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2� 1 ��234� <br /> Transfer af the Property or a Bene��ia�Ir��eresf in Borro�ver.If all or any par�o�^the Property or�n.y�nteres� <br /> in i� is s�Id ar transferred �nr if a ben�f cia� interes� zn Bor�awer is sald �r �ransferred and Borrflv�er is n�� a <br /> na�ural person} �i�hout Lender's pr�or vvritten cansent, L�nder may, a� i�s opti�n, re{�uire immedia�e pa�n�nt �n <br /> fu�l flf a11 sums secured by �his Secur�ty �n,a�rnent. �Io�vever, �h�s op�.�on sha11 not be exerc�Sed by Lender if <br /> exer�ise is prahi�ited by federal�avv as of the da�e of this Security Ir�strument. <br /> If Lender exercises �his optxan, Lender sha�1 �i�re Borra�er r�otic� of acceleration. Th� notice sha�� p�-�vide a <br /> peri�d af no� �ess �than �he minirnum numbe�- �f days estal�li��ed by Applicable Laur from the date the �ot�ce zs <br /> de�ivered or mailed wi�hin v�hich BorroWer must pay all sums sec�.red by this Secu:r�ty �ns�rum�n�. If I3flrrawer <br /> fai�s to pay these sums prior t� the expira��o� �f�his peri�d, Lend�r may xnvoke an��remedies permi��e�b� thzs <br /> 5ecurity�ns�xm�nt w��hau�further notice or��er�and�n Barravver. <br /> Borrower's Right �Q Reinstate, �f Borravver meets certain cflndit�ons, B�rr��wer ��hall have the rzght �o ha�e <br /> enf�rcement of�his Se�urity Ynstrumen� disc�jn��nued at an�r t�me priar to �he earlier+�f•. �a} S days ��r such��her <br /> peri�d a�Applicab�e Lativ may specify for reinst�.temen��befare sa�e�f�he Praperty pursuant�a a�.y po�ver of sale <br /> eon�ained in �his Security Ins�rument; or �]�� entr� af � judgmen� enforcing this Security Ins�rum�nt. Those <br /> condi�xons are �Y�at Borrower: �a� pays Ler�d��r aIl surr�s which �hen w�u1d be due under �h�s Security Inst�xment <br /> and�he Contract as if n�accelera�ion had occurred;�b}�ures a�ny defaulti of any o�h�r t�ovenants�r agreemen�s; �c} <br /> pays all expenses�ncurred in enf�rczng�h�s S��curity�nstrumer��, inc�uding,bu�no�1imi�ed�o,r�asonab�e attorneys' <br /> fees to the extent permitted by Iavv; and �d} t,�.k�s such a�t�an as Lender ma�reasonab�y requ�re to assur��hat the <br /> lien of th�s Security Instru.ment, Lender's rights in the Pro�ert�j and�orro,wer's abligal�ion�o pay the sums se�ured <br /> by,this Security Ins�rumen� shall continue un.changed. Upon r�ix�s�at�men�by Borrov���r, this Security �nstrument <br /> and the obligations secured hereby shall rernain fu��y effe��.ive as if n� acceleration�1ad occurred. Ho�vever, �his <br /> righ�to reinstate sha�l not apply�.n the cas�o�'acce�eration ux�.der�h�section ti�led Tr��nsfer of�h�Property�r a <br /> B�ne��ia�Interest in Borr�vver. <br /> Hazardous Substa�Ces.Boxro��r shal�not t�ause �r perrr�.i��he presen�e,u�e,�15p�5��.I, storage, ar re�ease ❑f any <br /> Hazaxdous Substances an ar in th�Prop�rCy.�3orrovver shall not do,nor a�la�r anyone���se to do,anyth�ng affect�ng <br /> th� Proper�y that is in vialation �f any Envi���nmental LaW. Th� preceding two sentences shall r��� apply to th� <br /> presence,use,ar s�orage an�he Property�f srna��quan�ities of Hazardous 5ubsta.nces t�at are generally recog�ized <br /> tfl be appropriate to norn�.a��esidential uses ar�d��main�enance of the Pr�per�y. <br /> B�rrQ�ver shal�promp��y give Lender v�-itten�o�.ice�f any investiga�i�n,claim, deman��1,1a�vsui�or other action by <br /> any go�ernmen�al or regu�atory agency ar p�•iv�.te parCy invalving �he Prop�r�y and ��ny Hazardous �ubs�a.nce or <br /> En�r�ronmen�al Lativ of which �arrower h��s actual knau�l�dge. If Borrflwer �ea:rns, or is na��f ed by any <br /> governmen�a� or regula�ory au�hflrity,that an�r removal or o�h�r remedia�ion�f any H��zardous 5ubstance affec�zng <br /> the Proper�y xs necessary, B�rrotiver sha�� prflmp�ly take al� necessary remedza� ,ac�ions in accordance wi�h <br /> Enviranmenta�Law. <br /> As used in�his paragraph, "Hazardaus Subst��nces" are�hose �ubstances def�ned as ta�xic or hazardous subs�ances <br /> by Envir�nmenta� La�v and �he following s�u�astances: gaso�ine, kerosene, o�her f�ammab�e flr �oxic petr�leum <br /> praduc�s, tox�c pestic�des and herbicides, ����at�le s�Iven�s, materzals con�aining asb�estos �r forma�dehyde, an�. <br /> radioac�ive ma�erials.As used in this paragra�3h, "Environmen�al La�v" means fed�ral]�ativs and lavvs af�he s�ate of <br /> Nebraska�Yiat reXate tfl hea��h,safe�y�r envirc�nm�nta�protecti�n. <br /> A��e�erat�on; Remed�es. L�nder sha�� give n�tice to Bvrr�,wer pri�r to a�celera.tion fo�loyv�ng Borro�ver�s <br /> breach of any cavenant flr agreeme�t i�th�s�ecurity Instrument�r the Cantracl:u�der vvhich acce�era�ion <br /> is permitted �b�t no�pr�or t� acce�erat�vn under the sect�on titl�d Transfer�f t��e Property or a B�nefic�al <br /> In��rest in Barrower, un�e�s Appli�abie L<<w prov�des atherwis��. The notice shai� specify: �a} th� �efau��; <br /> �b� th� action required to cure the def��ult; �c� a date, not less than the nr�inimum num�er vf days <br /> establish�d�y App�icable Law from the d�lt�th�notice is�iven��B�rrov�er,by wh�ch the defau�.t must be <br /> cured; and �d} that fa��ure �a cure the dei�auit �n nr bef�re the date specified ��n the nQ��e �nay result in <br /> a�c�lerat�on of the sums �e�ured �y this ��curi�y In�trurnent and sal� of �h�� 1'�operty. Tv th� e�tent <br /> perrrutted hy�a�v, the not�ce shall f�rther:�nf�rm�3orrovv�r af the r�ght to reins��a�e after a��e�.erat�on and <br /> the right to bring a�flurt a�t���,to assert t��e�on-ex�stenc�of a d�fau�t�r any ot��er defense af B�rrower ta <br /> acce�eratfon and sai�.If th� default�s not �Gured on or bef��e �he datt s�e�i#ied i.n the notic�, Lend�r �t i�s <br /> opt�on may requ�re imme�iate paymQnt i:�. fu�l �f a�l surn�.s s��ured by �his Sec�urz.ty Ins�rumer�t �v�thou� <br /> fur�her demand amd may invv�e the power �f sa�e and arny other rer�.edies�ted by Applicab�.� �a�v. <br /> Tv the extent permitted by �aYv, Lend�r s h�ll be �ntit�ed t� c��Iect a�l expenses in�urred �n pur5uing the <br /> remedies provided xn this Section,incl�ding,bu� nvt Iir�u��d to, r�asana�le attor�leys' fees a�d cos�s�f t�tle <br /> evidence. <br /> If the pflwer of sale�s invoked, Trust�e sha�ll rec�r� a noti�e of defau��i�n ea�h cc'unty in�vh�ch any part of <br /> the Property�s�vcated and shal�mai� copi�=5�f such nflt�ce�n th�mann�r pres�rib�d by Appl��ab�e Law ta <br /> Borrflwer and �v the other persons pres�r:ibed by Applica�le Law. Aft�r th� �inze requir�d by Applicab�e <br /> Law, Trustee 5ha1� give pub�ic noticQ of s;�le to �he pe�rsvm5 and �n the manner prescribed hy Appli�abie <br /> Law. Trus�ee,w�thflu�demand on Borro�w+�r, shall �ell the Prop�r�y a��ublic au���ion tfl �h�highest b�dder <br /> at�he time and place and under the terms��esigna�ed in th�ntit��e of sal�in ane n�r m�re par�eis and in any <br /> arder TruStee determ�ines. Trustee may ��ostp�ne sal� of all �r any parcel o:f the Pr�p�rty by public <br /> annvuncement at the�im� and place of any�previously�cheduied sa�e.L�nder vr its designee rnay purchas� <br /> the Prop�r�y at�.ny sa��. <br /> Upon receip� of payment of the prf�e bid, Tr�s�ee shall d��iver to the pur�haser Trustee's deed con��y�ng <br /> the Praperty. The r�c��als in �h�Trus�ee's d��d shall be pr�rna f��ie e�v��lence of t:h��ru�h of the 5�atements <br /> Cc�2��4-2015 Compliance Systems,Inc.8CS�WS9�4-20I5.1 I.3.149$ <br /> Consumer Real Estate W 5ecurity Instrument DL2a36 Page�€ot S www,compliancesysterr�s,cam <br />