2� 1 ��234�
<br /> Payment of Principal and Interest; �ther+�h�rges. B�rrvv�er sha1�promp�ly pay when due the principa��f and
<br /> interest an the del�t ovved under�he��ntrac���nd late charges vr any o�.her fees and�h��rges due under�he�ox��rac�.
<br /> Applicable Lav�. As used in �his Security Instrumen�, �he t�rm "Appl�cable Lavv" sha�1 mean a�� ��n�rolling
<br /> applicabie federa�, sta�e and local s�a.tufes, r��gula�ians, ordinances and a�min�stra��v�� ru�es and arders ��ha�have
<br /> the effect of la��as vve11 as aIl app��cable fin��l,non�-appea�abl�judici�.�opini�ns.
<br /> �harges; L�ens. Bflrra�wer sha�l pay al1 tai�es, assessments, chaxges, fnes and �mpositions a��ributable �a �he
<br /> Pr�perty which ma�a��azn priar��y aver this Security Ins�rum�nt, and Ieasehold paym:ents or ground ren�s, if any.
<br /> Ati�he r�quest_of Lend�r,Borrotiver shal�prar:zptly fur�ish��Lender receip�s ev�dencirig the paymen�s.
<br /> B�rrawer sha�l promp��y discharge any��en��vh�ch has pri�rzt�r flv�r�his Security Instr�ument un�ess Borrowcr: �a}
<br /> agrees �n wrx��ng to the payment of the ab�.igation secu.red by �he �ien in a manner acceptab�e �a Lende�; (b}
<br /> c�n�ests in good fai�h �he Ii�n by, or �efends agains� enforc�m.en� of�he li�n in, Ie�al praceed�ngs wh�ch %n �h�
<br /> Lender's opin�or� Qpera�e ta prevent the enf�rc�ment of�he Iien; or �c� secures fro:m �he ha�der of the �ien an
<br /> agre�ment sa�isfact�ry tfl L�nder subordinati�:�g�he l�en to this Se�ur��y�nstrument. If'Lender de��rmines�h�.�any
<br /> par��f the Praperty is su�j ect�o a lien vtrhic:i�.xr�ay attain pr�arity over this Security Ins�rument, Lender may g�ve
<br /> Borrower a notice ident�fying the lz�n. Borrower shal� satisfy��ie I��n ar take one gr��nore �f�he actions set for�h
<br /> above�xrithin �fl days of�he giving of no�ice.
<br /> Hazard or Praperty Insuran�eti Borrovver s�ha�l�eep the imp�avements notiv existin��ar hereaf�er erected�n�he
<br /> Praper�y insu.red against l�s�by fire,ha2ards included wi�hin the ter�n"e��ter�ded cave:rage" and any v�her hazards,
<br /> including floods flr floading, for which Le��der requ�.res �n�u.ranc�. This �nsu.rance shall be main�ained in the
<br /> am�unts and f�r the periads�hat Lender requt:re�. The insurance carrier prav�dzng�he;insurance sha��be chos�n by
<br /> Borrovver su�ject to Lender's approval whic:h shall no� be unreasonabl.y withheld. If'Borrflwer fails t� mainta�n
<br /> coverage described above, Lender m.ay, at Lender`� option, ob�ain coverage to pr�tec� Lender's rights in the
<br /> Pr�per�y in accQrdance with sectzon�it�ed Pr��t�cti�n of Lend�r�s l�ghts�n�he Property.
<br /> AIl insurance polic�es and rene�va�s sha�� b� ac�eptable �o L�nder and sha�l inc�ude a �tandaxd mor�gage ciause.
<br /> Lender shall have the r�gh��a hold�he pa��ci��s and rene,wa�s. If L�nder requires,Bor��avver shal�promp�ly giv��a
<br /> Lender a�I receipts af paid premiums and rene��l natices. In�he ev�n�of l�ss, Borro��rer sha��give prompt no�ice
<br /> �o the�nsuranc�carrier and Lender.Lender m.a�make proof of Ioss if no�r�ade prampt��r by Borrower.
<br /> Unless Lent�er and Barrav�rer o�herwise agr��e zn writing, in�t�ranc� proceeds sha11 7�e app�ied to res�orat�on �r
<br /> repair of the Pr�p�rty damaged, if, in Lender's sole discretio�., �he res�orat�an ar rep�air �s ecan�m�cally feasible
<br /> and Lender's security is n�t lessened. �f, in I,ender's s�le discret�on, �he res�.ara�i�n ar repair is no� ec�nom�cal�y
<br /> feas�b�e or Lender's securi�y would be lessened,the insurance praceeds shall�e app�iet��o the sums se�ured by this
<br /> 5ecur��y �ns�rumen�, whether or no� then d�ue, tiv�th any �xc��s paid to Borrovver. �f BorraWer abandons �he
<br /> �'xoperty, or daes not anstiver wi�hin�he numb�r�f days prescr�bed by App�ica��e Lavv as se�for�h in a natice from
<br /> Lender to Borrovt�er tha��he �nsurance carrier has off�red�a s�tt�e a c�a�m, then L�nd�er m.ay ca�lec�the insu�ance
<br /> proceeds. Lender may us� the proceeds �fl repair or rest�re �he Proper�y or to pay s��.ms secured by this SeGurity
<br /> Instrument,tivhether or no�th.en d�e.The peri+�d�f��n�ae f�r B�rro�ver�o ansv�er as set:for�h in�he notice tivi��beg�n
<br /> when�he notice is g�ven.
<br /> Un�ess Lender and Borr�wer atherwise agree in wri�xng, any application of proceeds ta principal shal�no�ex��nd
<br /> or postpnn�the due da�e of�he payments du�.�.tnder the Cantract or change the amou��af the pa�ments. �f under
<br /> �he section titled A�celeratiQn; Rem��Iies, t��e Praperty is acquired by I�ender, B�rra�wer's r�ght t� any insurance
<br /> ptil�cies and proc�eds resulting from damage to the Prape�-ty prior �o the acquisi�ion shal� pass �o Lender t�o �he
<br /> extent of the sums secured by tihis Securz�r�n.z�rumen�immedia�e�y pr�or�o�he acquisil�ian.
<br /> Pre�erva�ion, Ma�ntenance and Protec�ia n �f �he Prope�r�y; �orrower's Loan App��ca�ion; L�aseho�ds.
<br /> B�rrower shal�nnt destroy, damage or impair the Properfiy, al�flw the Property�o de�e.riflrate, ar commit�t7vas�e on
<br /> the Property.Borrovv�r sha��be in default if a:�y f�rfez�ure ac�ior��r pro�eeding,whe�her civil or crirninal,is begun
<br /> �hat �n Lender'� good fa�t.�i judgment cauld rE�su��in farfei�ur� flf th� Proper�y or flth��rwise ma�erially impair �he
<br /> lien �reated by �his Security �ns�ru,ment or Le�der's securit� inter�st. Bar�rav�rer m��y cure such a defau�t and
<br /> reinstate, as provided in sect�on�i�1ed Borro��ve��s Right to I��inState,by causing�h�� act�on or prfl�e�ding to be
<br /> dismissed with a ruli.ng�ha�,�n Le�der's gand faith deterrn�nati�on,pr�cludes fQrfeiture�f�he Borr�tiver's inter�st�n
<br /> the Properfiy �r �ther material impairment of�he l�en crea�ed by �his Security Zns��ument or Lender's security
<br /> �nteres�.B�rro�wer sha��also be in defaul�if Borr��ver,duri�g�he�oan app�ication proc.es�,gave materia��y false or
<br /> inaccura�e information or statements to L�nt�er �ar fai��d to provide Lend�r with a:ny rnater�al inf�rrr�a��a�x� in
<br /> Connect�on with�he �aan evidenc�d by th� Cc�ntrac�. If�his S�cUari� Ins�rumen�is on a leasehflld, Borr��ver sha�l
<br /> comply Wi�h all�he pravisions of the 1�ase. If Borra�vver acquir�s fee�it1e�o�he Proper�ty,�he leasehold and�h�fee
<br /> title shall no�zn�rge unl�ss Lender agrees to��e merger in wri�ing.
<br /> Protecti�n flf Lender's RightS �n the Pro��erty, �f Borrflw�r fails t� perfarm the covenants and agreements
<br /> con�ained in this 5ecurity Ins�rument, or there is a Iega1 proce�ding�hat may signif ca��tly affec�L�nder's rights in
<br /> �he Property �such as a proceeding in bankrup�c�r, prabate, for candemnati�n or forf���ture or �� �nf�rce lav�rs or
<br /> regulatxons}, then Len��r may d� and pay �or whatever is r���essary tfl pr�tec� the value of the Property and
<br /> Lender's rights in the Pr�p�rty. Lender's ac�io��s may include p�ying any sums secured by a�ien vvhich has priority
<br /> �ver�his Securi�y�nstrume�.t, appearing in co�urt,payir�g reaso�ab�e attorn�y�'fees an�L entering�n the Property�o
<br /> make repa�rs.Although Lender may�ake act�an under�his sec�i�n,Lender do�s not hav�e�o do sa.
<br /> Ar�.y amounts disbursed by Lender under �hi�; section shal� b�came addi�ional deb� nf Borrovver secured by �his
<br /> Sec�.xrity Ins�rument. Unless Borrovver and I.end�r agree to �ther terms of paymeni:, th�se amoun�s sha�I bear
<br /> C�7 24a4-2415 Compliar�ce Systems,Inc.8C54-g944-2�1 S.1 i.3.1�98
<br /> CQnsumer Reai Esta#e-Se�urity Instrument DL2435 Page 2 of 5 www.camplian�esys#err�s.com
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