2� 1 ��2184
<br /> D�EC� �F �RUST'
<br /> �Conti�ued� Page �
<br /> interes'�❑r the enforcement of its righ�s shall become a part of�he Indebtedness payable on demand and shall bear
<br /> interes�at the Note ra�e�ram�he d�te vf the expenditure unti! repaid. Expenses co�ered by this paragraph include,
<br /> without�imi�ation, hvwe�er subSect t� any�imi�s under applicab�e law, LEn�21"rS attDff1B1f5r fees and Lender's lega�
<br /> expenses, whether ❑r not th�re is a lawsuit, in��uding attorneys' fees and expenses for bankrupficy proceedings
<br /> �inciuding effarts�o modify vr�acate any aut�mati�stay❑r injunc��an}, app�als, and any anficipated po�t judgmen�
<br /> col�ecti�n servi�es, �he cas�af searching recards, vbtaining title reports ��ncluding fvreclvsure repor�s}, surveyors'
<br /> repa�ks, and appraisal fees, title insurance, and fees for the Trustee, ta the extent permitted by app�icable law.
<br /> Trustar als�will pay any�ourt eosts, in addi�ian t❑ ail other sums pra�idsd by law.
<br /> R�ghts af Trust�e. Trustee shafl have a�l of the righ�s and duties of Lend�r as set forth in this sec�ion.
<br /> P�WERS�'ND �Bt�GA���NS t]F�'RUSTEE. The�ollowing provisions relating to the powers and o�liga#ions of Trustee
<br /> a�e part��this Deed�f Trust:
<br /> Pawers o�Trustee. �n additivn�o al�powers of T�-ustee ar�sing as a mat�er of�aw, Trustee shall have the pawer ta
<br /> �ak� �he�ol[owing actions with respect�o the Pr�per�y upon �he w�itten request af Lender and Trustor: �a}jvin in
<br /> preparing and filing a map ar plat af th� Reaf Praper�y, including the dedi�ation vfi streets or other rights to the
<br /> public; (b} join �n granting any easement vr creating any restriction on �he Rea� Proper�y; and �c} ���n in any
<br /> suhardinatian or other agreement a��ecting this Deed of Trust�r the interest of L�nder under this Deed of Trust.
<br /> Trustee. Tr�stee s�all meet alS qual�fications required for Trustee under applicable faw. �n addition �o the rignts
<br /> and remedies se�far�h abo�e, with respect to ali ar any part of the Praperty, the Truste� sha!! ha�e the righ�t❑
<br /> foreclvse by no�tce and sale, and Lender sh�l! ha�e the right ta fore�lase �y�udicial �ore�lasure, in either case in
<br /> aGcordance with and tv the fu!!ex�ent prvvided by appli�abl��aw.
<br /> Succ�ssor Truste�. Lender, at Lend�r's aption, may fram time to�ime app�in�a successor Trustee�❑any Trus�ee
<br /> appainted under this Deed of Trust by an instrumen�executed and acknowledged �y Lender and reGQrded in the
<br /> oifiice o� the re�order of Hall County, State vf Nebraska. The instrumen� shai� cantain, in additian �❑ all Qther
<br /> ma�t�rs required hy stat� �aw, the names ❑� the original Lender, Trustee, and Trust�r, #he b�ok and page �ar
<br /> computer system reference} whe�e th�s Deed of Trust is recorded, and the name and address �f the success�r
<br /> #rus�ee, and the instrument sha�I be exe�uted and acknaw�edged by all�he beneficiaries under�his ❑eed❑f Trust ar
<br /> their suc�es�ors in 3n�erest. The successflr t�us�ee, withnut cor�veyan�e o��he property, sha�l succeed ta all th�
<br /> tit�e, power, and duties canferred upon the Trustee in this Deed of Trust and by applieable law. This pro�edure fvr
<br /> su�astitution of Trustee shall govern t❑the ex��u�i�n af a�l v�her pr��isions�ar substitu�iQn.
<br /> NOTCCE5. Any notice required to be gi�en under this Deed vf Trus�, including withnut��mi�at�an any notiGe ❑�defaul�
<br /> and any natice of sale shall be gi�en in writing, and shall be eff���i�� when actua�ly de�ivered, when actuaily recei�ed
<br /> by�ele�acsimile�un�ess othenn�ise required by la�rv},when depvsi�ed�v�th a na�ionaiiy�e�ogniz�d overnighf�ourier, or, if
<br /> mailed,wh�n deposited in�he United S�a�es mail, as f�rs�class, certified vr regis�ered mail pvstage prepaid, directed to
<br /> the addresses shown near�he beginning vf this Deed o�Trust. All cnpies ofi n��ices af foreclosure fram #h� holder Qf
<br /> any lien which has priori�y o�er this Deed of Trus�shall be�en�ta Lender's �ddress, as shown near the beginning af
<br /> this Deed �f Trus�. Any party may change i�s address �or notic�s under this Deed of Trus� by gi�ing forma! written
<br /> natice to the vther parties, specifying �hat the purpase af th� na�ice is tv �hang� the pa�ty's a�idress. For natice
<br /> purpvses, Trustor agrees�v keep Lender inf�rmed a�al�fiimes �f Trus�or's �urrenf address. Unfess nfherwise pra�ided
<br /> or required by law, if�here is more than ❑ne Trustar, any no��ce gi�en by Lend�r�o any T3-ustvr is deemed t❑ be n�tice
<br /> given ta ai I Tn.r stvrs.
<br /> ELECTRaN�C C�PfES. Lender may copy, elec�ranic�lly or a#herwise, and thereafter des�roy, the vriginals of �his
<br /> Agreement andlor ReSated D�cuments in the reg�lar c�urse v� L.ender's business. Aii such capies p�oduced �ram an
<br /> ele�trvn�c form o�-by any oth�r reliab�e means �i.e., photographic image or facsimi�e}shal� in all respects be�onsidered
<br /> equivalent�a an original,and Borrower hereby wai�es any r�ghts or abjections to the use�f such cap�es.
<br /> MISCELLANEDUS PR�VISI�NS. The fallawing miscellaneous p�o�isions are a part❑f this Deed❑f Trus�:
<br /> Amendments, This Deed af Trusfi,�ogether with any Related Qvcuments, �onstitutes�h��ntire understanding an�i
<br /> agreement of the parties as tn the matte�s set forth in this Deed o�Trust. Na alteratian �f or amendmen�to this
<br /> Qeed of Trust shall be effective unless given in writing and signed by the pa�y�r parties sought ta be Gharged or
<br /> bound by�he a�terativn vr am�ndment.
<br /> Annual Repvrts. If the Prop�r�y is used for purposes ofher �han Trustor's residence, Tnas�or shall furnish �v
<br /> Lender, upan reques�, a ce�tified s�atemer��a� net vpe�atin� inoome reoei�ed �ram�he Prvperty during T�us�or's
<br /> previvus fiscal year in such form and d�tail as L�nder sha�� require. "Ne# operating incvme" sha�� mean ali c.�sh
<br /> reoeip�s frc�m�he Property��ss all cash expendifiures made in cannectian with�he opera��an of�he Property.
<br /> Caption Headings. Gaptifln headings in this Deed 4f Trust are far conven�ence pu�pnses anly and are n�t to be
<br /> used to in�erpret a�d�fne the pro�isivns of this Deed v�Trus�.
<br /> iVlerger. There shall be nv merger of the interest or estate c�eated by�h is ❑�ed o�Trust w i�h any other int�res�ar
<br /> estate in the Property at any�ime held by or for the ben�fit❑f Lender�n any�apacity, without�he wri#ten consent
<br /> af Lender.
<br /> Governing Law, This De�d of Trust will be governed by federal lav+r app���able ta Lender and, #o the extent nafi
<br /> preempted by�ederal law,the laws of the S�ate of Nebraska without r�gard t�its conflicts af law �rovisions. Th'rs
<br /> Deed af Trust has been accepted hy Lender�n the S�a#e vf Nebraska.
<br /> Choice o�Venue. lf there is a �awsuit, Trustor ag�-ees upon Lender"s request to submit ta the jurisdic�ian of the
<br /> courts vf Hall County,State v�Nebraska.
<br /> Joint and 5errera� Liab�lity. A[I obligations vf Trustar under this De�d of Trust shall be joint and se�e�-al, and a�l
<br /> �-efierences t❑ Trus�ar shall mean each and e�ery TrustQr. This m�ans that each Trustor s�gning be�aw is
<br /> responsible�or ali obligations in th�s Deed af Trust.
<br /> hfo Waiver by Lender, Lender sha�� no�b�deemed�a hav�waived any rights under this �eed of Trust unless such
<br /> waiuer�s g��en �n wr�ting and signed by Lender. Nv delay or omissian on the par�af Lender in exercising any right
<br /> shall oper�te as a wai�er of sueh righ�or any ath�r right. A wai�er hy Lender af a provision ofi�his Deed of Trust
<br /> shaff not prejudice v� constitu#� a waiver o� l.ender's right o�herwise to demand strict campliance with #hat
<br /> pro���ivn ❑r any other pravision of this peed of Trust. Na prior waiver by Lender, nar any course of dealing
<br /> be�ween L.ender and Trustor, sk�a�� cor�stitut� a waive� af any of Lende�'s rights or o� any a�Trus�o�'s ob�igatians
<br /> as ta any future transa��ions. Whenever the consen�o�F Lender�s r�quired under#his Deed o�Trust, the granting
<br /> of such consent by Lender in any instanc� shall nat canstitute can�inuing ��nsen�to subsequent ins�ances where
<br /> su�h cvnsent is required and in a�l cas�s such cvnsen�may be gran��d ❑r w�thheld in the so�e discretian of Lender.
<br /> Severabili�y. lf a Gourt af campe�ent jurisdiG�ion finds any pro����on vf this Deed❑�Trust t❑ be illegal, in�alid, or
<br /> ur�enforceable as ta any pe�-san or cjrcumstance,tha�f nding shall na�make the o�ending provision i�lega4, invafid,
<br /> �r unen�orceable as to any�ther person ar circumstance. lf feasib�e, �he ofF�nding {�ro�isi�n shal! be considered
<br /> modifed s�tha�it becomes lega�, valid and en�orceab�e. f��he affending p�-o�iSivn cann�t be so modified, it sha�i
<br /> be Gonsidered delefied from this D�ed vf Trus�. Unless vthenn�se required by law, the i�legality, in�alidiiy, ❑r
<br /> unenforGeability of any pro�ision of�his Deed o�Trust shai� nnt a�fe�t the legality, �alidity or enfor�eability of any
<br /> o�her pro�ision of this Deed ot Trust.
<br />