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2� 1 ��2184 <br /> DEED �F TRU�T <br /> �Contirlued} Page � <br /> and �4} a sp��ifi�tax an al1 or any pvrtion of the Indeb�edness �r an paym�nts of princ�pal and interest made by <br /> Trustor. <br /> Subsequent Taxes. If any tax to wh�ch this sect�vn applies is enac�ed subsequen� to ths date of�his Deed vf <br /> T�-ust, th�s even� sha�i ha�e the same effec� as an Event of Default, and Lender may �xerr�se any c�r all of its <br /> a�ailable remedies for an Event of Default as pro�ided be€ow unless Trustor ei�he� �'I} pays the �a�e bafo�-e ;� <br /> beaomes delinquen�, or �2} contests�he tax as provided above in the Taxes and Liens s�ction and deposits with <br /> Lender cash or a su�fi�ient corpv�a�e sure�ky k�and or v�her security sa��sfac�ory ta Lender. <br /> SE�URITY AGREEMENT; F1NAhlCIhIG STATEMENTS. The fallawing pravisions re�a�ing to this Deed o� T�'ust as a <br /> security agreemen�are a part of this ❑eed of Trus�: <br /> Secur�ty Ag�eemen�. This instrumen� shall canstitutE a 5ecurity Agreement �o the extent any of �he Praperty <br /> constitutes fxtures, and Lender shall ha�e a�l of the rights o�a secured party un�er the Unifarm Gommer�ial ��de <br /> as amended from time to time. <br /> Security Interest. Llpan reques# by Lender, Trust�r sha�l take whateWer ac�ian is request�d by Lender to perfect <br /> and c�ntinue Lender's s�curity interest in the Ren�s and Pers�nal Proper�y. �n addit�on �a re�ording thRs ❑eed af <br /> Trust in the real prapet�y reco�ds, Lender may, at any time and without further au�ho�izatian fram Trustor, fi�e <br /> executed coun�erpar�s, co�ies or reprvductions of this D�ed of Trust as a fnancing sta�ement. Trustvr shal! <br /> reimbu�se Lende�'fa�al4 expe�ses incu��-ed in perfe�ting or can��nuing this se�urity interest. Upon default, Trustor <br /> shall not remv�e, se�er or detach the Personai Property frQm �he Prop��y. Upon defaul�, Trustor shalf assemble <br /> any Personal Prop�rty not affxe� �❑�he Pr�perty in a manner and at a plaGe reasonabiy c�nvenien�to Tru�tar and <br /> Lender and make �� a�a€�abfe to Lende�within th�ree �3} days af#er �-eceip� of written demand fram Lende�-to the <br /> extent permit��d by applicable la�rv. <br /> Addre�se�. Th� mailing addresses of Trustor �deb�or� and Lender �secured party} �rom wh�ch Enfvrmatian <br /> con�erning �he securi�y �n�erest grari`ted by �his D�ed of Trust may b� �h�ainsd �ea�h as requir�d by #he Uni�arm <br /> �ommer�iai Code}ars as sta�ed on the first page of this Deed of Tr�u�t. <br /> FUI�THER ASSURANGES; ATTU�NEY�IN-FACT. The follo�ving pravisians re�ating tv fur�her assurances and <br /> att�rney-in--fact are a part of this Deed of Trus�: <br /> Further Assuran��s. At any time, and�rom time�a time, upon reques�afi Lende�, Trus�vr will make, execute and <br /> del ive�, or wi I� cause ta be ma�ie,executed or del i�ered,tv Lend�r or to Lender's des�gnee, and when requested by <br /> Lender, �ause to k�filed, record�d, refile�i, a�-rerecorcied, as the case may be, at such tim�s and in such c�ff[ces <br /> and places as Lender may deem appropria�te, any and all such mvrtgages, deeds af trust, security deedsr S�CL1n�]I <br /> ag�e�men�s, frnancing statements, ovntinuation staterr�ntsr [C15fi�"1.11Z1BCl�S of fur#her assuran�e, cer�ificat�s, and <br /> ather documerrts as may, in�he sole opinion of Lender, be neoessary ar desir�ble in orde�-to��feGtuate, cam�lete, <br /> perFect, cont�nue, or preserve ('I} Trustor's obligations under the Nate, this D�eed a� Trust, and the Related <br /> I�vcum�en�s, and ��.} the liens and secur4ty i�t�t�es�ts cr�ated 4ay�his Qe�d o�Tr�.�s�as f rst and priar liens on�he <br /> Praperty,whether now awned ar hereafter acqu�red by Trustor. Unless prohibited by law vr Lender agrees to the <br /> contrary in vvriting, Trustor sha�� reimburse Lender�ar ali costs and expenses incurred in �onnection with the <br /> ma�ters re�erred to i n�h is paragraph. <br /> Attorney-inyFact. ff Trus�or fails to do any n�the things re�erred#v in�he pr��ding paragraph, Lender may do sa <br /> for and in the name of Trus��r and a�Trust�r's expense. For such purposes,Trus�vr hereby irre�nGat�iy appoints <br /> Lend�r as Trustor's attorney-in-fact�fo�#he purpose af making, exec�ting,deli�ering,filing, record�ng, and doing all <br /> ather�h�ngs as may be n�cessary or desirabl�, in Lender's soie opinivn, to a�complish the matters �eferred ta in <br /> the preceding paragraph. <br /> FULL PERF4RN�ANCE. if Trustor pays ail the lndebtedness, �ncluding withaut limi�ation �li �Fu�ure ad�an�es, when due, <br /> and otherv�ise perfvrms ail the obligations imposed upon Tn.istar under this Reed of Trust, Lender shall execute and <br /> del�ver �o T�t.rstee a requesfi �or ful� �-�conve�ance and sha1� execute and del���r �fo Tn..��tor suitable statements of <br /> termination n� any f nancing statemen� on file �videncing Lende�'� security interest in �h� Rents and the Pe�sanal <br /> l��operty. Any reavn�eyance fee required hy law shall be paid by Trustor, if permitted by appliGable law. <br /> EVENTS ❑F D�FAULT. Each of the fallowing, at Lender's op��vn, shal! canstitute an Event qf �efaul� und�r�his Deed <br /> of Trust: <br /> Paytnent Defauit. Trus#ar�aifs�v make any payment when due under�he fndebtedness. <br /> �ther Defaults. Trustor fails ta �ompfy vvith or t❑ perform any vther term, ❑bligation, ca�enanfi �r c�nditian <br /> contained in this Deed n� Trust ar in any �f the Re�a�ed Do�uments ar t� comp�y with ❑r to �er�a�m any term, <br /> ❑bl�gation, cn�enant or condition c�ntained in any�ther agreem�n�between Lender and Trustor. <br /> Compliance Default, Faifure to comply with any other term, obfigation, c�venan� ❑r condi�ion contained �n th�s <br /> De�d of Trust,the fVate ar in any❑f the Re�ated�a�ur�nents. <br /> ❑efault vn�ther Paymen�s. Faiiure of Trustor within the time required �y this Deed of Trust ta make any payment <br /> fvr taxes ar�nsurance,or any ather paymen�ne��ssary t❑ prev�nt fi�ing of or to e��ec�discharge of any�ien. <br /> �e�Fault in Fa�ar v�Third Parties. Shvu�d Gran��r de�auft und�r an� loan, extenSivn of credit, security ag�eemen#, <br /> pur�hase or sales agreemen#, �r any other agreement, in�avor vf any�ther creditar or person tha�may materialfy <br /> affec# any of Granto�'s praper�y or �rantar's a�ility tv repay �he lndebtedness ar Grantvr's ability to pe�fiarm <br /> Gran�o�-'s❑bl�ga�ions under this D�ed o�Trus�ar any❑f the Rela�ed Dacuments. <br /> Fals� Statements. Any v+rarran�y, represen�ation ❑r statement mad� or furnished t� Lender hy Trus�vr a�- on <br /> Trustnr's beha�f under this Deed of Trust or the Related Documen�s is�alse or misieading in any ma�eria! respect, <br /> ei�her now or at the time made❑r furnished�r becomes�F�lse or misleading at any time thereafter. <br /> Defe�tive Go�latera�izatian. This Qeed of Trust ar any vf the Reiated DoGuments ceases to be in full �orce and <br /> effect {inG�uding fai�ure��any callateral document to crea#e a�alid and pertec�ed security interest ar lien} at any <br /> time and fvr any reasan. <br /> Death or InsolvenGy. The dea�h of T�us�or, the insol�ency of Trustar,the appointment of a receiver far any part�f <br /> Trus�or's pr�perty, any ass�gnment for th� ben�fit nf �red�#ors, any type ❑f creditvr wvrkau�, or the <br /> commen�ement of any proc�eding under any hankruptcy vr insQl�enGy�aws by ar against Trustor. <br /> Creditvr vr Forfeiture Proceed�ngs. Commencement v� foreciasure vr fQrfeiture proceedings, whether by judicial <br /> prn�eeding, se)f--he#p, r�passession ar any other rne�h+ad, by any c�-�ditar of Trustar�r by any gavernmenta�agency <br /> aga�nst any p�op�rty securing the lndebtedness. This inc�udes a garnishment o� any af Trustar'S aCCQuntS, <br /> including depasit accaunts, with Lender. Hawe�er, this E�ent of Default shall no� appiy I� �hLl'� i5 a g��d �aith <br /> dispute by Trustar as ta �he va�idity or reasvnableness❑f the claim which is the basis �f the creditor�r for�eiture <br /> pracee�ing and i� T�ustor gives Lend��w�itten no�ice of the c�editar ��- for�e��u�� pracseding and deposits wtth <br /> Lender monies or a sur�ty band for the credi���-or fo�feiture proceeding, in an amount determined by Lender, �n i�s <br /> sole discretion,as being an adequate reserue or bond for�he dispute. <br /> Breach nf Dther Agreement. Any breach by Trustor under the terms a�any other agreemen#be�ween Trustar and <br /> Lender fha� is na� remedied within any grace period prvWided th�rein, including with�ut �imitativn any agreement <br /> concerr�ing any indeb�edness or afiher obl3gatior�of T�ustor�o Lender,whether existir�g naw vr Sater. <br />