2� 1 ��2598
<br /> (a}Any such agr�emeat�wi�l not affect the amounts that�arrower has agreed to pay for Mortgage Insurance,
<br /> or any ather term��f tbe Laan.Such agreemeats will nat increas�the amount Borrower wi��owe ftir Mortgage
<br /> Insurance,aad they wi��not entitle Borro�vver ta any refund,
<br /> �b�An�such agreemea�s will a�t affect the rights B�rrower has—tf any—with re�pect to the Mortgage
<br />_ Insuranc�under the Homeowners Protection Act af 1998 ar aay other law,These rights rnay ineiude the right to
<br /> re�eive certarn disc�osures,ta request and ohtain canceliation af th�Mvrtgage Ynsurance,to ha�e the Mortgage
<br /> Insurance termin$ted sutomatically,and]or to r�c�ive a refund af any Mortgage Insuran�e prem�ums that were
<br /> u�earaed at the time af such cancellation or term�natioa.
<br /> 11.Assigament o�Mis�ellaneous Prv�eeds;Farf�iture.A�1 Miscel�aneou�Proceeds ar�hereby assigned to and
<br /> shall h�pair�ta Lender.
<br /> If the Property is damaged,such Misce�laneous Pr�ce�ds sha�l be applied�o restoratian or repa�r af the Property,if
<br /> the restoration or repair is economica�ly feasib�e and Lend�r's secut�ty is nvt lesseried.During su�h repair and restoration
<br /> period,�ender�hall ha��the right to hold such Miscellat�.eous Praceeds untzl Lender has had an opp�rtunity to inspect
<br /> such Fropert�ta ensure the�or�has�een camp�eted to Lender's�at�sfaction,provided that such inspe�tion sha11 be
<br /> undertaken promptly,Lendar ma�pa�far the repairs and res�oration in a single disburs�ment or in a series af pragress
<br /> payments as t��vwvr�is cvm�leted.LJnless atl agreement is made in writing or A�p�icab��Law require�interest tQ be
<br /> paid on suc�h M�scellan�aus Proceeds, Lender shall not be required ta pay Barrower any rn�erest�r earnings on such
<br /> Miscellaneous P�aceeds.Zf th�restoratxon or repaxr is not eco�amical��r feasi��e or Lender's s��u�ity wauld be lessened,
<br /> the Mis�ellaneaus Proceed��hall be applied fo the sums secured by th�s�ecurity Instrument,whether vr not then�.ue,
<br /> with the excess, i�any,Faid to Borrower, Such Miscellan�or�s Proceed�sha11 be applied in the order provided far in
<br /> 5�ctior��.
<br /> In the�r�ent of a total taking, destructia�, or�oss in value�f the Pro�erty,the Miscellane�us Proceeds shall be
<br /> app�ied to �h� sums secured by thxs Security Instrum�nt, w�ether or nvt then due, with t�e e��ess, if any} pa�d to
<br /> �orra�ver�
<br /> In th�e�ent�f a partia�taking,destruction,ar�oss in value af the Propert}r in�vhich the fair market va�ue of�he
<br /> Praperty immedia�ely before the park�al�ak��g,destructian,ar loss in va�ue is ey�a�to ar greate�than the amount of the
<br /> �ums secured by this 5ecurity��strumenf imrned�at�ly b�fQre the partial taking, �estructian, �r loss in value,un�ess
<br /> Barrawer and I�ender otherwise agr�e in wrifing,the sums$e�ured by this��curity Instrumen�sha11 b�reduced by the
<br /> amount of the Miscellaneous Proceeds mul��plied by the following fraction: �a}t�e to�al amaunt of the�ums secure�.
<br /> immediately before the part�al ta�ing,des�ruction,�r loss in valu�divi�ed by�b}th�fair mark�t�aXue of th�Praperty
<br /> immedia�ely hefor�the par�ial#aking,destruction,or loss in��lue.Any ba�ance shal�be paid ta Borrawer.
<br /> In the event of a partial taking,destru�tion, or�ass in value a�`the Praperty in vrrhrch the fair market�alue of the
<br /> Prop��ty immedi�tely befar�e#he partial taking,destructinn,ar lass in va�ue is�ess than t��amount vf the sums s�cured
<br />_ immediately befare the p�tial taking, des�ru�tion, or lass in va�ue, unless BQrrower and��nder otherwise agree in
<br /> writing,the Miscellan�vu5 Praceeds shall�e applied�ta the sums secured by thxs 5e�urity Instrument whether or not the
<br /> sums are then due. ,
<br /> If the Praperty is abandflned b}r Barr�wer,or if, a�er nQtice by Lender t�Borraw�r that the�pp�sing Party�as
<br /> defined in the next sentence�offez�s to make an award to settle�cl�.im far darnages,B�rrav�rer fails to respond to L��d�r
<br /> within 30 days after the date the no�ice is given,Lender is author�zed t�co��ect and apply the Miscellaneou�Praceeds
<br /> either to res�oratian�r repair vf�he Praperty or to the sums secured by this Security Instrument,whether ar not th�n due.
<br /> "�pposing Paxty"means the t�ird parry that owes Barrower Misce�lane�us Frac�eds or the party agaxnst whom Borrower
<br /> ha5�rig�t�f act�on in regard to Miscellaneous Pro�e�ds.
<br /> Borrower sha�l be in defautt if any action or prviceeding, whe#her civ�l or�riminal, is begu�that, in L�xtder's
<br />_. judgment,cnuld result xn farfei�ure of the Froperty ar ather ma��rial impairment af Lender's interest in the Prop�rty or
<br /> rights under this Security�nstrumerit.Borrower ean�ure such a d�fault ar�d,if acceleration has dccurred,reinstate as
<br /> pra�ided in Se�tion I9,by causing fhe actian or�roceeding to be d�smissed with a ruling�hati,in Lender's}udgment,
<br /> precludes farfeitur�nf the Prop�rty or other material impairnaent of`L�nder's in�erest in�he Property�r righ�s under this
<br /> NEBRASKA-Singfe FamFfy-Fannie MaeJFreddie Nlac UNiFaRM 1N5TRUMENT Fv�m 3�28 110�
<br /> Page 8�#�3 �� �
<br /> �os,��c.-a�sss Barrower�s}Ini#aals� �
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