2� 1 ��2598
<br /> the payment is app�ied to the fuil payment af one ar mor�P�n.odic Payments,such exc�ss may be applied to any late
<br /> charges due.Voluntary pre�r�Xments shall b�app�ied first to any prepayrnent charges anci then as descr�b�d in the l��te,
<br /> Any applic�tifln af payments,insurance praceeds,ar Misce��aneous Prvice�ds ta principal due under th�Note sha11
<br /> nvt extend or postpane th�due date,ar change the arnoun#,af the P�riodic Payments,
<br /> 3.Funds for Escr�w�tems.Borrower shall pay ta Lender on the day P�riodic Payments are due under the Note,
<br /> until the Note is paid in fut�,a surn(th�"Funds"}ta pr�vide for payment of amounts due for:�a}taxes a.nd assessments
<br /> and ath�r items wh�c� �an a�tain priority o�er thi� Security Instrument as a lien or encumbrance on the Prop�rt�;
<br /> (b}leasehald paym�nts or groun�re�ts on th�Property,if any;�c}premiums for ariy and a��insurance required by Lender
<br /> under 5ection S;and�d}Mortgage Insurance premiums,if any,or any sums payal�l�by B�rrnvver to Lender in li�u ofth�
<br /> paymeri�af Mortgage Insurance premiums in a�cardance wi�h the p�rvvisivns of 5ection �U,These items are ca�led
<br /> "Escrow It�ms." At origin�tian or at any time during the term af the I�oan, L�nder m�y re�uire that Cvmmunity
<br /> Association Du�s,Fe�s,and Assessments,if any,be escrou�ed}�y Sorrower,and such d�.e�,f�es and ass�ssments�ha�1 he
<br /> an Escrovsr Item. Borrower sha11 promptly furnish to Lender all notices of amQunts to he paid under this 5ection,
<br /> BQrnow�r shal�pay Lender the Fund$for Escraw Item.s unl�ss Lender u�ai�es Borrawer's a�l�gatian to pay the Funds far
<br /> any ar al�Escra��tems.Lender m�.y wai�e��rrower's abligation to pay tQ Lender Funds for an�ar all Escrow Items at
<br /> any tixne.An�such waiver may only be in writing.In the e�ent of such waiver,Barrav�er�hail pay d�rectly,when and
<br /> v�here pa�able,the arnounts due for ar�y Escra�rr It�ms for which payment of Funds has b��n waived by Lender and,if
<br /> Lender re�quires, shall furnish�a L�nder receipts��idencing such payment�rxthin su�h tim�p�riod as Lender ma�
<br /> r�quire.Barraurer's o��igatian to make such paymen�s,and t�pro�ide receipts shall for all purpases be d��med ta be a
<br /> covenan�ar�d agreement cantained in this S�curity�nstrumenfi,as the phrase"���enant and agreement"is used�n Section
<br /> �.If Barrovver is obligated t�pay Escraw iterns directly,pu.�suat�t to a wai�er,and Borrnv�er fails to pay the amoun�du�
<br /> fvr an Escrow Itern,Lender ma�exer�ise�ts rights under Section 9 and pay such am�unt and Borrower�hall then he
<br /> cab��gated und�r�ecxion 9 to repay ta Lender any such a�n�un�,Lender may revoke the waiver as�a any or a�l Escrow
<br /> Items at any time�y a notx�e g�ven in a�cardance�vxth Sectian 15 and, upon such r�vocation, Borr��rrer shall pay to
<br /> Lender all Funds,and in such amaunts,that are then required under this S�ction 3.
<br /> I�enc�er m�.y,at any time,calle�t and hold�runds in an amourit(a�sufficien�t�permit Lender to app�y th�Funds a�
<br /> �he�ime specif��d under RESPA,and(b}not to exceed the maximum amount a lender can require u�der RESPA,Lender
<br />__ shal�estirn.a#e th�amount of Funds due on the basis of curren�data and r�asonahle estima#es af��pend�tures Of future
<br /> Escrow Items or otherwise ir�ac�ordanc�with App�icah�e Lav�.
<br /> The Funds shai��e h��d in an institution v5rhose deposits ar�insured by a federa.]agency,instrumentality,o��ntity
<br /> �ineluding Lender,�f Lender is an institution whase depos��s are�a insured}ar in any Fed�ra�Horr�e L�an�ank.Lender
<br /> shall apply the Funds tQ pay fhe Escrow 7t�ms na lat�r than the tim�specifi�d under RESPA.Lender shall nvt charg�
<br /> Bdrra�r�r f�r halding and applying the Fr�x�ds,annua�ly analyzing the es�row�ccount,or v�rif�ring the Escraw�tems,
<br /> unless Lender pays Borrower in�erest on the Fund��►nd App�zcable Law p�rtn�ts Lender to make such a charg�.CJnless an
<br /> agreemen#is ma�e in writ�ng or Ap�licable La�v reyuires�nteres�to�he�a�d 4n the Funds,Lend�r sha�l not�b�required to
<br /> pay Borro�rer any interest or earnings on the Funds.Borrawer and L�nder�an agree in writing,h�we�r�r,tha��nterest
<br /> s�a��be paid on the Fun�s,Lender shall give ta Borrawer,v�vzthaut charge,an annual accounting ofthe Fu.rYds as requir�d
<br />_ by RESPA,
<br /> �f there is a surp�us of Funds hel�in escrow,as defin�d under RES1'A,Lender shal�accaunt to$orraw�er for the
<br /> exc�ss funds�n accord�nce with RESPA.Yf there�s a shor�age af Funds held in escrow,as defined under RESPA,Lender
<br /> . shal�notify Bartow�r as required by RESPA,and Borrovver shall pay to Len�er the amaunt ne�essary to make up the
<br /> shortage�n acco�dance with RESPA,but in no mar�than��mvnfhly payments.If there is a defi�iency❑f�'unds held�n
<br /> es�ra�v,�s defned under R.ESPA,Lender shall notify Borrower as required by RESPA,and Bor�ro�ver�hall pay to Lender
<br /> the amou.nt ne�e�sary to make up t�e def ciency in aceordan�e wi�h RESPA,but in n❑more than l2 monthly payme�ts.
<br /> Upo�payrn�nt�n full of a�Z sums secured by this S�cur�ty�nstrument,L�nder shall promptly refund t4 Banraurer any
<br /> Funds held�y Lender.
<br /> NEBRA��CA-5ing�e Family-Fan�ie M�elFreddie Mac UNIF�RM INSTRUNlENT Form 3�28 1�1
<br /> �age 4 af�3
<br /> �os,In�A-31639 gorrower�s}Initia�s�� �
<br />. _.- - - -_
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