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<br /> [�EE�] �]F TRLJST'
<br /> Lvan Nv: 'l�7�9a�95 ��orltit�ued� Page �
<br /> attarney-in--fac�are a part o�this Deed af Trust:
<br /> Further Assurances. A� any �ime, and fr�m �ime �o �ime, upon request o� Lender, Trustor will make, execute and
<br /> deliWer, or will �ause t� be made, exe�ut�d or deliversd, to Lender❑r�� Lender's designee, and when requested hy
<br /> Lender, cause to be filed, recorded, refiled, �r rereGorded, as the �ase may be, at such tim�s and in su�h affi�es
<br /> and �laces as Lender may deem appropriate, any and all such mortgages, deeds vf�rust, security deeds, security
<br /> agreementsf financing statements, continuati�n s�afiemen�s, instrumen�s af further assurance� �er�i�icates, and
<br /> vth�r dacumen�s as may, in the sol� opinion of Lender, be necessary or desirable in order to effe��uate, compl��e,
<br /> perfect, continue, or preser�e ��} Trus�tor's obligafiions under �he IVo�e, this Deed �fi Trust, and �he Related
<br /> Do�uments, and �2� the liens and security interests created by this Deed of Trust on the Property, whefiher now
<br /> awned or hereafter a�quired by Trustor. Unless prohibited by law �r Lender agrees �o the contrary in wr�ting,
<br /> Trus�or sha�� reimburse Lender��r ail costs and exp�ns�s incurred in connec�ivn with the mafi�ers referred to in this
<br /> paragraph.
<br /> At�arney-in�Fa��. If Trus�or fails t� do any o�F the things referred to in the preceding paragraph, Lender may do sv
<br /> for and in the name o� Trustor and at Trusfior's expense. For such purposes, Trustor hereby irre�ocably appoin�s
<br /> Lender as Trust�r's attorney-in--fact�ar the purpase of making, executing, d�Ii�ering, filing, reco�-ding, and daing all
<br /> other things as may be necessary ❑r des�rabf�, in Lender's sole opinivn, �to accamplish the mat�ers re�erred to in
<br /> the pr�ceding parag�aph.
<br /> FULL PERFDR111111NCE. If Trustvr pays a�l the �ndebtedness, inc[ud�ng withauf limitation alE future ad�ances, when due,
<br /> and otherwise p�rf�rms al! the obligatians imposed upon Trus�or under this Deed af Trust, Lender shall execu�e and
<br /> del��er to Trustee a request for full recan�eyance and shall execu�� and deliver �� Trus�tor sui�ahle stafiements of
<br /> terminat�an of any financing statement vn �File eWidencing Lender's securi�y interest in #he Rents and the Persanal
<br /> Property. Any reconveyance fe� required �y 1aw shall be paid �y Trustor, i�permi��ed �y app�icable 1aw.
<br /> EVENTS �F DEFAULT. Ea�h a�the fal�owing, a� Lender's op��on, sha�l �onstitu�e an E�ent ��F Default under�his Deed
<br /> of Trus�:
<br /> Payment Default. Trustor�ails�a make any paym�nt when du�un�er the indebtedness.
<br /> a�th�r Defaulfs. Trustor fails t� comply wi�h or �a per�Form any oth�r term, obliga�ion, cav�nant or cond�tion
<br /> cantaine� in this Deed af Trus� or in any o� the Rela�ed ❑ocumen�s vr to comply with or t� perform any �erm,
<br /> obligatian, caWenant�r conditivn contained �n any ather agreement between Lender and TrustQr.
<br /> �vmpliance Defauit. Failure �o comply with any �ther term, a��igativn, covenant or candition contained in this
<br /> �eed af Trust.the hlote or in any of the Related Dacuments.
<br /> �efa�lt on �ther Paymen�s. Failure of Trustor within the�ime re�uired by this D�ed o�Trus�ta make any payment
<br /> �or taxes or�nsurance, or any ather payment n�cessary to pr��enfi filing vf❑r to eff���discharg��f any lien.
<br /> Fa1se Statements. Any warranty, representation or statemen� made a� furn�shed to Lender by Trustor or on
<br /> T�ustar's behaff under this Deed a�Trus� or the Related �3o�uments is false ar misleading in any ma�terial respect,
<br /> either now or at�he time made or furnishecl ar b�cvmes false ar misleadin� at any time therea��rer.
<br /> D�fec�i�e Colla�eral�zation. This �eed of Trust or any �f �he Related QoCuments ceases to be in �ull fvrce and
<br /> e�Ffect �including failure af any callatera� document �o create a �alid and perfected s�curity interest or lien} at any
<br /> time and �or any reasvn.
<br /> Death or lnsol�en�y. The death of TrustQr, the insol�ency vf Trustar, the appoin�ment af a receiver f�r any part of
<br /> Trustar's property, any assignment for th� henefit of credi�ors, any type af credi-�or warkout, ❑r �he
<br /> commencement af any proceeding under any banlcruptcy or insol�ency lav►rs by or against Trustor.
<br /> �reditor or Forfei�ure Proceedings. Cammencement af forec��sure or forfeiture proceedings, whether by judicial
<br /> praceeding, s�lf-help, repQssession or any�ther method, by any�re�itor vf Trustor�r by any�a�ernmental ag�ncy
<br /> aga�nst any property s�curing the lndebtedness. This includes a garnishmen� ❑f any �f Trus�ar's accounts,
<br /> inc�uding dep�s�t accaunts, with Lender. However, �his E�ent �f Defaul� shall not apply if there is a good faith
<br /> disput� by Trustor as ta the �alidity ar reasonableness of th� claim which is the basis of the creditor vr fQrfeiture
<br /> proceeding and if Trustor giWes Lender wr€tten nv�ice of fihe creditor vr farfeitu�e pro�eedin� and deposits with
<br /> Lender monies �r a sur�ty b�nd �F�r the creditor or�Far�eiture proce�ding, in an amaunt d�termined �y Lender� in its
<br /> sale discretian, as being an adequa�e reser�e�r band for the dispufie.
<br /> Breach of��her Agreement. Any breach by Trustar under�he �erms of any other a�reem�nt betw��n Trustor and
<br /> Lender that is na� remedied within any grace perivd pr�vided therein, in�Euding withaut [imitatian any agreement
<br /> conCerning any indeb�edness vr o�her flbliga�ivn of Trustor to Lender, whe�her exEs�ing now or[ater.
<br /> E�en#s Afte�ting Guarantor. Any of the preceding e�ents occurs with respect�v any guarantor, �ndvrs�r� surety,
<br /> or a�commoda�ian party of any of the Indeb�edness ar any guaran�or, endorser, surety, or accommoda�ion party
<br /> dies vr becomes incompet�nt, ar revo�ces or disputes the �alidity af, or liahil�ty under, any Guaranty of the
<br /> lndebtedness.
<br /> Adverse �hang�. A material aduerse �hange �ccurs in Trustor's financial conditi�n, ar Lender believ�s the
<br /> pr�spect of payment or performanc� o��he indebtedness is impaired.
<br /> insecurity. Lender in good fai�h beiie�es i�self insecure.
<br />