2� 1 ��2598
<br /> Security��strument,�ncludin�protectin�andlnr assessin�the va�ue af the Property,a.�d securing andlor repairin�the
<br /> Property,Lender's actions can include,but are nvt�.imited ta:�a}paying any sums secured hy a Iien whrch has priority
<br /> o��r�is�e�urity Instrume�t;�b)a�ppearing in cour�;and�c}paying reasonable attorney�'fees ta pro�ect its inter�st in th�
<br /> Property andlor rights under�his Security Ins�rurnent,including it�s��ured pasition in a bankru.ptcy�proceeding.5ecuring
<br /> th�Pr�per�y includes,but is no�l�mited to,entering the Praperty ta ma��repairs,change�ocl�s,replac�or bvard up doors
<br /> and wxnd�v�s, drain water frvm pipes,e�iminate buiiding a�-other code vial atiions or�angerous�onditions, and ha�e
<br /> utilities turned�n or ofF.Although Lender may take action under Ck�is 5ection 9,Lender does not have ta do so and;s no�
<br /> under any duty ar obligation to do sa. �t is agreed that Lender incurs na liabil�#y for nat ta�ing any or ali actions
<br /> authorized under this Section 9.
<br /> Any amaunts disbursed l�y Le�der under this�ectivn 9 shal�bec�me a�ditivn�l debt of Barrow�r�ecured by this
<br />__ Securxty Instrument. Th�se amounts sh�Il bear interest at the IVote rate fram the date of disbur�ement and shall be
<br /> payable,with su�h int�res�,upon notice fram Lender ta Borrower request�ng pa}rment.
<br /> If this S�curity Ins#rument�s an a leasehold,Borrov�rer shal��om.ply vr�zth ai1 the pravisions of the 1�a�e.If Borrower
<br /> acquires f�e tYt�e to the Prap�rt�r,the leasehold and the fee t�tie sha1�not merge unless Lenc�er agrees to�he merge�xn
<br /> writing,
<br /> 14.Mortgage Insuraaee.If Lender required Martgage��surance as a condition af ma�i.ng the Laan,Borrawex sha11
<br /> pay the premiums requ�red to maintain the Mortgage Insurance in eff�ct. I�,far any rea�on,t�n�M4r�gage�nsurance
<br /> ca�erage requ�r�d b}�L�ender ceas�s to be availa�l�fram the mQrtgage insurer tihat pre�iously pro�ided such insurance
<br /> and Barrvwer was required t�m.ake s�parate�y designated payments�oward the p�remiums f�r 1Vlortga�e Insurance,
<br />_ Borrawer sha�l pa�r the premiums required to obtain Gav�rage substantially equivalent ta t�he Mor�gage �nsurance
<br /> previausly in e#�ect,at a cast substantia�ly�qu�Wa��nt to th��ost to Bonrot�rrer af the Mortgage Insu�ance pre�iously in
<br /> effect,from an alternate mortgage znsurer selec�ed by Lender,If subsfanti��Iy equi��lent Mortgage�nsuran�e co�erage is
<br /> nvt availabX�,Borrawer shall con�inue to pay ta Lender th�amflunt af the�epa.rate�y desi�nated payments tha�w�re due
<br /> when the insurance coverage ceased to he in �i�e�t. L�nder will acce�t, use and re�ain these paymerits as a non-
<br /> refundal�le lass res�rve in lieu of NXortgage I�surance.Such l�ss reserve shall be nan-refundablea notw�ithstandin�the fact
<br /> that the Loan is ultimate�y paid�n full,and Lend�r�hall nat b�r�c�uired ta pay Barrav�rer any interest or earnings�n such
<br /> �vss reserve.I�ender�an�o longer�e�uire loss r�serve paym�n�s if Martgage Insurance coverage�in the amaunt and for
<br /> the period that Lend�r requires}provided by an insurer s�lected by Lender again becomes aWai�able,is obtained, and
<br /> Lender requires separately des�gna�ed pa}rments toward the premiums for Mortgage Insuranc�. �f Lend�r required
<br /> Ali�rtgage �nsurance �s a candition of making the Laan and Barrov�er was required�o mak� �eparately designated
<br /> pa�rments toward the premiums for Martgage Insuranc�,�orrower shali pa�r�he premi.ums r�quired t�maintain Mortgage
<br /> In�urance in effect,ar to pro�ide a nan-refundable los�res�rv�,unti�Lender's requirement f.or M�rkgage Insurarice�nds
<br /> in accordan�e with any written agreement between Borrower and Lend�r providing for such t�rmination or unti�
<br /> termination is requir�d by Appli�ab�e Law,Nathing in this 5ection 1�affec�s Borrower's a��igation to pay inter�st at the
<br /> rat�pro�ided in the Note.
<br /> Mortgage Insurance reim�ur�es Lender�vr any entity that�ur�h�ses the Note}for cer�ain losses it may incu�if
<br /> Borrow�r does�ot repay the Laan as agre�d.Barrawer is not a part�y�a xhe M4rtgage Ir�suran��.
<br /> Mortgage�nsurers eualuate the�r tutai risk on all such insurance in forGe from time�a txme, �nd rnay enter int�
<br /> �greements with o�her�arties�hat share or�rnadify their ris�, ar reduce 1o�ses.These agr�ernents are an terrns and
<br />_ candxti�ns th�t �re sa�isfac�vey ta the martgage insurer arid the other party �or partie�� to�hese a�reements, Th�se
<br /> agreements may re�u�re the rnortgage insurer ta make payments using any source�f funds�hat the mortgage insurer may
<br /> have availa�le�which may iric�ude f�uids obtained from Ma�tgage Insuran�e premiurns),
<br /> As a result af these agreements,�ender,any purchas�r of the note,anQther insurer,any reinsu�er,any ather entit}r,or
<br /> af�iliate of any of the foregoing,may r�cei�e�d�rectly or indirectly}amour�ts that derive ftom�or might b�Gharacteri�ed
<br /> as} a part�vn of�arr�wer's payments far Martgag� Insurance, in �xchange fvr sharir�g or madifying the mortg�ge
<br /> insurer's risk,or r�duci�ng losses.If such agreement prnrrided tihat an aff liate of Lender#akes a sh�r�vf�he insurer's risk
<br /> in exchange for a share of the premiums paid to the insurer, the arrangement is oft�n termed"captive reinsurance."
<br /> Furt�er:
<br /> NEBRA51�4-Single Family-Fannie Mae1F��ddie Mac CENIFQRM fNSTRUMENT Form���8 1�1
<br /> Page 7�f 13 t � ,
<br /> IDS,Inc,-31639 BaRow��s 1n�t�als,��"'�
<br /> � �
<br />