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2� 1 ��25�4 <br /> �]EE� �F TRU�1� <br /> L�an Nv: '[�'I 295�95 ���rltinued� Page 5 <br /> this Deed of Trust shall surWive the execution and del���ry Q�this Deed of Trust, shall be continuin� in natur�, and <br /> shall ramain in ful�f�rce and effect until such tim�as Trustar's Indebt�dness shall be paid in full. <br /> ExlSTING INDEBTEDNESS, The following pr�Wis�ons �an�erning Existing lndebte�ness a�-e a part of�his Deed of Trust: <br /> Existing Lien. The [ien of this ❑eed �f Trust se�uring the Indebtedn�ss may be s�c�ndary and inferior to an <br /> existing lien. Trustor expressiy co�enants and agrees t� pay, or see to the payment �f, the Exis�ing Indehtedness <br /> and tn pr��ent any default on such indeb�edness, any defauit und�r the instruments e�idenc�ng su�h indebtedness, <br /> or any de�Fault under any security dacuments far su�h ind�btedness. <br /> iVo 11f[odifica#ivn. Trus�or shall not en�er in�o any agreement with fihe holder of any mor�gage, deed of trust, or <br /> afiher s��urity agreement which has priority a�er this Deed vf Trust by which that agreement is m�dified, <br /> amanded, ��tended, �r renewed withou� the priar wri�ten consent af Lend�r. Trus��r sha�l n�ither request nor <br /> accep�any tu�ure ad�ances under any such s�curity agreement without the prior written consent a-�Lender. <br /> CDNDEMNATI�N. The following pr�Wisions re�ating�o candemna�i�n proceedin�s ar� a par�of this Deed of Trust: <br /> Pro�eed�ngs. lf any p�ac�eding in condemnativn �s �iled, Trustor shall promptly notify Lender in writing, and <br /> Trust�r shall prompt�y take such steps as may be ne�essary to defend �he a��ian and obtain the award. Trustor . <br /> may b�the naminal party in su�h praceeding, bu� L�nder shal� be en�itled to participate in the pro�eeding and�o be <br /> � represented in the proc�eding by�counsel o� its ❑wn chaic�, and Trustor will deliWer or cause ta be �eli�ered ta <br /> Lender suGh instruments and dacumentat�on as may be requested by Lender firom time to time t� perm�t su�h <br /> participati�n. <br /> Applicafiion of Net Praceeds. lf all ar any part❑t fihe Praperty is cvndemned by eminent domain proceed�ngs or by <br /> any proceeding or pur�hase in li�u of candemnation, Lender may a�its election r�quire that alE or any partion�f�he <br /> net prviceeds of th� av�rard be app[ied to the lndeb�tedness or �he repair or restoration �f the Properfy, The net <br /> proceeds Q��he award shall mean the award af�er payment of a�C reasanable costs, exp�nses. and attorneys' fees <br /> incurred by Trustee or L�nder in�onnectian wi�h the condemnation. <br /> IMP�5IT��N �F TAXES. FEES AND CHARGES BY ��VERN�IIEENTAL AUTHQRITIES. Th� follow�n� pravisions refating <br /> to gv�ernmental�axes, #ees and �harges are a part vf this De�d o�F Trust: <br /> Current Taxes. Fees and Charges. L]pon request by Lender, Trustor shali �xecute such dacuments in addition �o <br /> th�s ❑eed a�Trust and take wnatever other a�ti�n is r�quested by L�nder ta p�rfect and continue Lender's iien ❑n <br /> the Rea� Property. Trustor sha�� r�im�urse Lender �ar all taxes, as d�scrib�d �e[ow. tog�ther with all expenses <br /> incurred in recording, perfecting or cQntinuing this ❑eed of Trust, including wi�hout limitation a!I taxes, fees, <br /> documen�ary stamps, and other charges for recording �r regist�ring this Deed af Trust. <br /> Taxes. The following shall c�ns�itu�e �axes to whi�h this se��tion applies: ��� a specifiG tax upon this type ofi <br /> Deed of Trust or upon a1f or any parfi af the Ind�btedness secur�d hy this l�eed of Trust; t�} a specifi� tax on <br /> Trustor v►rhich Trustvr is authori�ed or require� ta deduc#fram �ayments �n the Ind�btedness secured by�his�ype <br /> o� aeed of Trust; �3} a tax on this type of Deed of Trust cnargeable agains�the Lender or the h�lder of�he Note; <br /> and ��-y a specific tax on a�l or any portian �f the Indebtedness or on payments of princ'rpal and in�erest made by <br /> Trus�or. <br /> 5ubsequen# Taxes. ff any tax ta which this se�tian app�ies is enact�d subsequen� to the date of this D�ed of <br /> Trust, this e�ent shall ha�e the same effect as an Event of Default, and Lender may �x�rcise any or all �f its <br /> a�aifable remedies for an Event of Qefaul�t as pro�ided �el�uv unless Trus�or �ither ��} pays the tax be�ore it <br /> hecvmes d�l'rnquen�� or �2} contests the tax as pro�ided abvve �n the Taxes and Liens sec�ion and depasits w€th <br /> Lender cash�r a su�f�cien�corpora�ke surety bond or o�her se�urity sa�tisfactory tv Lender. <br /> SECURITY ►4,GREEMENT: F�NAN�ING STATEMENTS, The ��liowing p�o�isians re�ating to �h�s Deed of Trust as a <br /> secur'tty agreement are a par�o��his Deed vf Trus�: <br /> �ecuri�ty Agreement� Th�s instrum�nt shal� cansti�ute a Secu�i�y Agreement ta �he extent any �� the Property <br /> constitutes �ix�ures, and Lender shall ha�e a11 of th� righ�s o�a secured party under the lJnif�rm �ommercia� Code <br /> as amendsd from time to time. <br /> Secur��y Interest. Upon r�quest hy Lender, Trusfior sha�l take whate�er a�tivn is requested by Lend�r tv perfec�c <br /> an� �ontinue Lender's security inter�st in �he Rents and Persona! Property. In addition �o re�ording this D��d o� <br /> Trus� in the reat property re�ords, Lender may, at any �kime and w�#h�ut further au�horizati�n from Trustar, �ile <br /> exeGuted cvunte�-parts, copies or reproductions of this D�ed a�f Trust as a finanGing sta�ement. Trust�r shal� <br /> reimburse Lender for a[l expens�s incurred in perfecting vr c�ntinuing this se�urity inter�sfi. lJpon default, Trustor <br /> shall n�t rem�We, se�er or detach �he Personal Property �rom �he Property. Upon defaul�, Trustor shall assemble <br /> any Personal Proper�y no� affixed �o �khe Property in a manner and afi a place reasonably con�eni�nt to Trustor and <br /> Lender and mak� it avaiiable ta Lender within three 43} days af��r receipt of written demand from Lender ta the <br /> extent permitted by applicab�e faw. <br /> Addresses. The mailing addresses af Trust�r {d��tor} and L�nde� �secured party} from whiGh information <br /> concernEng the security interes� gran�ed by�th�s Deed of Trust may be obtain�d �each as requ�red by the LJniform <br /> �ommercial �ode� are as stated on the first page�f this Deed o�Trust. <br /> FURTHER ASSURANGES; ATT�RNEY-iN�FACT, The follow�ng provisions relating to fur�her assurances and <br />