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2� 1 ��29�� <br /> �3. Recnn�eyan�e. U�on payment of a�l sums secured b� th�s Secur�ty �nstrumen�, L�nder shall reques� <br /> Trustee�o reconvey th�Praper�y and sha�l surrende�th�s Secur��y�nstrument and all no�es evidencing deb� <br /> secured b�thxs Secur�ty �ns�rumen��a Trustee. Trustee sha�� rec�nv�y the Praper�� withaut warran�y�a the <br /> person�r persans legally en����ed to it. 5uch person or pers�ns sha�l pay any r�c�rda�ion cos�s. Le��er ma� <br /> charge such pers�n or pers�ns a fee for re�onveying th�Proper��, bu�on��if the f��is paid tfl a��.�rd par�y <br /> �such as the Tru�tee} for s�rvices rendered and th��harging of the fee is pern��ted under Applicab�e Law. <br /> �4. Substitute Trustee. Lender, at its�ption, may from time�o t�me remov�T�-us�ee and appoin�a success�r <br /> trustee to an�Trus�ee appointed hereunder by an ins�rument recorded in the coun�y �n which�his Security <br /> Instrumen� is recorded. Wi�hout conveyanc�of the Property, �he successor trustee sha�� succeed�o a11 �he <br /> ti��e, power and dutxes conferred upan Trus�ee here�n and by App�icable Law. <br /> 25. Request far �Votices. B�rrawer requ�s�s�hat copxes of th�notice�f defau��and sale be sent to Borrower's <br /> addr�ss which is�he Proper�y Addr�ss. <br /> NEBRASKA-Single Family-Fannie Mael�reddie Mac UNi��RM lNSTRUM�NT �arm 3028�10'� <br /> VMP Q VMPfi{N��{13D�} <br /> Wvfters Kiuwer Financial 5er�ices Page 3 5 of 17 <br />