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2� 1 �� 1827 <br /> the Note�. Bor�ro�er's accep�ance of any such refund made by di�rect paymen� �o Barra�er vv�ll const�tiu�e a <br /> wai�er of any righ�of ac�ion Barrower might have ar�sxng ou��f such avercha�rge. <br /> 15. Noti�es, Ail na�ices given by Bor�ower or Lender in cflnnec�i�n with �h�s S�curity �ns�rumen� mus� <br /> be �n w�i�ing. Any not�ce �o Borrower in conr�ec�ion wi�h �his Security �ns�rumen� shall be deemed to ha�e <br /> been gi���a t� Borrower when ma�Ied by f�rst c�ass mai� or �hen ac�ually delivered tfl Barrawer's notice <br /> address if sen� by a�her means. Notice �o any one Borrower sha�i const��ute no�i�� �o al� B�rrowers unless <br /> Appli�able Law expressly requ�r�s otherwise. Th� nnt�ce address shall be th� Proper�y Address unl�ss <br /> Borrovver has designa�ed a substi�u�e notice address by natice �o Lender. Borrower sha�l promptly natify <br /> Lender af Borrower's change of address. �f Lender sp�ci�es a proGedure fQr reparting Borro�er's change of <br /> add�ress, �hen Borro�er shaii anly repor� a change af address �hrough that spec��ed procedure. Thexe may be <br /> anly one designa�ed n���ce address under �his Secu�rity �ns��rument at any one time. Any no�ice to Lender shai� <br /> be gi�en by delivering i� or by maiiing it by firs� ciass mail to Lender's address statied herein unless Lender <br /> has designa�ed ano�her address by natice�o Borrow�r. Any notice in conne��ion vvith �his Security �nstrument <br /> shall no� be deemed to hav� been giW�n to Lender un��� ac�ual�y re�eiv�d by Lender. �f any n�tice requ�red by <br /> �h�s Security �ns�rumen� is also required under Appii�able Law, �he Applicabie Law requxxemen� wi�I satisfy <br /> �he corresponding requ�remen�under thrs Securi�y Instrumen�. <br /> 15. Go�erning Law; Severabi�ity; Rules of Construc��on. This Security �nstrument shal� be gove�rned <br /> by federal law and �he law of�he jurisd�c��on in which �he Pra�erty rs Iaca�ed. AI� rights and obliga�ions <br /> conta�ned �n th�s Security �nstrumen� are subject ta any �-equiremen�s and Iim��a�ians of Appli�abie La�. <br /> App�i�abie Law m�gh� exp�ici�ly flr xmpiici�ly aliow the par�ies �o agree by contrac� or i� m�gh� be si�en�, but <br /> such silence sha�1 n�� be cons�rued as a prohibition agains� agreement by contract. In the eWent �ha� any <br /> provision or c�ause of�his Security Ins�rumen� or the No�e canflic�s with Applicab�e Law, su�h canfl�ct sha�1 <br /> no� affect o�her pro�xs�ons af �his Securi�y �ns�rumen� �r �he N��e which can be giv�n effec� vvithout the <br /> conflic�ing prov�sian. <br /> As used in �h�s Se�urity �ns�rumen�: �a} wards af the mascui�ne gend�r sha�l m�an and include <br /> correspflnding neu�er words �r �vards ❑f the feminine gender; �b� words in th� singu�ar sha�l mean and include <br /> �he plural and vice versa; and �c} �he word "may" gives sale discreti�n wi�hou� any ob�iga�ion to take any <br /> action. <br /> 17. Borrower's Copy. Borrov�er shall be gi�en one copy af�he No�e and of this Security �ns�rument. <br /> 1S. Transfer of�he Proper�y or a I3enef�c�a� Interest in Borrower. As used in this Sect�on �8, "�nt��es� <br /> �n the Proper-ty" means any lega� ar benefi�ial in�erest �n �he P�aper�y, 1I`lC�l�C�ing, bu� no� �imi�ed �a, �hose <br /> bene�c�al interests �ransferred �n a bond for deed, can�ract far d�ed, ins�a�lment saies con�rac� or escrovv <br /> agreemen�,�h�in�ent af which is�he transfer of�i��e by Borrawer at a fu�ure da�e�o a purchaser, <br /> If all or any par� of the Praperty or any rn�erest in the Proper�y is soid or�ransfe�r�red �ar if B�rrower is no� <br /> a na�ural p�rson and a benefic�al interest in Borrovver is sa�d or transferr�d} without Lender`s priar writt�n <br /> c�nsent, Lend�r may requir� imm�d�a�e paymen� �n fu11 of a�l sums secured by �his Securi�y �nstrumen�. <br /> Hovvever,�hxs op��on shall no�be exercise�l by Lender�f su�h exerc�se is proh�bited by Applicab�e Law. <br /> �f Lender �xercises �his op�ion, Lender shall gi�e Borravver notice af acceiera��on. The no�ice shail <br /> pro�ide a p�riod of no� �ess than 30 days from the da�e �he nntice �s gi�en zn accordance wi�h Section �5 <br /> within �vhich Borrower must pay a�1 sums secured by th�s Secur��y Ins�rumen�. If Barrower fa�ls �� pay �hese <br /> sums prior �� �he expira�xo� of �his per�od, Lender may inwoke any remedies permi�ted by this Secur��y <br /> ins�rumen�vvithau�further na�ice or demand�n Borrower. <br /> 19. Borrower's Right �a Reinstate After Ac�Qleration. �f Borra�ver mee�s cer�a�n c�nd��i�ns, Barrower <br /> shail have �h� righ� �o have enfarcem�nt af thrs Secur��y �ns�rumen� d�scontinued at any �ime prxor �fl �he <br /> earliest of: �a� f�v� days bef�re saie of�he Proper�y pursuan� to any p�wer of sale con�ained in �his S��uri�y <br /> Ins�rumen�; (b� such other period as App�icable Law migh� specxfy for �he termxna�ion of Borrower's righ� to <br /> re�nsta�e; a�r �c� entry af a judgmen� enfarcing this Security rns�rumen�. Th�se conditions are �hat Barrflwer: <br /> �a} pays Lender a�i sums vvh�ch �hen v�ou�d be due under this Security �ns�rument and th� Not� as if no <br /> accel�ration had Qccu�red; �b� cures any default of any a�her �ovenants or agreements; �c} pays all expenses <br /> in�ur�red in �nforcing th�s Security �nstrumen�, including, but n�� �imi�ed to, reasonable att�rneys' fees, <br /> praper�y inspec�ion and �alua��an fees, and other fees incurxed fflr �he purpose of p�ro�ec�ing Lender's in�erest <br /> in �he Prope�r�y and righ�s under �his Se�ur��y �nstrumen�; and �d} takes such action as Lender may reas�nably <br /> require to assure tha� Lender's �n�eres� �n the Prop�r�y and rights under th�s Secur��y Ins�rurnen�, and <br /> Borrawer's �bliga�ion �o pay �he sums secured by �his S�curity �nstrumen�, shai� continue unchariged. Lender <br /> may requi�re �hat I3orrower pay such rerns�a�emen� sums and exp�nses xn one �r more af�he fallo�nr�ng fnrms, <br /> NEBRASFCA�Single �am��y -Fann�eMaelFreddieMac L]NIFDRM 1NSTRUMENT <br /> Form 3028'!!D'f <br /> Laser Forms lnC.�8�0}446-3555 � <br /> l�FI#FNMA3a28-MERS 91�� Pa e 1 n o 13 . ` <br /> g f I n itia ls:,,,,r,,,�,,, <br /> � <br />
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