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2� 1 ��2184 <br /> L]EED �F TRL]�T <br /> ���ntinued� Page 7 <br /> Successvrs and Assigns. Subject�o any�imitations stated in this ❑eed of Trust �n transfer vf Trustvr's in�erest, <br /> this Deed of Trust shall be lainding upon and inure to the henefit a�th� pa�tie�, their successo�s and assigns. �f <br /> �wnership of the Property becorrle��ested in a person oth��than Trustos, L�nder, witnout natice to `�rustar, may <br /> deal with Trustor's successvrs with reference�a�his Deed a€Trust and the Indebtedness by way af farbearanc�or <br /> extension wi�h�ut releasing Trus�or from#he ohfigations af this Deed o�Trust vr lia�ility under the Indeb�edness. <br /> T�me �s v�the Essence. Time�s of the essen�e in the pertormance vf th�s Deed of Trust. <br /> �IVaive Jury. AI! pa�-ties ta this I�eed of Tru�t hereby waive the right tv any�ury triai in any acfi'ron, praceed'tng, or <br /> counterclaim brvught by any pariy against any v�her party. <br /> ll�axver af Homestead Exemption. Trustar hereay reFeases and wai�es afl righ�s and benefits ❑f the homes�ead <br /> exemption laws of�he 5ta�e n�Nebraska as�a all Indebtedness secure�by this Deed of Trust. <br /> DEFEN1Tl�NS. The fni�vw�ng �api�a�i�ed words and#erms shall ha�e�he fallowing meanings when used in �his Deed�f <br /> Trust. �nless specifiicaliy s�a�ed to the cvn�rary, al! references to dallar amounts shall mean amoun�� in lawfu� money <br /> o� the Un�ted 5�a�es of Ame�ica. Vllords and te�-ms used in #he singular shall include #he p�ural, and th� plural shall <br /> in��ude the singufar, as �he cantext may requEre. W�rds and terms not otherwise defined �n this Deed ❑f Trust sha�I <br /> have the meanings attributed to such te�ms in the Uniform Commercia�Code: <br /> Beneficiary. The w�rd "Benefi�iary"means First National Bank o��maha, and its suc�essors and�ssigns. <br /> Sorrawer. The ward "6orrower" means Alan R �sher and Joanna L Usher and �nctu�es al! co-signers �nd <br /> co--makers signing the Nvte an�alf�heir su�cessors and assigns. <br /> D�ed of�"�ust. The words "aeed af Tru$t" mean this Deed a�Trust among Trust�r, Lender, and Trustee, and <br /> includes without lim��at�on alf assi�nment and secu�ity interest pravisians re�a�ing to th� Personal Property and <br /> Rents. <br /> De�aul�. The ward "Default"means the De�ault se#forth in th�s Deed of Trust in the sec�ion titied "aefault". <br /> Envi�onm�ntal Laws. The words "En�i�anmenta� Laws" mean any and alf state, federal and I��a� sta�u#es, <br /> regu�atians and ordin�nces re�ating to the pra�ection o� human health ar �h� envirvnmen�, inciuding withau# <br /> �imi�at�an th� Comprehens�ve En�i�onmental �es�onse, �amp�nsa�ian, and Liabi�ity Act o� �98�, as amended, 4� <br /> 1J.5.C. Sectivn 9601, et s�q. �"CERCLA"}, the Superfund Amendmen�s and Reauthoriza�ian Ac� of 1�86, Pub. L. <br /> No. 99--499 �"SARA"}, ths Hazardous Materia�s Transpflrtation Ac�, 49 1J.5.C.SectiQn �Sa 1, et seq., the Resour�e <br /> Cvnservatian and Re�o�ery Act, 42 U.S.C. Section �90�, et seq., vr other applica�le sta�e or�ederal iaws, rules, <br /> ar reguiatians adopted pursuant thereto. <br /> E�ent af�efiau�t. The wards"�vent o�De�ault"mean any of the e�ents of defauf�se�forth in fhis Deed❑f T�ust in <br /> the events n�default section ❑f this ❑eed 4f Trust. <br /> Guaraniy. The word "Gua�anty"' means the guaranty from guaranta�, endarser, surety,or accammodativn party tQ <br /> Lende�, including without limr�at�on a guaran�y of a!I or pa�of the Nvte. <br /> Hazardaus 5ubstances. The words "Hazardous �ubstanc�s" mean mate�ia�s �hat, b��aus� of the'sr q�an�ity, <br /> conc�ntration oF physical, chemical or infect�vus characteristi�s, may cause vr pose a p�esen� ar potentia� hazard <br /> to human health or the en�ironment wh�n impraperl�used, treated, sto�ed, dispased of, gen�rated, manufaGtured, <br /> transported ar athen�v�se hand�ed. The word�s "Nazardous Substances" are used in their�ery broadest sense and <br /> includ� ►nrithou� limita�ion any and al� hazardaus ar taxic substanc�s, materials or waste as defined by vr lis#ed <br /> under the En�ironmental Laws. Th��erm "Ha�ardaus Substan�es" also �ncludes,withou� �imitatian, �etroleum and <br /> petroleum by-praducts ar any fr-actian�hereof and as�estos. <br /> [mpr��ements. The wo�-d "�mproWements" means a�l existing and fu�ure improvemen�s, buildings, structures, <br /> mobile homes affixed on the Real P�oper�y, fiaci�it�es, additions, replacements and ather cvnstruGtion on the Real <br /> P roperty, <br /> Indebtedness. The word "�ndebtedn�ss" means afl principal, intsrest, and vther amounts, cos�s and expenses <br /> payabfe under the Nvte nr Related ❑ocuments, together �rvith all renewals of, �xfensionS vf, modificatians vf, <br /> consolidations of and substitutivns �o�the Nate or Related Documents and any amounts expended ar advanced hy <br /> Lender ta discharge Trustor's �bligations or exp�nses incurred by Trustee or Lender to enforce Trus�or's <br /> ob[igativns under this Deed af Trus�, together wi�h interest an su�h amounts as provided in this Deed flf Trus�. <br /> Specifically, without limitatian, Indehtedness in�ludes �he future advancss set �orth in the Futu�s Advances <br /> pro�isian, �ogether with all in�eres� thereon and all amaunts that may be �ndirectly secured by the <br /> Cross-Collateralization prvvisian of this ❑eed o�Trus�. <br /> Lender. The word "L�nder"means First National �ank vf Omaha, its suc�essors and assigns. <br /> Note, The v+�ord "N o��" means any and a�l of Borrower's liabiliti�s, obligations and debts to Lender, naw existin� <br /> or hereinaft�r incurred vr created, �nc�uding, wi#hout limitation, a�l loans, advances, interest, costs debts, overdraft <br /> indehtedness, cr-edit card indebtedness, lease obligations, liabilities and ab�igatians under interes� rate pro�ectinn <br /> agreements❑r fareign currency exchange agreem�nts or cnmmadity price protection agr�ements,oth��ab�igatinns, <br /> and liahiliti�s ofi 8arrower toge�her with all modifications, increases, renewals, and exter�sions of the <br /> afor�mentianed. AddFtivnally, hereby incorpo�ated as if fully se� forth herein are the terms and �onditions o�F any <br /> �romissory pa�e, agreement or other dQcument execu�ed by B�rrower andlor Lender in�icating this securi�y <br /> instrument ar the prop�rty desc��bed herein shall be considered "�qt�atera!" s�curing such pramissory n�te, <br /> agre�ment, ❑r ather instrument, vr�ny simifar reference. <br /> Persanal Property. The words "P�rsvnal Property" mean al! equipmen�, fixtures, and o�her ar�iGles af personal <br /> pr�perty now �r hereaf��r owned by Trustar, and now nr h�reafter attached ar af�ixed #v the Real Property; <br /> �age�h�r rrvith al� ac�essians, par�s, and addi��vns �o, al� replacements of, and al� substi�utions far, any �f such <br /> praperty; and tog�ther with ail proceeds �including vv�thout limitation ail insurance proceeds and refiunds ❑� <br /> premiums}f�am any sale ar ather disposition vf the Property. <br /> Prvper�y. The ward "Property"means co�lecti�ely the Real Property and the Personal Prape�ty. <br /> Rea� Praperty. The words"Real F'�operty" mean the r�al praperty, int�rests ar�d rights, as f��her descri�ed in this <br /> Deed o�Trust. <br /> Rela�ed ❑QGument5. The words "Related �ocuments" mean al[ promissary r�ates, credit ag�eements, �van <br /> agreements, er�viranmental agreements, guaranties, security agreements, martgages, deeds of trust, securi�y <br /> deeds, caffaterai martgages, and all other instrumen�s, agreemen�s and documents, whether now vr hereafter <br /> exi�ting, executed�n cannection with the Indebtedness. <br /> Ren�s. Th� word "Ren#s" means all p�es�nt and future rents, revenues, income, �ssues, rvyaf�iss, profits, and <br /> o�her h�ne�its deriv�d�rom the Praper�y. <br /> Trustee. The vuord "T�-us�ee" means First Na�ional Bank vf�maha , whose address is 81� Allen Dr. , �rand Island <br /> , h[E 688D� and any subst�#ute ar su�cessar trustees. <br /> Trustor, The word "Trustor" m�ans Alan R Usher and Joanna L Usher. <br />