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2� 1 ��29�� <br /> in�he Property and r�gh�s under�his Securzty Ins�rumen�; and �d� takes su�h act�on as Lender may <br /> r�asanab��require t� assure that Lender's in�eres��n the Prop�r�� a�a.d r�ghts under�h�s Securi�y�ns�rum.ent, <br /> and Borrower's ab��gat�on to pay�he sums secured by this Se�urit}� �ns�rument, shall continue unchang�d. <br /> Lender may requ�re that Borrower pay such re�nsta��ment sums and expenses in one or more af the fo��aw�ng <br /> forms, as se�ec�ed b�r L�nder: �a} cash; �b}mon��order; �c� cer�if�ed�h�ck, bank ch�ek, treasu�rer's check�r <br /> cashi�r's ch�ck, prav�ded any such check�s drav�n upon an inst�tution whflse�eposits are�nsur�d�y a <br /> federal agency, instrumentali�y or�ntity; ar�d} E�ectroni� Funds Transfer. Upon re�ns�atement by Borrnwer, <br /> �h�s Secur�ty Ins�rument and o��iga��ons secured hereby sha�� rema�n fu�ly effect��re as �f n� a��e��ra��on had <br /> occurred. However, this r�gh��a re�nstate shal.l nat apply in�he case�f accelerati�n under Se�tifln l.S. <br /> ��. Sale of Note; C�ange of Loan Ser�i�er; N�tice af Grie�ance. The Note or a partia� �nterest�n th� <br /> No�e�toge�her with t�is Se�ur�ty �nstrurnent3 can�e sa�d one or more times w�thou�pr�ar no��ce�o <br /> B�rrower. A sale migh�resu�� in a change in�h�ent�t� �known as�he "Loar� Servicer"} that co��ects Per�od�c <br /> Payn�.en�s due under th�Note and th�s Secur�ty �ns�rumen�and perfo�-ms other mor�gage�oan serv�cing <br /> ob�iga�ions und�r the N��te, this Security �nstrument, and App�xcable Law. There als�might b�one or more <br /> changes�f�he Loan�er�r�c�r unre�ated to a sa�e of the Note. If�.�er�is a change of the Loan Servicer, <br /> Borrow�r wi11�e giv�n wri�ten na����of�he change�vh�ch will s�ate the name and address af the new I.�an <br /> S�rviC�r, �he address to whi�h pa�ments should be made and any ather�nforma�ion RESPA requires ��. <br /> connec�xon vvith a notice flf�ransfer of ser�ric�ng. �f�he Note is sald and thereafter the Laan is servi�ed by a <br /> Laan Ser��cer other�han�he pur�haser�f the No�e, the m�r�gage�oan 5erv�c�ng obl�gat�ons to Borrawer vv�1i <br /> remain with the Laan Servxcer�r be transferr�d to a succ�ssor Loan S�rvicer and are not assumed by the <br /> Na�e purchaser un�ess ath�rwise pro��ded by the N�te purchaser. <br /> Nei�her g�rr�wer nor L.ender may cammen�e,join, �r be j�ined to any jUdicia� acti�n�as ei�her an <br /> ind��idual i�tigant ar�h�mem.ber af a class��ha�arises fr�m�he�th�r par��'s actions pursuan�to th�s <br /> S�curi�y�nstrum�nt or tha�alleges tha�the o�her par��has br�ached any pr�vis�on af, or an� duty ov�aed b� <br /> reason�f, ��.is Secur�t� �ns�rumen�, un�il such B�rrawer�r Lender has notified the other par�y (wi�h su�h <br /> notice given in compl�ance w��h th�r�qu�rements of S�ction �5} of such alleg�d br�ach and afforded the <br /> other party hereto a reasanable peri�d af�er�he gi�ing of such notice�o take�orrec�ive action. �f Appl�cab�e <br /> Lavrr provides a time period which must elapse b�fore�er�ain act�on can he taken, tha�time p�riad wil�be <br /> dee�m.ed�ti be reas�nab�e f�r purposes of th�s paragraph. The no�ice of acceleration and appor�unity�o cure <br /> given to Borrower pursuant�o Sect�on�Z and the natice of ac�e�era�ion given to Borrower pursuant�o <br /> S�c��an �8 sha��be deemed�o sa��sf�r the n�t�c�and oppor�unity�a�ake corrective actinn pravisions of th�s <br /> Sec��on��. <br /> �'I. F�azardous Substances. As used�n�his S�c�ian 21: �a} "Hazardous Suhstances"are�hose substances <br /> de�ned as toxi�or hazardous subs�ances, po�lutan�s, ar wastes by Env�ronmental Law and�he f��lov�ing <br /> su�bs�ances: gas�iine, kerosene, other flamma�le ar���i�petro�eum pr�ducts, ��xic pes���ides and herb�c�des, <br /> �olat��e sa�v�nts, ma��rials can�aining asbest�s or formaldeh�rde, ar�d rad�oactxve materia��; �b} <br /> "�nvira�mental.L,aw"m�ans federa� laws and�aws of�he juri�d�C�ion wher��h� Prnpert��s �ocate.d�hat <br /> relate to h�alth, �afe�y or envxronmenta�pro�ec�ian; �c} "�r�vironm�ntal G`reanup" �ncludes any respanse <br /> act��n, remedial act�on, or remova� act�on, as defined �n En�viranmenta� Law; and (d} an "�nvirortmertta� <br /> �`ondi�ion"means a conditian�ha�can cause, con�ribute�fl, or otherwise tr�gger an Env�r�nmenta� ��eanup. <br /> Borrower sha�1 not cause or perm�t the pr�s�nce, us�, disposal, s�orag�, �r re��ase af any �3azard�us <br /> Substances, or�hrea�en to re�ease an� Hazardous Substances, an or�n the Proper�y. Borrovv�r shall na�do, <br /> nor al�ow anyone e�se to do, any�h�ng affe�ting��.e Frop�r�y �a} �hat xs �n�riala��on of any En�ironmen�al <br /> Law, �b} which creates an Environ.menta� �ondi�i�n, o�r�c}which, due�o the presence, us�, ar r�Iease�f a <br /> Haz�rdous Substance, crea�es a condi�ion that adverse�y affects the�a�ue of the Prapear�y. Th�pre�ed�ng two <br /> NEBRASKA-Single Family-�annie Mael�reddie Mac UNl��RM INSTRUMENT Form 3�28�Ifl1 <br /> VMP� VMP6tNE�(13�2y <br /> Woiters K[uw�r Financial Ser�ices Page'�3 af 17 <br />