2� 1 ��2598
<br /> �.�hargQs, Lf�ns.Borrovrrer shaXl pay a11 taxes,ass�ssments,ch�rges, f nes, and imposit�ons attributab���a t1�e
<br /> Prop�rty which can attain priority oWer this S�curity�nstrumen�,�easehald payments or gr�und rents on the Pro�erty,if
<br /> any,and G�mmunity Associatian Dues,Fees,and Ass�ssments,if any.To the exten�that th�se�tenns are Escraw Items,
<br />- B�rrower sha.��pay�hem in th�mariner provide�l in Section 3.
<br /> Borrower shal� promptly discharge any li�n which has priority aver this Securit}r Instrument unless �arrower;
<br /> �a}agre�s in w�titing ta th�pa�ymenti�f tihe abligatian secure�by the lien in a man�er aGceptahle t�Lend�r,but on1�r so
<br /> long as Borrower is perfo�-tning such agreement;�b�contests f�ie lxen in goad faith by,�r defends against enfarGement af
<br /> the ��en �n, �egaT praceedings which in�ender's apinian op�rate t�prer�ent the enforcement�f the lien while those
<br /> proceedings are pending,�ut only until such prac�edings ar�canc�uded;ar�c�secures fro�n th�halder af th�li en an
<br /> agreement satisfac�ory to Lender subordinating th�Iien t�this Security Instrument.If L�nder d�ternune�tha�t any part of
<br /> the Praperty is subje�t to a lien whic�car�attain priar�fy over this Security Instrument,Lend�r ma�r give Borrower a
<br /> notice�denti.f}ring the li�n.VL�ithin 1 D day�af�he date on which�hat notiG�is gi�ren,�orrower shall satisfy the�ien ar take
<br /> �ne�r more of the a�tians set f�rth�bov�in this Sectian 4.
<br /> Lender may require BarrovWer to pa�r a�ne-time charge for a real estalce tax verificati4n andlor reporting serWice
<br /> used by Lend�r in connection with thi�L�an,
<br /> 5.Property Insuran�e.Bntrower shall keep the impr�u�men�s navv exist�ng or hereafter erec�ed on the Property
<br /> irisured against loss by firea ha�ards inc�uded withzn�he term"ext�nded�overage,�'an�any other ha�ards in�luding,but
<br /> not limited to,earthqual��s and flo�ds,far wh�ch Lender requires insurance.This insur�.nce sha11 be mainta�n�d in the
<br /> �maunts��ncludin�deductih��1e�e1s)and�ar�he periods that Lender requires.What Lender requires pursuant to the
<br /> �receding s�ntences can change duxxng th�term of the Loan.The insurance carrier prov�ding the insurance sha��be
<br /> chosen by Barrower subject to Lender's right ta disapprove Borrov�rer's chaice, which right shall not be exercised
<br /> unreasonably.Lend�r may�equire Borrovver to pay,in connecti�n with this Loan,eit�e�r:�a�}a one-time char�e for flavd
<br /> zone determinat�on, �ertificatian and track�ng s�ruices; ar �b}a one-time charge for flaad zone determin�.tion and
<br /> certification ser�ices and subsequent�harges each time r�mappings or similar�han�es o�cur which reasonably m�gh�
<br /> affect such deternnination ar cer�ificatian.Barr�wer shall also�e resFonsibl�for the�ayment o�any fees impvsed by the
<br /> Federal Emergency Managernent Agency in cannection with the r��ie�v af any flaod�one determinati��resuiting�rom
<br /> a.n o�je��ior�b�B�rrower.
<br /> If Borrvwer fails to maintain any af the coverages described ahav�, Lend�r may�obtain insurance caverage, at
<br /> L�r�der'�aption and Borrowe�r's expense.L,�nder is under no obligation to pur�hase any�articular type or a�mnun��f
<br /> coverage.Therefore,such coverag�shalt�over Lender,but might or mighti nat protect Borrawer,Borrawer's equity in
<br /> the PrQp�rty, �r th�contents of the Pr�p�rty, again�t any risk,hazard ar�iah�lz#}�and might pra�id�great�r or less�r
<br />_ ��v��r�.��t���pr��i������n��'�R�������na������:��►�:t����vf the�����������;��������:might
<br /> ���a����.�������:t����;.�f�r��������.��a���r���d���:�.�����d.,Any�xc����i�����d b�L�d�r under
<br /> this Sectinri 5 s�hall bec�m�additional debt of Barraw�r secured by this 5ecur�ty Instrument.These amoun�5 shall bear
<br /> interest at th�Note rate from the date a�disbursement and shall��payable,with such inter�st,u�on notice fram L�nder
<br /> to Borrower requesting payment,
<br /> A1i insurance poli�ies r�quired by Lender and renewals vf su�ch pQli�ies shall he subje�t �o Lender'� right ta
<br /> dxsapprove such poxicies, shal��nc�ude a stand�rd mortgage clause,and shall narne Lend�r as rnt�xtgagee andJor as an
<br /> additional loss payee. Lender shal� haue the righ�ta hold�he policies and renewal c�r�ifi�ates. Tf Lender requir�s,
<br /> Borrower shall pramptl�r gi�re to Lender a�I re�eipts af paxd prenuums and renev�ra�n�tic�s.If Borravu�r�btains any form
<br /> of insurax�ce c�verage,not otherurise requ�red by L�nder,for da.mage t�,or destructian of,�he Property,such polic}�shall
<br /> include a standard mortgage clause arid sh�Il nam�Lender as mortgagee andlor as an additional l��s payee.
<br /> In the event of lass,Borr��ver sh�.11 give promp�notic�ta the insuran�e carr�er and Lend�r.Lender may make proof
<br /> of�oss if not mad� prampt�y by Bartower. Unl�ss Len�er and Bvrrower o#herw�s�agree in writir�g, an�r insurance
<br /> proce�ds,wheth�r ar not the underlying rnsurance was required by Lend�r,�hall be applied to restoration or repair af the
<br /> Propert}r,if the r�staratian ar re�air is e�onomicall}�feasible and Lend�r's se�urity is not�essene�.Du�ing such repai�r au�
<br /> restoration period,L�nder sha�l ha�e the right ta hvld suc1�insurance pr�ceeds unti�Lender has had an app�rtun�ty tQ
<br /> inspect such Property to ensure the woz`k ha�been completed ta Lender's satisfaction,pro��ded th�t such insp��tion sha�l
<br /> NEBRASKA�5ingte Family-Fannie MaeJF�e�idEe Mac UNIF�RM INSTRUMENT Form 30�8 �14�
<br /> Page 5 af 13 ��
<br /> IC�S 1nc,-��s�s Borrawer s In�tials�
<br /> , � }
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