�he fo�lo�i�g described propert��acat�d xn t�e��unty of�Ial�,5ta��af N�braska:
<br /> Addr�ss:3514 Sou�h B�aine��,,�RAND�SLA.ND,Nebraska�S�U�
<br /> Lega�Descrip�ion:�flt�hree�3)�Hea�enly Ha�en Th�rd Subd�vis�vn,Hall Cvunty,Nehraska
<br /> T��eth�r wi�h al� eas�men�s, appur�en.an�es abut�ing stree�s an�. al�e�s, impravemen�s, buiidxngs, fixtures,
<br /> tenements,hered��am�nts, equ�pment,rez��s, �ncame,pro��s a�ad raya�tYes,person�l go�ds af�ha�ever d�scr�p��on
<br /> and a�� �ther �righ�s and priv�leges xnc�.udxng a�� mxnerals, oi�, ga�, wa�er ��rrhe���er groundvt�a�er, s�b�e�7anean or
<br /> o�herw�se},v�ratex ri�hfs�vvhe�her riparian, appr�priate or otherw�se,and�hether or na�appurt�nan��o the abave-
<br /> descrxbed real praperty�, wel�s, we�I permits, d�tches, di�ch r�ghts, reservo�rs, reservoir rig�xts, reservoir 5I��5,
<br /> st�rage ri�h�s, d�.�ns and vvat�r s�ock tha� ma� nov�r, �r a� any xime in �he fu�ure, be �QGated an andlflr used �n
<br /> connect�on with �he abar���descrzbed rea� proper�y, pay�nent av�ards, arnaun�s recei�ed frvzn emu�.ent daxnaxn=
<br /> amoun�s r��eiyed fr�m an�and aI�xnsuranc�paymen�s,aY�d�imber vvhich may now or Ia�er be 1oca�ed,si�ua�ed, or
<br /> affxxed an and used�connect�a�n th�ze�r�th�here�n�after cailed th�"�'r�perty"} �
<br /> �tELATEI� Da�UIY�ENTS. The �v�rds "Related Dacutnen�s" rr�ean a�� pro�nissory nv�es, seeurity agreemen�s,
<br /> prxar mar�gages, pr�ar deeds �f t�us�, pri�r d��ds to secur� d�bt, busuaess loan agree�nents, �ans�ruction ��an
<br /> agreemen�s, resn�utions, guaran�ies, envzroz�rnen�al a�re�men�s, subor�ina�ia� a�reeine�ts, as��gnments of Ieases
<br /> and r�n�s and a�.y o�her daGume��s �r ag�-een�ents ��ecu�ed i.� conne�tion vv�th thzs��ndeb�edness and Security
<br /> Ins�rumen�,whe�her n��v a�r hereaf�er exxsting,i.n��uding any m�difi�a�rons,e�tensxvns,subs�itu��ox���ar renewa�s of
<br /> any of�he f�regau�g. The Re�a�ed Docum�z�tis ar� h�reb� made a �art of�his Se�ur�t� I��str-umen� by refer�nc�
<br /> �heretio,v�ith the sam�f�r�e a.nd effect a�xf fu�ly set for�h her��.n. :
<br /> YNDEBTEDNESS.�hxs S�curity Instrument secures�he pr�ir�cipaI aunaun�sh�vvn above as may be evxdenced l�y a
<br /> prom�ssory note or x�a�es �f e�en, p�xar or subsequent da�e h�re�o, inc�udin� fu�•e ad�r�.nc�s and e�rery ather
<br /> indebt�dness of any and ever� ki�nd na� �r hereaf�er ow'v.�g fram Mr�ha�� T. Ja��.u�o�vski arid Me�issa I3.
<br /> Ja�ubuwsk� ta H�me F��era� Savings � Loan Assn+c�a�ion of�rand Is�and, �.��saever created �r ax�isizag,
<br /> wheth.er pr�mazy, secon�ary ar cvn�ingent,�oge�her wi�h any �nterest or c�aaxges�rovid.ed in ar arisin�;�ut of su�h
<br /> �.ndebtedness, as we�� as �h� agreemen�s and �ovenants of this Securit� Ins�rum�n� an�i all :i�ela�ed 17ocutr�en�s
<br /> �hereuaafter ali referred to as the"Indeb�edness"�. :
<br /> .�
<br /> �`UTURE ADVANCES.7"o th�e��en�permit�ed by�av�,thxs Secur�ty�ns�rum�n�wil�secure�.��ure adva�ces as�f
<br /> su�h advances�rere made on the da�e of�hzs SeGurxty�nstrum�ent regardless of the fa���ha�from�vne�a��rne thex-e
<br /> �ma�r be no�alanc�due tu�der the zaate and regardie�s 4f wh�ther Lender is obl�gated�o mak�su�h futiu�e advances.
<br /> �R�SS C�LLATERALIZ�TI�N. It is �he e�.press�d intent of Gran.�ar �a crflss co�Ia�era�x�e al� of i�s
<br /> Indeb�edness and ablzga�xans �o Lend�r, howsoe�er'ar�s�n.g and whensaever incun ed, e��ept an� abli�a�ian
<br /> existin��r ar�sxng aga�ns�the�p�•incipa�dwe��ing af any�ra.n�or.
<br /> ���Q4-���5 Campiian�e Systems,Inc.68F9-4DAE-2415.1 l,3,10�5
<br /> Cammerc�al�eal Estat�Security Instrument-DE4qU7 Pa�e 1 of5 �v�vw.cam�Ziancesystems.com
<br />