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2� 1 �� 1827 <br /> �ecur��y�ns�rument vvhe�her or nat the sums are�hen due. <br /> �f the Property is abandoned by Barrovver, or if, after no�ice by Lender ta Borrawer tha� the �ppQsing <br /> Party �as def�ned in tihe nex� sentence} affers �o make an awar� �o settle a c�aim for damages, Barrower fails�o <br /> resp�nd �o Lender within 3� days after �he da�e �he n��ice is gxven, Lender is author�zed �o coll�c� and apply <br /> the Miscel�aneaus Proceeds either �o res�oratian or repair �f the Prop�xty or �a �he sums secured by �his <br /> Se�urity Ins�rumen�, whe�h�r or no� then due. "[�pposing Fa�rty" means the �hird par�y that awes Barrower <br /> Miscellaneous Praceeds ar �h� party aga�ns� whflm Barrow�r has a r�gh� of ac�ian in regard to M�scellaneaus <br /> Proceeds. <br /> Bo�rro�er shall be in defaul� if any action �r pra�eeding, whether c�vil or cr�mina�, 15 b�gun tha�, in <br /> Lender's judgmen�, cou�d resul� in forfe��ure of�he Proper�y or o�her mat�ria� impai�rment of Lender's �nterest <br /> in the Praper�y �r r�ghts under �his Securxty �nstrument. Barr�wer can cure such a defau�� and, if acceiera�ion <br /> has occurred, reins�a�e as provid�d in Sec�ion 19, by causing the ac�i�n or proceeding �o be d�sm�ssed wi�h a <br /> ruiing �ha�, in L�nder's �udgmen�, prec�ud�s farfe��ure of �he Property �r other ma�eriai �mpairmen� of <br /> Lender's interes� in th� Praperty or r�ghts under�h�s Se�ur��y Yns��rument. The proceeds of a�y avvard or claim <br /> for damages�hat are attribu�ab�e to the impairmen� �f Lender's in�erest rn�he Prflper�y are hereby assigned and <br /> shal�be paid to Lender. <br /> Ai� Miscellaneaus Proc�eds �hat are no� applied �a restora�ion or repa�r of�he Proper�y shall be appi�ed in <br /> the order pra�ided for in Sect�on 2. <br /> 1Z, Borrawer No� Re�eased; Forbearance By Lender Not a Waiver. Extensi�n of the time for paymen� <br /> or modifcation of amor�iza�xan �f the sums secured by �his Security �ns�rument gran�ed by Lender to <br /> Borrower ar any Successor in �n�eres� af Borrower shall nflt operate �a release the Iia�ility af Borro�er ��r any <br /> Su�cessors in In�eres� af Borrower. Lend�r sha�l nat be required to commen�e proceedings agains� any <br /> Suc�essor in �nterest of Borrawer or to refuse to ex�end ��me for payment �r o�herv�ise modzfy amo�r�iza��on of <br /> �he sums secured by �his Se�ur�ty �nstrumen� by reason of any demand made by the original Borrawer or any <br /> Successnrs in �nt�res� of Borrower. Any forbearance by Lender �n exercising any righ� or �emedy inc�uding, <br /> v��thou� limita�ian, Lende�r's a�ceptance af payments from �hird persons, entit�es or Successars in In�erest of <br /> Borrowe� ar in amounts Iess�han the amount�hen due, shali no�be a�aiWer of or pre�lude the exercise of any <br /> �r�ght or remedy. <br /> 13. Joint and Se�eral Lxabili�y; Co-signers; Successors and Assigns Round. Barrower co�enants and <br /> agrees that B orrower's ob�iga��ons and ��abi 1�ty shal l be j��nt and several. Hnv�rev�r, any B arrawer who <br /> co�-signs �h�s Secur�ty �ns�rumen� bu� does no� execu�e �he No�e �a "co-signer"}: �a} is co-sign�ng th�s Securxty <br /> Instrumen� �nly �� mar�gage, grant and convey �he c�-signer's inte�res� in the Praper�y under �h� ��rms of�his <br /> Securi�y �nstrument; �b} is no� persona��y obiiga�ed �� pay the sums secur�d by �h�s Securi�y zns��umenti; and <br /> �c} agrees tha� Lender and any o�her Barrawer �an agree �o ex�end, madify, f�rhear or make any <br /> accommoda�ions wi�h regard to the �erms of this Securi�y rns��rument o�r �he No�e vvithout th� co�-s�gner's <br /> consent. <br /> Subject to �he pra��sions of Sec�ion 18, any Successar in �nterest of Borrowe�r who assumes Borrov�er's <br /> obliga�ions und�r this Secur��y 7ns�rumen� in writing, and is appro��d by Lende�r, s�ali ob�a�n a�� of <br /> Borrovve�r's rights and benef��s under �his Security Instrument. Borrawer shal� not be released f�rom <br /> Borrower's obligations and ��abil��y under this Security �ns�rumen� uniess Lender agrees �o su�h �re�ease in <br /> v�rriting. The co�enan�s and a�reements af this Security �ns�rumen� shall b�nd �ex�ep� as provzd�d �n Sectian <br /> 24}and benefit the suc�essors and assigns of Lender. <br /> 14. Laan Charges. Lender may charge Bnrrower fees fa�r ser�ices performed in cannection vvi�h <br /> Borrovvex's defaul�, far the purpfls� of pr�tec�ing Lender's in�erest in the Property and �righ�s under �his <br /> Se�urity �nstrument, �nciud�ng, bu� no� Iim��ed �n, a�t�rneys' fees, prape�r�y inspec�ian and valua�xon f�es, In <br /> regard to any other fees, the absence of express au�hori�y �n th�s Security �nstrument�a charge a spec�f�c fee to <br /> Barrower shaii no�b� construed as a prohibitian on the�harging af such fee. Lender may no� charge fees that <br /> are express�y prahibited by�his Security�ns�rumen�or by Applicable Law. <br /> If the Loan is subjec�to a �avv�h�ch sets maximum iaan charges, and tha� iaw is �naily interpr��ed sa �ha� <br /> �he in�eres� or o�her Iaan charges callected o�r to be ca��ecte� �n c�nnec�ion with �he Laan exceed �he pe�mi��ed <br /> limi�s, theri: �a} any such loan cha�rge sha�� be reduced by the amount necessary ta reduce the charge to th� <br /> perm�t��d limi�; and �b} any sums already callec��d fxom Borrower vvhich exceeded permi��ed I�mits will be <br /> refunded ta Barrower. Lender may choose to make this refund by reduc�ng the prrncipal Qwed under�he N�te <br /> or by making a direct paymen� to Borrov�rex. �f a refund reduces pr�ncipal, the r�duc�ian vvill be trea�ed as a <br /> par��ai prepaymen� vvith�u� any prepaymen� charge �vvhe�her ar r�flt a p�repaym�nti charge �s prfl�r�ded fo� under <br /> NEBRASKA-5ingle Family -FannieMae�FreddieMac UNIF�RM INSTRl1MENT <br /> Fvrm 3flZ8'i!0'I <br /> Laser Forms Inc.t8fl�}446-3555 <br /> �.F�#FNMA3�28-MERS 91�1 Page 9 of 13 1nIt12tIS: � <br /> .w...,� <br />