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2� 1 ��29�� <br /> designated a subs�ztute no�ice ad�.ress by n�tice�c� L�nder. Borrower sha��promp��y natify Lender of <br /> Barrower's change of address. �f Lend�r sp��if�es a proce�ure f�r report�n�Borr�wer's change of addre�s, <br /> �hen Borraw�r shatl anly repor�a�hange�f address thraugh that specz��d procedur�. <br /> There may be on��one designatec�not�ce address under th�s Se�ur�ty Ins�rum�nt a�any flne t�m�. An�no�ice <br /> �a Lender shal�be gxven by deliver�ng ��flr by mailing it by firs�class mai� to Lender's address stated herein <br /> unless Lender has d�s�gnated another address by natic���Barr�v�er. Any natice in connec��Qn wi��i this <br /> Securit� Instrument shal�n�t be de�med to have been given t� Lender un�i1 actua�Iy received by I�ender. �f <br /> any notice requir�d b��h�s Security Instrum.ent �s also r�quired under App�icab�e Lavv, �he Applicab�e Law <br /> requirement will satisfy�he correspond�ng requ�r�ment under this�ecurity �nstrument. <br /> 7�. Gaverning Law; Se�erab�lity; Ru�es �f ��nstru�tian. Th�� Secur�ty�ns�rument sha�l b����erned by <br /> federal law and the�aw of the jurisd�ctian in v�hich the Property is ��cated. A�� rxgh�s and���igations <br /> cantained in�h�s�e�urity �nstrumen� are subjec�to an�requ�rements and li�n�tat��ns of Appl�cab�e Law. <br /> Applicab�e Law rnught explici��y or�mp��c�tly a11ov� the par�ies to agree by contrac��r xt maght be silent, but <br /> �uch silence shall no�be construed as a proh��ition agains� agreemen�by contract. �n the�vent tha�any <br /> provision�r clause af this S�Gurity �nstrument or�he No��conflic�s wi�h Appl�cable Lavv, such c�nf�ict shal� <br /> not affec�o�her pro�isions of thi� Security�nstrument or the Note�vhich car�be given effec�withaut the <br /> canf�ict�ng provis��n. <br /> As used in�his S�curi���ns�rurn�nt: �a}word�af the mascu�ine g�nder sha��mean and in�lude��rrespvnding <br /> neuter words or wards of the fem.�nzne gender; �b} w�rds �n the singular s�all m�an and�n�lud�the plural <br /> and vice�ersa; ax�d �c�the word "may" gives sole d�scretion�ithou�any ob�iga�i�n to take any acti�n. <br /> �7, Borrvv►rer's �apy. �orrower sha�l be gi�en�ne capy�f�he N��e and�f this Securi���nstrumen�. <br /> '18. Transfer af the Prvperty �r a Beneficia� �nterest �n Barrvwer, As used in�his Section 1$, "�n�eres��n <br /> th�Proper�y" means any legal �r beneficial inter�s� �n the Praperty, �nc�ud�ng, bu�not limited to, those <br /> beneficial in�er�s�s transferred in a bond for d�ed, �antrac�for deed, instal�men� sal�s con�ra��or escrow <br /> agreement, �he znte�.�of v�hich is�he transfer of��tl�by B�rrower a�a fu�ure da�e�o a purchaser. <br /> �f a���r an�part of the Proper�y or any Int�res��n the Property �s s��d or transf�rred�or if Borrower�s not a <br /> na�ura�pers�n and a�enef�cial interest xn B�rrow�r is so�d or transf�rred) ���hout L�nder's prior wr�tten <br /> �onsent, Lend�r may require immedzate payment in full af all �ums secur�d by thzs Secur��y �ns�rum�nt. <br /> Ho�e�ver, this opt�an shall not b�exer�ised by Lend�r�f such ex�r�ise is prohibited by App��cabl�Law. <br /> �f L�nder exerCises this option, L�nder shail gi�re B�rro�er na�xce of acce�eration. The n�ti��shall prav�de a <br /> p�r�od of not less than 3�day�from�he date the natzc��s g�v�n�n acc�rdance vvith�ect�on �5 �vi�h�n whi�h <br /> B�rr�v�er must pa�a�� sums secured by this�ecurit� Instrum�nt, �f Borrower fa��s �o pay these sums prior ta <br /> the expxrat�on af this peri�d, Lender may �nvoke any rern��ies permi�t�d by th�s Secur�ty �nstrument vvithou� <br /> fur�her n�ti�e or d�rnand on B�rrawer. <br /> 'i 9. Bo�rvwer's Right to Reinstat� After Ac�elerati�n. �f B�rrnvsrer mee�s c�r�a�n��nditions, B�rrovver <br /> sha��ha�e the right to ha�e enforcement of th�s Secur�ty �nstrum�n�d�scontinued at any time pri�r to the <br /> ear�iest�f: �a} �ve da�s before sa�e af the Prop�rty pursuan�to any power af sale conta�ned in th�s Security <br /> �ns�rum�nt; ��� such other period as App�icable Law rxught specify for�he t�r�ai.nation of Borrov�er's right to <br /> re�ns�ate; �r��}�n�ry of a judgment enforc�ng this S��uri�y Ins�rument. Thas�c�nd���ons are that B�rrow�r; <br /> �a}pays L�nder a�� sums which�hen wouid�e due und�r�his S��uri�y �ns�rument and the Note as �f no <br /> acc��erati�n�ad nccurred; �b} cures any d�fau��af any other covenants or agreements; �c}pays a���xpenses <br /> zn�urred in enfarczng�h�s Security�nstrument, �n��uding, but n��limit��ta, r�asonab�e attorne�s' fe�s, <br /> p�operty inspection and valua�ion fees, and nther f��s in�urred far the purpos��f prot�ct�ng Lender's in�eres� <br /> N�BRASKA-5ingle Family-Fannie MaelFreddi�Mac UNIF�RM 1N5TRCJMENT Form 3�28 71fl1 <br /> VMP� VMPStNE�{�3a�j <br /> Wolters Kluwer�inancial Ser�ices Fage 1�of�7 <br />
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