2� 1 ��2184
<br /> C]EE� �F Tf�l�ST
<br /> �Continu�d} Pag� 5
<br /> E�en#s AffeG'�ing Guarantor. Any of the preceding e�en�s vccurs wi�h respect�❑ any guarantor, endorser, surety,
<br /> ❑r accommadation par�y �� any of the ]ndebtedness❑r any guarantor, en�orser, surety, o� accommvdat�vn pa�ty
<br /> dies or be��rnes incompetent, or revokes ar disputes the validity ❑f, or �iability under, any Guaranty c�f the
<br /> Indebtedness.
<br /> Ad�erse Ghange. A maf�rial ad�er-se change oc�urs in Yrus�or's fnanc�al condi��on, nr Lender be�ieves fhe
<br /> prvspect of paym�nt or per�ormance of the Indebtednes.s is impaired.
<br /> lnsecurity. L�nder in gaod faith befie�es itself�nsecure.
<br /> RIGHTS ANI] REiIrIE[�IES QN DEFACJLT. If an E�ent of Defauffi occurs under this Q�ed of Trus�, at any.time thereaf�er,
<br /> `�"'rustee or Lender may exercise any one or more vf tne fvflowing righfs and remedie�:
<br /> Acceleration Upon 1�efault; Additiona� Remedies. 1f any E�ent o�Default occurs as per the terms of the IVote
<br /> secured hereby, Lenaier may declare all Indeb�edness secured by this Deed af Trust fa be due and payabl�and
<br /> the same shal�thereupon became due and payable vvithout any pres�ntment,demand, pro�esf or nfltice o�any
<br /> ki nd. Thereaf�er, Lender may:
<br /> �a} Eith�r in person or by �gen�, witY� o� withaut bnnging any actian o� proceeding, flr hy a recei�er
<br /> appointed by a cour�and withaut regard�o the adequacy o�its securi#y, enter�upan and take possession
<br /> of fhe Property,or any part therevf, in ifs own name ar in the name of T�usfee, and do any acts which it
<br /> deems neoessar�or desirable fo pres�rve�he�alue, marketabili�y o�-ren�ability o�the Praperky,or part of
<br /> the Praperty ar interest�n the Prc�perty; in�r�ase th� in�ome from the Proper�y or pr�tec�the security❑f
<br /> �he Property; and, wi�h ar without ta�ing possessivn vf th� Praperty, sue for or o�herwise collect the
<br /> ren�s, issues and profits o�the Proper�y, inGluding�hase past due and unpaid, and appiy the same, �P�-�
<br /> casts and expenses o�operation and colle�ion attorneys'fe�s,tv any indel�tedness secured by this C�ecd
<br /> of Trust, al� i n such arder as Lender may determ�ne. The en�eri ng upon and taki ng posse.ssion of the
<br /> Property, the callection of su�h ren�s, issues and pr�fts, and the applicativn ther�of shall not cure a�
<br /> waive any defiauit�r na�ice ofi defau��under this Deed af Trust or in�alida�e any a�t dvne in response to
<br /> su�h defaul�or pursuant to such noti��of default;and, notwithstanding the continuance in possession v�
<br /> �he Proper�y❑r�he�ailection, receipt and applica�ion a�r�nts, issu�s or profits, Tnastee or Lend�r shall
<br /> be en�itl ed to exe�ase e�ery ri g h�provi ded fo r i n�h e Nate or�h e Rel ated �ocu ments or by�aw u pon th e
<br /> occurrence of any e�ent of default, includ�ng the righ�to exer�ise the power o�sale;
<br /> �b} Cammenoe an action to fore�lase�his D�ed of Trust as a morkgage, app€�int a recei�er or specifrcally
<br /> enfflrce any vf the covenants her��f;and
<br /> �c} C]e���er to Trustee a wr�tten declara�ion af default and demand�ar saie and a written natice of defaul#
<br /> and electivn to�ause Trustvr's in�erest in�he Property tv be soid,whi�h notice Trust�e sha�� ca�se tv be
<br /> duly filed for r-ecord in th�apprvp�ate affces of the Cvuntjr in whi�h the Pr�perky is Iocated;and
<br /> �d) With respect ta a�l or any part af the Personai Properky, Lender shall have ail#he righ�s and remedies
<br /> of a secured party under�he Nebraska Unifvrm�ommerciaj Gode.
<br /> Fore�losure by Power vf Sa�e. [f Lender efects to fore�lose by e�cercise af the Pow�r of Sa�e herein contained,
<br /> Lender shafi no�ify Trustee and shall d�posifi with Trusfiee this Deed af Trust and the Nate and such ree,eipts
<br /> and e�id�nce of expenditures made and secured by�his C]eed vf Tru�t as Tn.rstee may require.
<br /> �a) Upan receipt a�such notice�rom Lender,Trustee shall cause ta be rer�arded, published and deli�ered
<br /> �o Trus��r such Notice af Default and Nv��ce of Sar�e as then required by�aw and by this Deed a�Trust.
<br /> Trustee shall, without deman� an Yrustor, af�er such �ime as may then be required by law and a�ter
<br /> recarda�ion of su�h No�i�e of aefaui�and after Nati�e af Sale ha�ing heen gi�en as required by�aw, seii
<br /> the Property at �he time and place of sale frxed by it in such Noti�e af Sale, either as a who�e, ar in
<br /> separ-�te�ots or parcels or i�ems as Trus�ee sha��deem e�pedient, and in such arder as it may determine,
<br /> at public auctian�o the highest bidder fo�cash in lavtir�ul money a�the United States payabie a�the tim�
<br /> of sa1e. Trustee shall de�i�er�� such purchaser vr �urchasers thereaf its goad and suffi�ient d�ed vr
<br /> deeds can�eying �he property so soid, but without any co�enant or warran�y, express ar implied. The
<br /> rec�fials �n such deed�f any matfiers or facfs shai� be cvnciusi�e proof of the�ruthfu�ness�hereof. Any
<br /> person, in��uding wi�haut lim�tation Trustor,Trustee,or Lend�r, may purGhase a�sueh s�le.
<br /> �b} As may be permi�ted by I aw, afte r deducti ng ai I cosfs, fees and expenses ❑f Trustee and of th is
<br /> Trust, incf uding cnsts af e�idenee of�i�le in cc�nnecfiion with sale,T�ustee shail apply�he prviceeds❑��a�e
<br /> to payment af �i}a�l sums expended under the terms of this Qeed o�Trus�nr under the terms of the IVa�e
<br /> no� then repaid, in�luding bu� not lim�te� �o acc�-ued �n�erest and late �harges, {�i} al� other sums �hen
<br /> secured hereby,and �iir}the remainder, �f any,to the person ar persons legal�y entitled thereta.
<br /> ��} Trustee ma��n�he manner pra�ided by law postpane sale of all or any por�ian af the Prvperty.
<br /> Remedies Nof Exclusi�e. Trustee and Lender, and each o� them, shall be entitled to enforce payment and
<br /> perfarmance of any�ndeb#edne�s or nbl�gations secured by this Deed��Trust and to ex�rcise all rights and p�wers
<br /> under�his De�d o�T�ust, under the �Vo�e, under any a�the Re4ated Do�uments, or under any �ther a�reemen�vr
<br /> any faw� nvw vr hereafter in force; nvtwiths�anding, some vr ali ��such indebtedness and abli�ations secured by
<br /> �his Deed of T�us� may now or hereafter be otherwise secured, whether by martgage, deed o�trust, pledge, lien,
<br /> assignment or atherwise. Neithet�the acGeptance af this ❑eed n� Trust nar its en�orce�ent, whe�her �y Gau�
<br /> action or pursuant to the power af sale ❑r o�her pawers contain�d in this Deed a�Trus�, sha�� prejud�cs or in any
<br /> manner a€�ec� Trustee's or Lender's �-ight �� rea��ze up�n or enforce any vth�r securi�y now or hereafk�r held by
<br /> Trustee or Lender, it b�ing agreed that Trus�ee and Lender,and each of them, sha�! be en�itled to en�orc�this Deed
<br /> ❑�Trust and any�ther security now �r hereafte� held by Lender or Trustee in such orde�and manner as th�y or
<br /> either o�them may in their absalu�e discretivn determine. Na remedy �on�eRed upon or reserved to Trus�ee vr
<br /> Lender, is intended to be exclus��e o�any other remed}��n this ❑eed o�Trust❑r by law pra�ided�r permi�ted, but
<br /> each shal! be cumulative and shall be in additivn t� every ather remedy g'r�en in this Deed ❑f Trus� ar naw o�
<br /> hereafte�existing at law ar in equity or by statute. E�ery pvwsr or rem�dy given by the No�e or any flf the Relafied
<br /> D�cuments to Trustee �r Lender ar �❑ which either af them may be vtherwise enti��ed, may be exercised,
<br /> �onGurrently or independently, from tzme to tim� and as o'�en as may be deemed expedien� by Trustee or Lender,
<br /> and either of them may pursue incvnsisten� remedies. Nathing �n this Deed v� Trust sha�� be construed as
<br /> p��hibiting Lender from se�king a defi�iency judgment against th�Trus�ar to the extenf such ac�i�n is permitted by
<br /> 3aw. E�ectfc�n by Lender t❑ pursue any r-emedy shaii not �xclude �ursuit o� any o�her remedy, and an electivn to
<br /> make expenditures or�❑ take action to p�rt�rm an ahligation ❑f Trustor under this ❑eed af Tru�t, after Trustor`s
<br /> fai�ure to perfvrm, shalf not affect Lender's right t� declare a default and exerGise i�s remedies.
<br /> Request�nr 1Vatice. Trust�r, on b�half of Trustor and Lender, hereby reques�s tha�a copy of any N�tice❑f Default
<br /> and a��py o�any Natice vf Sale under this aeed of Trust be mai(ed tv them at the addresses se�fvrth in the first
<br /> pa�-ag�-aph nf this Deed of Trus�.
<br /> Attarneys' Fees; Expenses. �f Lender �nsti�utes any sui� o� action �a enfarce an� of the terms of this Deed af
<br /> T�-ust, Lender shall be entitled to recaver such sum as the court may adjudge reasonabie as attorn�ys'fees at trial
<br /> �nd upon any appea�. Wh�th�r�r not �ny court action is invol�ed, and to the extent nat prohibited by law, al�
<br /> reasanab�e expenses Lender incurs �ha# in L�nde�'s opini�n a�e necessary a� any ��me for �he pratection �f its
<br />