� 2� 1 ��2�95
<br /> �]E�� aF TF��J�T
<br /> ' Pa � 3
<br /> Loan iVa: ���55 {���#���e � 9
<br /> se�vi�es are furnished, �� any materials are supp�ied �o the Proper�ty, if any me�hanic's Iien, materia�men's i�en, ❑r
<br /> other ��en couid be asserted on account o� the wark, services, ar materiais. T�ustor will upan request ❑� Lender
<br /> furnish t❑ L�nder advance assurances sa�is�ac�ory ta Lender that Trus�ar can and wilI pay �the �ost a� su�h
<br /> improvements.
<br /> PR�PERTY DAMAGE INSURANCE. The �aiiawing pra�isions relating to insuring the Praper�y are a part a�th�s Dee� o�
<br /> Trus�.
<br /> [111ain�enance Q� Insurance. Trus�or shall pra�ure and main�ain policies o'� �ire insurance wi�h standard �xt�nded
<br /> ca�erage endorsements on a fair vaiue basis for �he full insurable value co�ering all Impro�ements on the Reai
<br /> Property �n an amount su��icient �to a�o�d appiication a� any co�nsurance clause, and vvith a standard mortgagee
<br /> clause in ta�ar❑f L�nder. Trusto�shal� a[so pracure and maintain comprehensi�e genera� liabiiity �nsu�-anGe �n such
<br /> co�erage amoun�s as Lender may reques� wi�h Truste� and Lender b�ing named as additianal insureds in such
<br /> . �iability insurance policies. AdditionaI�y, Trustar sha�l maintain such other insurance, inc�uding but na� iim�ted ta
<br /> ha�ard, business interrupti�n, and boiler insuran�e, as Lender may reasonably �equire. Poiicies shall be w�i�ten in
<br /> form, amounts, couerages and basis reasonably accep�abfe ta Lender and issued hy a campany or companies
<br /> reas�nably a�Gep�ahIe to Lender. Trustor, upan r�quest ❑� Lender, wil� deliver to Lender fram t�me tv time �he
<br /> poiicies or cer�ificates o� insuranc� in �orm sa�is�actary �❑ Lender, inc�uding stipuiations that�overages wi�� nat be
<br /> cancel�ed or diminished without at ieast ten {�0} days prior written notice to Lender. Each insurance pa�icy a�sv
<br /> sha�! includ� an endorsemen�pro�iding that co��rage in fa�ar of Lender wili not be impaired in any way by any act,
<br /> amission or default ❑f Trus�or or any other person. Should the Reaf Property be lacatgd in an area designated by
<br /> th� Adminis�ratar fl�the Federal Emergency Management Agency as a sp��ial �Flnod hazard �rea, Trustor agrees to
<br /> ❑b�ain and maintain Federa! F�ood Insurancer �f a�ailable, for �he full unpaid prEn�ipal halan�e of the loan and any
<br /> prior lien5 on the prope�y securing �the loan, up to the maximum pviicy Iim�ts se� under the National Flood
<br /> �nsur-ance Pr-ogram, or as otherwise required by Lender, and to main�ain su�h insur-ance�ar the term af th� 1aan.
<br /> App�ication o� P�oceeds. Trusto�sha�f promp�ly notify Lender a� any Ioss ar damage ta the Property. Lender may �
<br /> make �raa� ❑�� Iass i�r Trus�ar �ai�s t� do so within fifteen �15} days of the casualty. Whether ❑r nat Lender's
<br /> security is impairedr Lender may. at Lender's e[ec�ian, recei�e and retain �he proceeds a� any insurance and appIy
<br /> �t�e praceeds ta the reduction o� the Indebtedness, payment of any lien affiecting the Praperty, ❑r the restara�tian
<br /> and �epair ot the Praper�ty. I� Lender elects �❑ appIy the praceeds t❑ r�s�ora�ivn and r�pair, Trus�ar shali repair ar
<br /> replace �he damaged ar des�trayed ImpraWements in a manner satis�ac�ory t❑ Lender. Lender shall, uPan
<br /> satisfactory proo� ❑� such expenditur-e, pay ❑r reimburse Trustor �rom the proceeds for �he reasonah�e cost o�
<br /> repair or restora�ion i� Trus�or is not in default under this D�ed a� Trus�. Any praceeds which have not been
<br /> disbursed wi�hin �8� days after their receipt and which Lender has not committed �o �he �epair or restorati�n o�
<br /> th� Property shall be used �irst t❑ pay any amaunt owing t❑ Lender under this Deed ❑�Trust, then to pay a�crued
<br /> interes�, and the remainder, i� any, shai� be applEed t❑ the prinGipaI ba�ance a� �he �ndebtedness. If Lender halds
<br /> any praceeds af�er payment i� full ❑� the Indehtedness, such proceeds sha�� be paid to Trus�or as Trustor`s
<br /> �nter�sts may appear.
<br /> Trus�or's l��por�an Insu�ance. Upon request of Lender, howe�er not more than once a y�ar, Trus�or sha1� #urnish
<br /> to Lender a report on each existing po�icy o� insurance showing: 4�} the name of the �nsurer; �2} �he risks
<br /> insured; �3} the amount o� �he policy; �4� �he property insured, the then current repia��ment �alue of such
<br /> pr�perty, and �he manner af de�ermining that value; and �5} the expiration date o��he poliGy. Trustor shaIi, upon
<br /> request of Lender, ha�e an independent appraiser sa�is�actory to Lender d2t�rmine the cash value replacement cost
<br /> of the Proper�y.
<br /> LENDER'S E�CPENDiTl3I�ES. If any actian or pr��eeding is cammen�ed that wou�d materially a��ect Lender`s interest in
<br /> the Property vr if Trus�or fails tv comply with any pro�isivn ❑�this D�ed af Trust or any Related Documents, including
<br /> but not �imited to Trus�ar's �ailure to discharge �r pay ti�rhen due any amvunts Trus�or is re�ui�ed ta discharge ❑� pay
<br /> under�his Deed o�Trust or any Re�ated Doeumentsr Lend�r on Trustar's behalf may �but shali not be abIiga�ed to� take
<br /> any actian that Lender deems appropria��, inciuding but not Iimited to dischargFng ❑r paying al� taxes� �iens, security
<br /> interes�sr encumbrances and o�her Glaims, at any time le��ed or pIaced on the Prnper�y and paying aII costs for insuringf
<br /> main�a�ning and preseniing the Property. A11 such expend��ures incurred or pa�d by Lender�or suGh pu�poses will then
<br /> bear interest at�he ra�e Gharged under the Note from the date �ncurred or pa�d by Lender to the date a� repayment by
<br /> Trustor. AII su�h expenses wili becvme a part of the Indebtedness and, at Lender's ❑ption, �rvil! {A� b� payable ❑n
<br /> demand; {B� be added t❑ the balance o# the Na�e and be appor�ioned amang and be payabie with any instal�men�
<br /> paym�nts to become due during ei�her ��} the term o� any applicab�e insurance palicy; or {�� the remaining term af
<br /> the Na�e; or �C} be trea�ed as a baiIoon paym�nt v�rh�ch v�ili be due and payab�e a��he Nate's maturity. The Deed af
<br /> Trus� a�so vvil� secure paymen� a� �hese amaun�s. Such right sha[i be �n addition ta a1i other righ�s and remedies to
<br /> uvhich Lender may be ent�t�ed upvn De�au�t.
<br /> VVARRANTY; DEFENSE QF T[TLE. The fo�fawing provisians rela�ing ta ownership o��he Praperty are a part❑f�his Deed
<br /> ❑f Trust:
<br /> Ti�1e. Trus�o�- warrants that: �ay Tr-ustflr hoIds good and marketab�e titI� af recard �o the Proper�y fn �ee s�mple,
<br /> �ree and Giear a� al! fiens and encumbrances other than those set for�th in the R�al Property descriptian or in any
<br /> title insurance po�icy, ��tle report, or finaf titie vpini�n issued in -�a�ar of, and accepted by, Lender in conne�tion
<br /> �.►�ith this ❑eed a�Trust, and �b� Trustor has the ful� righ�� povver, and au�hority ta execute and deli�er�his Deed ❑f
<br /> Trust to Lender.
<br /> Defense of Titfe. Sublect �o �he exception in �he para�raph abaWe, Trus�ar vvarrants and will �arever defend the
<br /> title tn �he ProperCy against the law�uf claims ❑t a!1 persans. ln the event any action fl�- proceeding is commenced
<br /> that qu�st�ons Trus�or's ti�le or the �n�erest o�Trustee or Lender under this �eed of Trus�, Trustvr sha�f defend the
<br /> aG�i�n a�Trus�o�'s expense. Trustar may be the nominal party in such prviceed�ng, but Lender shaIl be enti�led ta
<br /> partic�pa�e in the proceeding and to be represen�ed in the prvc�eding by counsel o� Lend�r's vwn choicer and
<br /> Trustor v�ril� de�i�er, or cause to be deEi�ered, to Lender su�h ins�Cruments as Lender may reques�from time to time
<br /> tv permit such particEpation. �
<br /> Compliance VlTith Laws. Trus�or warrants tha� the Property and Trustor's use af the Praperty compl�es with al!
<br /> existing applicable Iaws, ❑r'dinan�es, and reguIations o�go�ernmen�al authorities.
<br /> Survi�a[ of Represen�ations and 1Narrant�es. Ali representa�ions, vvarranties, and agreements made by Trust�r in
<br /> this ❑�ed o�T�ust shall sur�iWe the execution and de�i�ery o�F this ❑eed at Trust, shaf� b� continuing in nature, an�
<br /> shall remain in�u1�force and ef�ect un�il such time as Barrower's Indeb�edness shaif be paid in fu��.
<br /> CONDEMNATi�N. The foila�rving pro�isions r�lating to condemnation prvGeed�ngs a�e a part at this Qeed of Trust:
<br /> Proc�edings. I� any proceeding in condemnation is �iled, T�'ustor shall pramptly notify Lender in �nrr�ting, and
<br /> Trustar shal! promptly take such s�eps as may be necessary ta defend the activn and ❑btain �he award. Trus�vr
<br /> may be the namina! party in such pro�eeding, bufi Lender sha�l be entitIed�� parti�ipate in the proceeding and to b�
<br /> represented in the proceeding by counsel ❑� its own choice, and Trustar w�l� deli�er or cause to be deli�ered tv
<br /> Lender such �nstruments and documentatian as may be requested by Lender ��om time to time �o permit such
<br /> part�cipa�ion.
<br /> � Application o�Nefi Praceeds. !� al! or any part o�the Property is c�ndemned by em�nent domain p�oceedings ❑r by
<br /> any praceeding or purchase in Ii�u o��ondemna�ion, Lender may at its e�ection requi�e that aIi or any por�ivn ❑f the
<br />