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� 2� 1 ��2�95 <br /> ���� �� ����� <br /> Loan �Uv: 2���� ��t]nt��u��I} Pa�e �- <br /> net proceeds o� �he award be applied to the �ndebtedness vr the repai� ❑r restaration ❑� the Property. The net <br /> pra�eeds o�the awa�-d shaIl mean the award after payment ❑f aII reasvnable casts, �xpenses, and attorneys' fees <br /> incurred by Trus�ee or Lender in �annection wE�th the condemnation. <br /> 1MPQSIT[aN �F TA?CES, FEES A�ItD CHAR�ES BY G�IPERNIV�ENTAL AUT��RfYIES. The �olfawing prov�sions relating <br /> to governmenta��axes, fees and charges are a part a��his Deed o�Trust: <br /> Curren�t Taxes, Fe�s and Charges. �pon �equest lay Lender, Trusto�shail �xecu�e such documen�s in addition to <br /> this Deed a�Trust and �ake whatever a�her action is requested by Lender t❑ perfect and cont�nue Lende�`s I�en ❑n <br /> the Reai Property. Trustnr shall reimburse Lender �or al! taxes, as described below, tagether vtir�th ai1 expenses <br /> incurred in recording, perfec�ing or continuing this ❑eed of Trust, �nciuding without f�mi�a��on all taxes, fees, <br /> daGumen�ary stamps, and othe�charges far record�ng or regis�ering�his Deed of Trust. <br /> Taxes. The f�llowing shaII canstitute tax�s to which th�s section applies: ��y a specifEc tax upan thfs type of <br /> Deed o� Trust or upnn afl ❑r any par� ❑f the �ndebtedness secured by �his �e�d ofi T�-us�� {2� a speci�ic tax an <br /> gvrrow�r which Borrow�r is author�zed or required to deduct #rom paymen�s ❑n the �ndeb�edness secured by this <br /> type of Deed of Trust; �3} a tax on �his type of Deed af Trust chargeabf� against the Lender ar the halder of th� <br /> Note; and {4} � sp�cific tax on al! or any portiQn �� the indebtedness or on payments ❑f prin�ipa� and interest <br /> made by Barrower. <br /> 5ubsequera� �'axes. I� any tax to which �h�s section applies is enacted subsequent �o the date of this Deed of <br /> Trust, this e�ent shali ha�e th� same ef�ect as an E�ent ❑� I�efault, and Lender may exereise any ar a�l af i�s <br /> a�ai�abie rem�dies for an E��nt o� De�auit as pro�ided below unless Trus�or either �1} pays the ta� be�ore �t <br /> becomes de[inquent, ❑r ��} con��sts the fiax as pro�ided abo�e in the Taxes and Liens section and deposits w€th <br /> Lender cash or a suf�i�ien�corpc�rate surety bond or��her security sa��sfactory�o Lender. <br /> SECURITY AGF�EEMENT; FINAt1��ING STATEIUlE�VTS. The foliowing provisians �-e�ating t❑ this aeed ❑� Trust as a <br /> securi�ty agreement are a part of this �eed of Trust: <br /> Securi�y Agreement. This ins�rument shaff consti�u�e a Security Ag�eement �o the extent any of the Property <br /> constitut�s fixtures, and Lender shali ha�e a�E o�the rights of a secured party under the Unifarm Commerc�al Code <br /> as amended �rom time to time. <br /> Security [n�erest. Upon request by Lender, Trus�ar shai! take whateve� actian is reques�ted by Lender t❑ per�ect <br /> . and cont�nue Lender`s securi�y interest in fih� Rents and Personai Praper�y. !n add�tion ta recording this Deed af <br /> T�-ust in the real property recards, Lender may, at any rime and without �urther au�horization from Trustor, �ile <br /> executed cvunterparts, copies or repraductians af �his Deed of Trus� as a �inancing statement. Trustar sha�1 <br /> reimburse Lender#or al! expenses incurred in per�ec��ng ar con�inuing this security fn�eres't. Up�n default, Trusta�r <br /> sha!! not remo�e, sever ar detach �the PersonaI Proper�y ��om the P�aperty. Upon defauit, Trust�r shaII assemble <br /> any P�rsonaf Property nat a��ixed to the Property in a manner and at a place reasonably convenien�to Trustor and <br /> Lender and make it a�aE�able to Lender with�n 'three �37 days after rec�ip�t of wri�ten d�mand �ram Lender ta the <br /> exten�permitted by applicable law. <br /> Addr�sses. The mailing addresses of Trustor �deb�or} and Lender �secured party} �ram v�hich informa�ian <br /> concerning the secur�ty �nterest granted by �his Deed �f Trust may be abtained �each as required by the Unifarm <br /> Commercia� Code} are as stated on�he first page o�this Deed af Trust. <br /> FURTHEFi ASSURANCES; A�TT�RNEY-lN--FACT. The fiollov�ing provisions relating ta �urther assurances and <br /> a�tarney-in-fact are a part o�this Deed ❑f Trust: <br /> Further Assurances. At any time, and �ram time t❑ time, upon request a� Lend�r, Trustar wi�l make, execute and <br /> deli�er, or wil� cause�o be rnade, executed ❑r de��vered, t❑ Lender❑��to Lender's designe�, and �rvhen requested by <br /> Lender, cause ta be �i�ed, recorded, ref�fed, ar rereco�-ded, as th� case may be, at such times and in su�h o����es <br /> and places as Lender may deenn appropriate, any and ail such mortgages, deeds ❑�trus�, security deeds, security <br /> agreements, ��nancing statements, cantinuation statements, instrumen�s �f furthsr assurance, cer�if�cates, and <br /> ❑ther dacuments as may, in the so�e ❑pinivn o� Lender, be necessary or desirable in order�❑ ef�ectuate, comple#e, <br /> perfec�, con�inue, or prese�-ve ['�) Borrvwer's and Tr-ustar's obligations under �the Not�, �his ❑eed D�Ti'USt, and <br /> �he Reiated Dacuments, and ��7 the liens and security int�res�s created by this Deed o�Trus� as first and prior <br /> l��ns on the P�-operty, whether now ❑wned or herea�ter acqu�red �y Trust�r. Un��ss prohibi�ed hy 1aw ar Lender <br /> agrees �o the cont�ary in writing, Trustor shai! reimburse Lender �o�- a!� costs and expenses incurred in connection <br /> with the mat�ers referred to in�his paragraph. <br /> Rt�vrney--in-Fact. !f Trus�or�ai�s tv d❑ any af the things re�err-ed t❑ in �he preceding paragraph, Lender may do s❑ <br /> far and in the name of Trus�ar and a� Trustor-'s expense. Far such purposes, Trustvr he��by �r�reW�cably appoints <br /> Lende�as T�-us�or's attorney--in-fact�or�fihe purpos� ot making, executing, deliver-ing, filing, re�ording, and doing all <br /> o�her �hings as may be necessary or desirahIe, in Lender's so�e opinian, �o accomplish the mat�ters referred to in <br /> �Che preceding paragraph. <br /> FULL PERF�RMANCE. lf Borro�rve� and Trustor pay ali the �nd�btedness, Enc�uding w�thou� limitation all future <br /> ad�ances, when du�, and Trus�or o�therwise performs a��the obligatians imposed upon Trustor under this �eed o�Trust, <br /> Lender sha!! execute and deli�e� to Trustee a reques� �or �ull recan�eyanc� and sha�l execu�e and deliver tv Trustar <br /> suitable s�atemen�s a�termina�ion of any financing statemen� ❑n file ���dencing Lender's security interes�in the Rents <br /> and the Personal Property. Any recon�eyance �ee required by �aw shaii be pa�d by Trustor, �f p��mit�ed by appficab�e <br /> law. <br /> EVENTS OF DEFAULT. Each ❑�the �o�lo�rv�ng, at Lender's option, shall constitu�e an Even� a� ❑efault under�his D��d <br /> q�Trust: <br /> Paymen�Default. Borrower faiIs�a ma�e any payment when due under the lndebtedness. <br /> �ther Defaults. Borrower ar Trustor �a�is to comply w�th ❑r to perform any ❑ther term, ❑bligation, covenant ❑r <br /> cflndition �ontained in this Deed of Trust or in any of the Related Documen�s ❑r ta comply wi�h ar ta perfarm any <br /> �erm, ob�igation, ca�enant or candition cantained in any other agre�men�between Lender and Barrowe�or Trus�or. - <br /> Compjiance Defau�t. Failure t❑ comply with any ather term, ob�igation, covenant or condi��an �on�ained in this <br /> Deed a�Trust,the Nate or in any of the Re�ated Documents. <br /> Defau�t on ather Payments. Failure ot Trus�or with�n�he�ime required by this Deed ❑�Trust�o make any payment <br /> for tax�s ar Fnsurance, or any other paymen�necessary ta pre�ent filing v#o�to e�fec�discharge o�any lien. <br /> Faise Statements. Any warranty, representation or statement made �r�ur�nished to Lende�- by Borrav�rer❑r Trustor <br /> ar an Bvrrower's or Trus�or's behaff under �his Deed of Trus� or the Related Documents is fa�s� ❑r misleading in <br /> any material respect, �ither now or a� �he time made or furnished or �ecames false o� mis�eading at any ��me <br /> the�-eaf�er. <br /> Defecti�e Callaterali�a�ian. This �eed o� Trus� ❑r any o�F the Related Documen�s ceases �� be in ful� �ror�e and <br /> e-��ec� �inc�uding �ailure o� any collateral document ta create a �a��d and per�Fec�ed se�urity in�eres� ar �ien} at any <br /> time and for any reason. <br /> �nso�vency. The d�ssolution❑r�e�mination ❑�Borrower's or Trustar`s existence as a gving business, �he inso�vency <br /> ❑f Bvrrower ar Trustar, �he appain�ment n� a recei�er for any ,nart o� Sorr�we�'s or Trustor's property, any <br />