2� 1 ��2598
<br /> which currently has the address of; 111�Main St
<br /> Vlroad Iti�er,NEBR.ASI�A 58883 �"Property Address"�:
<br /> TUC'rET��R WITH al7 the impra��ments novw or hereaf�er erected an the property, and all easements,
<br /> appurte�ances,and fixtures naw ar hereafter a part qf�h.e prop�rty.All replacements and additions shall also be cvvered
<br /> by this Security Ins�rum�n�,A11 of the foregoing�s referred to in this Security Instrument as the"Fraperty."
<br /> B��R�WEI�C�VE�ANTS th�t Borrawer rs�awfu�ly sei�ed�f the es�ate hereby c�n�r�yed and has the rxg�it to
<br /> grant and canvey the Property ar�d tha�the Prop�rty is une�cumbered,exc�pt for encumlar�.nces af record.�orrawer
<br /> w�.irants and wi11 de�'end generally the tit�e�a the Prop�rty a,gainst axl claxm�.�arid demands,su�je�t to any�n�umbrances
<br /> af record.
<br /> THIS SE��RxTY IN�TRUMENT comb�nes uniform ca�enants far national use and non-unifarm cov�nants wi�h
<br /> Iimited Wariations b}�jurisdi.ction�a constitu��a�xn�form security instrument co�rering rea�prop�rky.
<br /> L]NIF�RM C�VENANTS.Borrow�r and Lender co�renant and agree as follaws:
<br /> 1.Payment af Priacipal,Inter�st,Escr�v+v Items,Prepayment Charge�,and Late Charges.Borra�nrer shal�pay
<br /> �vhen due the principal af,and interest an,the debt eviden��d by the Nate and any prepayment charges an�l late charg�s
<br /> due under the Nat�.Barr�wer shall also pay funds�vr Escrow�tems pursuant to 5ectivn 3.Payments due under the Not�
<br /> and this SeGurity Instrument shall be made in CJ.S. currency. However, if any�heck�r ot�her instrurnent�eceived by
<br /> Lender as payment under the lwi�te�r this Security Instrument is retuxned ta Lend�r unpaid,Lender may require that any
<br /> �r ai�subsequen�payments due under the N��e and this 5ecurity Instrumenf be mad�in one or mare�f the fallowin�
<br /> forms,as seX�ct�d by Lender:�a�cash;(b}money vrder;�c�certified che�k,bank che�k,treasurer's check or cashier's
<br /> che�k, pr�vided �ny such check i s drawn upon a�n inStitution vvhose deposits ar� insured by a federa� agency,
<br /> ins�rumen�a�i�y,ar eritity;�r�d}Electrnnic Funds Tran�fer.
<br /> Paym�nt�are de�med recei�ed by Le�ader when received at the locatio�de�ignated in the�ote ar a�such othe�r
<br /> lacation as may be deszgnati�d�y Lend�r in accordance with the�otice ptv�isi�ns in�ection 1.5.Lender may return any
<br /> payrnent or partia�payment if�he�ayment ar partia�payments are i�sufficient to bring the Loan curr�nt.Lender may
<br /> accept any payrnen�ar pattial payment insuffi�ien�ta br�ng th�Loan curr�n�,wxth�ut wai�er Qf any rights hereunder or
<br /> pre�udY�e�o i�s rights�o refuse su�h.payment or partia�payments�n�he future,hu�t Lender is not obligated to apply such
<br /> pa�ments at the t�me su�h payment�are a�cepted.If each P�riodic Payment is applied as of its sch�duled due date,then
<br /> Lender n�ed not pay interest on unap�lied fund�.�ender may ho�d such unapplied furi�.s un�i�Barr�vrrer makes payrnent
<br /> t��bring the Laan current.Yf`Borrower does not da so within a reasonable period af time,Lender sha���ither apply such
<br /> funds or return them�o Borrawer.If not applied�arlier,such funds�rill be app�ied to the outstandi�g prxncipa�balance
<br />-- under the Nc�te irnmediat�ly priar to fore�losure.No ofFset or cXaim whi�h Barrow�r might ha�e no�v or in the future
<br /> against Lend�r shall re�ie�e B�rrower fr�m maki�ng paym�n�s due un�.er�the Na�e and this 5ecurity Ir�strument or
<br /> perf�rming th��oWenants and agreemen�s secured by this 5ecurity Instrument.
<br /> 2.Applicat�on af Payments ar Proce�ds.Ex�ept as atnerwise des�rzhed in this�ectiari 2,a11 pa�yments ac�ept�d
<br /> and app�ied by Lender s�a�l be applied in th�fallov�rin�order�f priority:�a}intere�t due und�r fhe N�te;�b}principal due
<br /> under the Nat�;�c�amaunts du�under Se�tion 3.Such payments shal�be applied t�each Periodic Paym�nt in th�order
<br /> in which it became due.Any rema�ning amounts sha11 be applied f rst to late charges,second to any other amnunts due
<br /> und�r this Security Instrum�nt,and�hen t�redu�e�he principal�aa�ance af th�I�ote.
<br /> If Lende�receives a paym�nt fir�m B�rrower for a delinqu�ent Peri�di�Payment which iricxudes a suffici�n#amounti
<br /> Co pay any late char,ge due,the paym�nt may be applied to th�delinquent payrn�nt and�he late�harge.Zf more than�ne
<br /> Periodi� Payment is Qutstanding, Lender may app�y any payment rec�ived fram Barrower to the repayment af the
<br /> P�r�odic Paym�nts if,and to the extent�hat,�ach payment cari be�aid in fu1�.To#he ext�n�that an�excess exis#s af�er
<br /> NEBRA5I�A-Single Family-Fannte MaelFfeddie Mac IJNIF�R�II INSTRUMENT Form 3�29 1l�1
<br /> Page3�#13
<br /> �os,�nc.-��s�s 8orrower�s}Initials�� ��
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