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2� 1 ��234� <br /> made there�n. Trustee shall app�y the prnceeds �f the sa�e �n the fol�ovvxng vrder: �a} to ali cnsts and <br /> expenses of e�erC�s�ng the power of sale, and �he �a�e, in�Iuding the payment af the Trustee�s fees actually <br /> �n�urred and rea�o�ab�e attorneys' fQes as permitted by App���a�I.e I.�aVv; �b} to all sums secured by this <br /> Securi�y In�trument; and�c} any excess tv the person or persons�egally entitled to i�. <br /> Reeon�e�anee.Up�n payment�f aII sums se�ured b�th�s S ecur�ty Ins��and�err�aina��o�.af B�rraWer's right <br /> �a ab�ain furt�rer advances under �he �antrac�, Lender sha�I reques� Trustee �o recvnvey the proper�y and shal� <br /> su�re�.der�h�s Security�ns�rument and a11 contracts evider�cing deb�secur�d by this Security Ins�rumen�to Truste�. <br /> Trustee sha�l reconvey�he Prvper�y wifhout warranty to the p�rson or persons�ega�Iy entitled�a i�. Su�h person or <br /> perso�xs shall pay any recarda�ion cos�s. Lender may �harge such person or pers�ns a fee for rec�nveying the <br /> Pr�per�y,but on�y�f�he f�e zs pa�d to a t�.�rd party�such as�he Trustee) for servzc�s re�.dered a�d the Gharg�ng of <br /> the fee is perm�t�ed under Applicable Lavv. <br /> Subst�tute Tru�tee. Lender, a� i�s opti�n, may from t�me to t�me rem��e T�-ustee and app�in�a success�r trustee <br /> �a any Truste� appain��d her�under by an instrum�n�r�carded in the c�ttnty �n wh�ch �his Secur�ty �ns�rumen� is <br /> recorded.Withau�canveyance of the Propert�, �he successar�rustee shall succeed to a1I�he�it1e,potiver and duties <br /> conferred up�n Trus�ee herein and by AppXicable LaW. <br /> Request far Not�ces.BQrrnvver reques�s�hat copzes of the not�ce of defau��and sa�e b�sent to F3orrovver's address <br /> urh�ch is�he Proper�y Address. <br /> �Y S�GNIN�'r BEL��, B�rrovver accep�s and agrees �o the terms and covenan�s contained in a11 pages of�his <br /> Security�ns�rume and�n any Rider ex�cu��d by B�rrav�er and recard d wzth��. S�gned and sealed by Barrovver: <br /> � <br /> � _ } � <br /> . � , , <br /> -,� � f � �Sea�} �. �5ea�} � <br /> �" <br /> WADE M CARRAHER Da�e � �"�I��� J NIF�R A�ARRAHER I�a�e � � <br /> � � <br /> INDIViDUAL ACI�N��VLEDGMENT <br /> STATE DF NESRASKA } <br /> � <br /> C aUNTY�F HALL } <br /> The foreg�zng �ns�rument vvas a�kno�iedged by �VADE M CARRAHER and JENNIFER A CARRAHER, <br /> HUSBAND .A..ND 'VLrIFE, befor� me on Apri� 11, �D16. �n v�r��taess Wher�af, I hereun�o se� my hand and, if <br /> app��cable,my off�cial sea�. <br /> �� �� � � - � <br /> M c�mrruss�o�.ex zres: � � � <br /> Y p � . � <br /> � <br /> i�� GF�VF�A�.�����1�-5�a#e�f���ra�ka <br /> ��R��L�KAS�#� Zdentification Number <br /> �-'� ���vt��.�xp.�e�,�9,���� <br /> ��ff�c�a�Seal} <br /> �2d�4-2�I5 Comp�iance 5ystems,Inc.SC54-B944-2015,I I.3.T�98 <br /> Cansumer Real Estate-Security Instrument DL2�3d Pa�e 5 af 5 www.campliancesystems.�om <br />