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2� 1 ��234� <br /> interes� from the date of disbursement a� the same ra�e assessed nn advances under the Con�rac� and shall be <br /> payab�e,wzth in�eres�,upon n���ce from Lender to Borrow�r request�ng paymen�. <br /> Inspect�on. Lender �r ��s agent may make reasonab�e en�ries upnn and inspe��ians of the Proper�y. Lender shall <br /> give Borro�ver na�ice at�he time af ar prxor�o an inspec��on specifying reasonab�e caus�far the inspec�tzon. <br /> Gvndemnation.The praceeds flf an�aWard ar c�azm for da�aages, dzrec�or consequen�ial, i�cflx�.nec�ion w��h any <br /> condemna�ian or other takzng of any part af�he Proper�y, or for conveyance in�ieu of�ond�mna�ion, are herel�y <br /> assigned ar�d sha��be paid�a Lender. <br /> In the even� �f a �o�a� �akz�.g af the Praperty, �he proce�ds sha�X be applied to the sums secured by this Security <br /> Instrument, v�hether �r no� �h�n due, vvith any excess paid �� Borrawer. In t.�ie even� �f a par�ial taking of the <br /> Pr�perty �n which�he fa�r mar�e�value af�he Property imrnedia�e�y before �he �s e�ual to ar greater than <br /> the am�tua.t of the sums secured by �his Securi�y �ns�u.m.e�.t xmrnediately before the tal�ing, unless Borrnwer and <br /> Lender o�herwise agr�e��.wri�ing,�he sums se�ured by th�s Security Inst.rumen�sha��be reduced b�the amaun��f <br /> the proceeds mul�ip�ied by the fallawing frac��on: �a�tih�ta�al amaunt of�he sums secured immed�a�ely befare the <br /> �aking, d�vzd�d by �b} the fair marke�va�ue af�h.e Property immedza�e�y before the taking. Any ba�axzce sha1l b� <br /> pa�d to B�rr�wer. �n ��e event af a par�ial �akzng af�he Praperty �n which �he fair mark�t vaZue of�he Praper�y <br /> immediately before �he �ak�n� �s less than the amaunt af�he sums secured immediateiy bef�re the �aking, unless <br /> Bflrrower ar�d Lender a�h�rwzse agree in wr��ing or unless App��cab�e Law a�herwise provide�, �he proceeds shall <br /> be app��ed�o the sums secured by�his 5ecurity�nstrumeta�v►rhether ar n���he sums are�heri due. <br /> If�he Prop�rty xs abandflned by Barro�ver, ar if� after r�o��ce by Lend�r to Borr�wer that�he condemnar affers ta <br /> mal�e an a�vard or se�t�e a claim far damages, Borrawer fai�s�o resp�nd�a Lender w�thz�.th�m.��.zmum number of <br /> days estab�zshed by App��cable Law after the da�e the r�o�ice is given,Lender zs au�hor�zed ta co�lec�and apply�he <br /> proceeds, at i�s �pt�o�, e�ther �o res�ara��on or repa�r of��e Proper�y or �o the sums secured by �his Secur��y <br /> �nstrumen�,vvhe�her or no��hen due. <br /> Unless Lender and Borrovver ot�ierw�se agree �n wri��ng, any appl�catzon of pra�eeds�o princzpa�shall not extend <br /> or pos�pone the due da�e of�he pa�men�s due under�he�ont�ac��r change�he amount of such paymen�s. <br /> B�rrower Nat Released; Forbearance By Lender Nat a �Va�ver, Ex�enszon af �he t�me f�r payment or <br /> mad�f cat�an af amart�zat��n of the sums secured by �his 5ecurity Instrument gran�ed by Ler�der �v Borr�wer or <br /> any successor zn �nterest af Borrower sha�l not operate to re�ease the 1iab��ity of the origtna� Borro�w�r or <br /> Borra��r's su�cessors �n xn�eres�. Lender shall n�t be required�a commence proceedings against any successor in <br /> inter�s�or refuse��ex�end time for payment ar atherw�se rnod�fy am.or��za�z�n of�he sums secured by�his Security <br /> �n�trument by reasan of any demand made by the origir�al Barrower �r Borrower's successors zn �nt�rest. Any <br /> forb�arance by Lender in exercising any rxght or r�medy shall nat be a Waiver of or preclude the exerc�s� af any <br /> rxght or remedy. <br /> Successars and Ass�igns $ound; �oint and Severa� L�abx��ty3 Acc�mmodation Signers. The covenan�s and <br /> agreemen�s of�his Se�urity Instrumen�sha��b�nd and benef t the successors and assigns af Lender and Borrower, <br /> subj ect �o �he provisians of secti�n �x��ed Transfer af the Property or a �enef c�al Interest in B�rrower. <br /> B�rra�er's covenants and agreeme�ts shall be join�and severa�. ,A�n.y person wh� c�-�igns this Security�ns�rum�n� <br /> bu� has �.o persQna� liabili�ty under �he �on�ract �"Accommoda�ion 5igner"}: �a} �s co-signing �his Security <br /> �nstrumen� only to mor�gage, grarit and cor�vey tha� Accamm�datzon 5igner's interes� �n �he Property under �he <br /> terms vf �he Security Ins�-ume�.�; (b} is not personally nb��ga�ed �� pay the sums secured by �his Security <br /> Ins�rumen�; and �c} agrees�hat Lender and a�.�r other Barrower may agree��e�tend, mod�fy, forbear or make any <br /> accammada��ans wi�h regard ta the�erms af�his Security�ns�rurnent�r�the Co�tract tivz�hout�ha�Accammodation <br /> Signer's cansent. <br /> Loan �harges. �f the laan secured by th�s 5ecuri�y Instrument �s subj�c� ta a 1aw Which se�s maximum �aan <br /> charges, and�hat�aw zs f na��y interpreted sa tha�the in�eres�or other Xoan charges ca�lec�ed or to�be collected in <br /> conn�ctio�a wi�h �h� Iaan exceed the permi��ed limits, then: �a� any such Ioan charge sha�l b� reduced by the <br /> amaun�necessary�o reduce the charge to �he perm�tted Xur��.tis and �b} any sums a�ready co��ected fram B orrQwer <br /> urhzch exceeded permit�ed ��mi�s v�iil be refunded to Bflrrower. Lender may Ghavse �o mal�e this r�fund by <br /> reduc�ng �he pr�nczpa� awed under the Cfln�ract ar by mak�ng a d�rec�paym.ent to B�rrawer. If a refund reduces <br /> principa�,�he reduc�ion�wi�l be�reated as a partza�prepaymen�under�he Con�ract. <br /> Nati�es. .Any �atizce tn Borrav►rer �rvv�ded for in th�s Security �r�s�rument sha11 be g�ven by deliverir�g �t or by <br /> mailing i��y fr��c�ass mail un�ess Appli�ab�e Law requires use of another me�hod. The na��ce shall be dzrec�.ed ta <br /> the Praperty Address ar an�other address Borrov�rer d�signa�es by�.o���e ta Lender. Borrotiver agrees �a provide <br /> Lender w��h Barrovver's mas�current ma��zng address, as i�rnay change fram�ime-�o-�ime. Any notice �o Lender <br /> shal�be given by f rst class ma��to Lender's address sta�.ed herexr�or any ather address Lender designates by notic� <br /> to B�rroyver. Any n�tice provid�d for in this Securi�y Ins�rurnent shall be deemed ta have been g�ven�o Borr�u�er <br /> ar Lender When given as provided in th�s paragra�h. <br /> Go�erning Law; Severabil.�t�.This 5ecur�ty Ins�rument sha��be gaverned by federa�lavv and the�aws of�he state <br /> of Nebraska. �n �he e�ent that any provision ar clause of�hxs Security Instrument or �he ��ntrac� conflz��s wi�h <br /> Appl�cable Lavv, such canflict shall nat affec� a�her provzs�orzs �f this Securzty In�trument ar�he �fln�rac� vvhich <br /> can be given effe��v���hout the�anfl�ctiing provis�on. To�his end the provis�ans of this Secur�ty Instruament and the <br /> C�ntract are declared ta be severab�e. <br /> Bnrrower's Copy.BorroWer shall be given one capy of�his Security Instrumen�. <br /> C�9 2��4-2415 Campliar�ce 5ys�ems,Inc.8CS4-B944-2Q15.l 1.3,1�98 <br /> Ca�sumer Rea[Es�ate-Security Instrument DL2a35 Page 3 a�'S www.� <br />