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2� 1 ��29�� <br /> sentences sha��not app�y tn the pr�sence, use, or s�orag�an�he Prop�r�y of sma�l quan�zt�es of�3azarc�aus <br /> Substances that are��nera�l� recogn�z�d�o be appra�riat� to norma� r�s�den��a�us�s and to ma�ntenanc�of <br /> �he Praper�y �in�luding, bu�not�imi�ed t�, hazardous su�stanc�s �n G�nsurner pr�duct�}. <br /> Borrov�er sha��prompt�y give L�nd�r wr�tten not�ce of�a} any �nves�i�ation, ��a��m., d�ma.�.d, �av�suit or oth�r <br /> a�tion by any gQ�ernmen�al nr regu�a�ory agen��or private part�r �nvo��in��he Proper�y an�any Hazard�us <br /> Substance or�nvironmen�a� Law of wh�ch Barrawer has actua� know�edge, �b} any En��rnnm�r�tal <br /> ��ndi�ion, inc�uding but not�imite�to, any spilling, l�ak�ng, d�scharge, re�ease or�hr�a�of relea��af any <br /> Hazard�us Su�stanc�, and�G}any cand�tian�aused �y the presence, use or re�ease af a Hazardous Subs�ance <br /> Which adversel�affec�s��e va�ue�f the Property. �f Borrower l�ar�ns, �r�s notified by ar��g�vernmental flr <br /> regulat�ry au�hori�y, or an�r pr�wa��par�y, that an�r remaval ar other remediati�n af ar�y Hazard�us Su�stance <br /> affectxng�he Pr�per�y is necessary, Borrower sha��prompt�y ta�e a11 n�Gessar�remed�a� ac�ions �n <br /> accordance wi�h En�ironmenta� Law. Noth�ng h�re�n sha�� Creat�any�bligat�an an Lend�r for an <br /> Env�ronmenta� C�eanup. <br /> Nvnw�lniform �o�enants. B�rrower and Lend�r covenant and agree as fox���vs: <br /> �Z. Acce�erativn; Remedies. Lender sha��give natice ta Barrawer priar to acce�eration follawing <br /> Borrower's breach vf any c�venan�ar agreement�n�hi�Security Instrument �but not priar to <br /> acce�era�i�n under,Sect�on 1$unless App�icable Law prov�des otherwise}. 'The notice shal�spec�fy: �a} <br /> �he defau��; �b� the a�tion requ�red to cure�he defau��; �c} a date, �vt less�han 3�days from�he date <br /> the na�ice�s g��ven to B�rrawer, by wh�ch the deFau��mus�be cured; and �d} that fa�lure to cure�he <br /> defa��t vn ar befor�th�date spec�f�ed�n�he n���ce may resu�t�n accelerat�on of�he sums secured�y <br /> tl�is Security�ns�rument anc�sa�e���lhe�Propert�. 7�'�.e no��ce s�ha��fur�l�er�nfarnr��orrawer of the <br /> right�o reinstate af��x-acce��ratian and the right�o bring a cour�act�on�o asser�the non-existence of a <br /> defau�t or an�vther defense of Barrow�r t�acc��eratian and sa�e. If�h�default is nnt cured an ar <br /> �efore�he date specified in the nat�ce, Lender a� �ts opt�on may requir�immediat�paymen��n fu�l of <br /> a��sums secured�ay this Security Instrumen�w�t�.ou� fur�h�r demand and may�nvoke the pawer of sa�e <br /> ant�any�ther r�n�.ed�es permitted by App�ica�le Law, Lender sha�l be ent�t��d to collect all ex�enses <br /> incurred in pursuing�he remedies prav�ded in�his Section 2�, including, but nat�imi�ed to, reasonab�e <br /> at�arney.s` fees and cos�s of t�t�e evidence. <br /> If�he povver of sale�s invaked, 'Trus�ee sha��rec�rd a not��e af defau�t xn eaCh coun�y�n wh�ch any <br /> part of the Property is Ioca�ed and sha�l�rnai� capies of such not�cQ�n the xnanner prescribed�y <br /> App�xcabl�I.�aw to Borra�ver and to the other persons prescribed by Applicab�e La�v. After�he�ime <br /> requ�red by App�icable Law, Trustee shai�g��e pub�ic na�ice of sa�e to�he persans and in the manner <br /> pre�cribed by App�icable Law. Trus�ee, w�thau� dem.and on Borrower, shal�sell�he Proper�y at pub��c <br /> auc�ian to�h�h�gh�st bidder at the t�me and p�ace and under�he��rms designated xn�he not�ce of sale <br /> in one or mare par���s and in an�order Trus�ee de��rmines. Trustee rnay postpone sa�e of a��or any <br /> parcel of the Pr�perty by pub�ic announcenr�ent at the�ime and p�ace of any pre��ous�y sch�du��d sa��. <br /> Lender ar its designee n�ay purchase�he Proper�y at any sa�e. <br /> Upon rece�pt of paynr�en�af the price bid, Trustee shal� deliver ta the purchaser Trus�ee's deed <br /> con�exing�he Pr�perty. 'The rec�ta�s in the Trustee's deed shal�be prima facie e�idence vf the�ru�h of <br /> �he s�atemen��made there�n. Trus�ee sha��app�y�he proceeds af�he sa�e in the fnllovving order: �a} �o <br /> a��cos�s and expenses of exerc�s�ng�he power of sa�e, and the sale, including the paymen�of the <br /> Trus�ee's fees actua�ly incurred and reasonab�e attorneys' fees as permi��ed�y Appl�cab�e Law; €b� �o <br /> a��surns secured by�his Secur�t�Instrumen�; and �c} any e�C�ss t��he person or pers�ns�ega��� <br /> entit�ed�o it. <br /> NEBRASKA-Single Far�ily-�anni�MaelFreddie Mac UNIF�RM INSTRtJMENT �arm�4�8 11p1 <br /> VMP� VMP6�NEy�1302� <br /> Wvlters K[uwer Financial S�r�ices Page 14 v€17 <br />
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