2� 1 ��2598
<br /> �e underta�e�promptiy.Lend�r may disburse proceeds for the repairs and restaratian in a sin��e payment nr in a series uf
<br /> progress payments as the v�ork is cornpleted.Uniess an agreement is made in wr2t�ng or Appiicahle Law requires interes�
<br /> ta be paid on such insurance��roceeds,Lender shall not be required tQ pa�Bnrrower any interest or earnings on such
<br /> �roceeds.F�es far pul�Xic adjusters,or ather thzrd parties,retained by Borrawer sha��not be paid out of the insuranc�
<br /> proceeds and sha�l be the sole o�bligation af Barrower.If the r�storation�r repair is nat ec�nvmically feas�b�e or Lender's
<br /> security would be lessene�,the insurance proceed5 shall he applied t�#he sums s�cured by this�ecurity Instrument,
<br /> whethe�or not t�aen due,with the excess,if any,paid t��vrrower.�uch�n�urance proceeds shall be applied in the arder
<br /> provided for in 5ection 2.
<br /> If Barrovver abandons the Properky,Lender may fi1e,ne�atiate and seftl�any a�ailable insurance c�aim and related
<br /> matter�.If�orrov`rer does not respond waithin 3��ays to a notiee from Len�er that the insuran�e carrzer has afFered to
<br /> setrle a cla�m,then L�nd�r may n�gatiate and settle the ciaim.The 3�-day period will be�in when the no�ice is given.In
<br /> ei#her e��nt, ar�f L�nder a�quires the FrQperty und�r 5ection 22 or Qtherwzsea �Qrrower hereby as�igns to Lend�r
<br /> �a)Borr�w�r's rights to any�nsuranee procee�s in an amount not to exceed the amoun�s unpaid under the Note or this
<br /> Securi�y Instrum�nt,a�d��h}any other af Barrovver's right�(a�her than th�ri�ht tv any refund�f unearned�rem�iums paid
<br /> hy�arrower}under a11 insurance policies covenng the Proper��r,insofar as suGh rights ar�applicable to the cv�erage of
<br /> the Property.Lender may use the inswanc�proceeds either to repair ar restore�he Property�r�o�ay amvunts unpaid
<br /> under the Note ar this 5ecurity Instrument,wh�ther ar nvt�hen due,
<br /> 6,accupaney.Barrovver shall occupX,establi�h,and use the Prapert}�a��orrower's principal residence within 6�
<br /> days after the execu.tion of this Se�urity It�strument and shall continue to Qccupy the�roperty as Borrow�r's pr�nctpal
<br /> residence far at least one year af�er�he da�e of occupancy,ut��ess Lender�therwise agrees in v�rriting,�vhi�h consen�sha11
<br /> no�be unreasonably withhe�d,or unl�ss extenua�irig cir�umstances exist which are beyand Boxr�wer's cantral.
<br /> 7.Preser�ation,Mainteaance and Protertion a►f the Property;Inspections,Barrawer shall not des#roy,damage
<br /> or impair the Property,al1ov�th.e Property to det�riorate�r�ammzt wasfe on th�Property.Whether ar nat Borr�wer is
<br /> residing in the Prop�r�y, Borrower sha11 rnaintain the Prvpert�in arder to prevent th�Prop�rty fram d��rior�ting or
<br /> decreasin,g in value due�a it�co�di�ion.CJnless it is det�rrnined pursuant to�ecti�n 5 that repair vr res�oralravn is not
<br />- econamica�ly feasible,Borrnw�r shall promptly repair#he Proper�y if damage�to a�aid furth�r de�erioration or damage.
<br /> If insurance ar c�ndemnatian pr�ceeds are paiti�n conn�ct�on w�th damage�o,or the ta.l�i.ng af,the Property,Barrower
<br /> shall b�responsible for repairing or restoring#he Froperty onl�r if Lender has rel�a�ed proceeds for su�h purpases.Lender
<br /> rnay disburse proceeds for the repairs and r�staration in a�ingle payment or in a series of pragress payments as the wark
<br /> is eompleted,If�he insurance or condemnatifln prviceeds are not sufficient�o repair or restare the PrQperty,B orrower is
<br /> not relie�ed�f Borrower's ohliga�ion for the�ompletion of such repair vr restora#�an.
<br /> L,ender or its ag�nt may make reasonab�e entries upvri and i�spections of the Praperty.If i�has reasanable caus�,
<br /> Lender rnay inspect the�nterior o�the improvemen�s on th�PrQpert}�,Lender shal�give�orrower riQtice at the time a�or
<br /> priar to such an interior inspection sp�cifying such reasonable cause.
<br /> S.Barrow�r's Loan Applicati�a.Barrvwer shall}�e in default if,during the Laan app�icatian proce�s,Borrower ar
<br /> any pers�ns�r entitie�acting a�the d.zrectian of Borrvwer ar with Borrow�r's know�edge or conseMt gave materially
<br /> fa�se, misleading, ar in�ccurat� �nforrnation or statements to L�nd�r �or fa�Ied to pravide Lende� �vith mater�a�
<br /> i�xformatiion} in cvnnection vFrith the Loan. Mater�al representations includ�, bu� are nat limated ta, represenfations
<br /> c�ncerning Borrower's occupancy of t�e Fro�erty as Borrawer's principa�r�side�xce.
<br /> 9,Protectian of Len�er's Int�r�st xn the Pr�periy and Rights Und�r this Secur�t�r Instrurneat.If�a�Borrovcrer
<br /> fails�a perfvrm#he�vvenants and agreenxents cantained i�this S�curity Instrument,�b}th�re is a leg�l pruceed2ng that
<br /> m�ght si�nificantly af��c� Lender's interes� in the Praperty andlor rights under this Security �nstrum�nt �su�h as a
<br /> pr�ceeding�n 1�ankrupt�y,probate,for condemnation o�f�rfe�tur�,f�r enforcement�f a�ie�n whi�h ma�attain priorxty
<br /> over this 5ecurity rnstrume��k vr ta enforc�laws or regulations),ar�e�Borrow�r has abandaned the Pr�per�y,�hen Lender
<br /> rna}r da and pay for whatev�r is reasona�le or appropnate to prote�t Le�nder's infer�st in th�Propetty and rights under th�s
<br /> NEBRASKA-Single Family-Fannie Mae�Freddie Mac UNIF�RM fNSTRUMENT Form�0�8 �!0"I
<br /> Page fi of 13 �
<br /> ios,inc.-�is�s BoRawer s Initials� �
<br /> � 7
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